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Hathian General Hospital Handbook

Congratulations!! You have chosen to work in Hathian General Hospital. This Handbook should serve as a very good starting point for all staff members from Volunteers to Senior Physicians. It is our hope that the information contained within helps to get you acquainted with and inspires your role within HGH. Get to know the other staff members; everyone was new once and will be willing to help. Any further questions you may have can be directed to either of the current HGH Chief of Staff. Additionally, you are invited to get in touch with the current leads at your earliest convenience to discuss your goals and specialties. Doing so also ensures that you are in the system properly and added to the Municipal Network, a group that allows HPD, FDH, and HGH staff to communicate with one another. We will try to provide you with both OOC and IC information as it pertains to Medical Roleplay. Always remember, when in doubt, Google is your best friend. WebMD can also be a valuable resource for symptoms, treatments, and drug facts. Medical Admission Procedures & Patient Charts General Medical Guide Positions Available within Hathian General Hospital CODE OF CONDUCT We have tried to keep the rules simple. We don’t want to discourage any type of roleplay you partake in within HGH, instead hoping to inspire fun, but realistic, operations within a Medical Center in a very dark town. 1. Staff at all times represent HGH: This includes off duty, outside of the […]

perina mcginnis March 19, 2017 April 4, 2023
Hathian Observer Employee Handbook

Welcome to the Hathian Observer – Hathian’s original and only trusted source of news! (@HathianObserver on twitter) As an Observer employee, your duties & pay will depend on your position. These positions include News Beat Reporter, Columnist, & Photographer, along with an internship in conjunction with Columtreal University. Periodic raises will be based on activity and performance. ARTICLE INTERESTS All articles in the Observer will be defined by one or more of the following sections of the newspaper: Crime, News, Weather, Entertainment, Opinion, Interview, Business, Columtreal Univerity, Classifieds (Ads or Personal). This should serve as possibly inspiration for ideas, which can range from covering crime in the area to interviewing a business, talking about upcoming social events, restaurant reviews, to name a few. The possibilities are vast! DRESS CODE/BEHAVIOR Dress is casual, but no nudity, ragged clothing, & employees are expected to maintain grooming standards (aka, please shower). They’re also expected to maintain good attitudes; don’t be an asshole. In cases of robbery, don’t be a hero either. Dial 911. SECURITY There are two cameras stationed in the officer. One in the corner of main floor (full visibility) and one directly outside covering the immediate area in front of the door and window. These are a digital feed, there is no tape. ((If you run into a situation in the office, please post about their existence at least once.)) EMPLOYEE CREDENTIALS & ACCESS Criminal and Medical records are highly confidential in Hathian, and reporters are not granted access to them. […]

perina mcginnis September 29, 2018 February 26, 2023 newspaper, observer, press
Syllabus: Psychology Class

The Link is the syllabus for the class if there needs to be changes so that it follows CU standards please message me! Roleplay Guide: This class is a requirement for all graduates. Please Roleplay Cheating or Missing class at your own risk or risk being expelled from class and reported to the Dean. This class is debate based and essay based. Essays are 10 sentences or more long. Office hours are located at my residence until further notice. Please take this class serious (Roleplay based) and have a lot of fun during debates! Go Looters!

dymize.resident July 21, 2022 July 21, 2022 class, columtreal, O, psychology
Probation Work Skeleton – DRAFT

Probation-Correctional Work Casefile Skeleton Casefile Number: @@@DDMMYYYHALA (3 Letters differentiate between Law LAW, Social SOC, & Parole PAR, date, & location) Parolee Name: Parolee Age: Case Particulars: (Information regarding case including crime & sentence from HPD records) Case Rehabilitation: (Information & progress of meetings with the prisoner whilst serving their sentence) Sentence End Date: Release On Parole: Yes/No Parole Release Conditions: (List the conditions to be obeyed by the parolee such as curfew, location avoidance, associate avoidance, work attendance, RP these, try to fit to the crime, player, timezone etc. N/a if none). Staff Involved: (Any HPD, HGH, or CS members involved) Pre Release Home Visit Date: Home Visit Outcome: (What are the home circumstances, is there sufficient space, are there sufficient funds, are there other issues that either allow or prevent release to the address) Post Release Home Visit Date: Home Visit Outcome: (What are the home circumstances, is there sufficient space, are there sufficient funds, are there other issues that either allow or prevent release to the address) Follow Up Information: (Are there also needs for referral to law or therapy, state reasons) Referrals: (CS members to be referred to) ———————————————————————————————————- Copy of above sections to be handed to the Parolee for their reference. Whole form to be uploaded to forum in same way as a Social care form. —————————————————————————————————– Witness List: (Anyone, service or civilian needing to be warned by CS of the parole release) Re-Arrest Referral: (Information on why the parolee needs to be rearrested, usually […]

Monica Blackwood January 9, 2022 January 9, 2022
The Cookbook

The Cookbook (of jokes)     Walker’s Gein Burgers: 400g Grade A — 400g veal mince 200g bone marrow (minced) Note: The less seasoning you use, the more the taste. Step 1: Mix together the Grade A —– , veal and bone marrow in a large bowl Step 2: Firmly grind together the meat until evenly mixed Step 3: Add salt and pepper to taste, fry a small lump of Grade A —– in a pan to taste and adjust seasoning accordingly Step 4: Shape the burgers using a 90mm cutter – if you don’t have one then feel free to shape by hand. You should use around 150g of the mixture per patty. Step 5: Cook the burgers in a frying pan on a medium-hot temperature; frequently turning the meat until you reach the desired color Step 6: Preheat oven to 380, and finish the patties for 6 minutes, or more if you like your Grade A —– well done. Enjoy!

Jeff May 22, 2021 May 22, 2021

Social Work Case: (As of 5/10/21) Social Worker: Ryley Wallis Hathian Civil Services # 556-7745 ext 283 Case: Eric Elliot Robert Hadley Summary: Eric came into the hospital with a stab wound from someone by the name of Trevor that was supposed to be watching over him and Sean Diaz. Boys reported kidnapping and stabbing. Looked up Eric’s file and turns out Eric is a runaway and not currently under guardianship. I put a flag on his file and put him into custody with Seaside. He has since disappeared from places he should be, investigations ongoing. •Full Name: Eric Elliot Robert Hadley •Other name(s): Tiger (by Mariah) Fighter (by Sean) Reb (by self) Punk (by Sean/everyone) Killer (by friend) Sport (by Trevor) Little Soldier (by Stefan) •Age: 17 |Sep 10th, 2003 •Born in: Wichita, KS •Family: Mom: Real Estate Agent (Mariah Gallagher)(Deceased) (Death thought to be murder (Ivan)) Dad: Police Officer (Ivan Hadley)(Deceased) (Death thought to be suicide) (Eric found his mom and dad dead upstairs at a house party; a friend tried to say it was Eric’s fault) (Was put into CPS at 14-15 years old on his birthday) Brother-older-: soldier (Stefan Hadley) (Deceased) (Eric accidentally shoots and kills Stefan during a hunting trip over a fight with a revolver, no trace to Eric)(Body was left in a forest outside Hathian) •How many foster homes Eric Hadley has been in: 4 in 3 years. (he ran away from the last one and has been switched over to the next […]

NPC May 15, 2021 May 15, 2021
Medical Admission Procedures & Patient Charts

Medical Records are very important in Hospital Roleplay. Not only does it provide patients with CD ‘Street Cred’ and a character’s medical history, but also allows your performance to be monitored for promotions. The records are easy to locate and use (you have to be on roster to access them). PATIENT HISTORY The “Records library” where all existing records are stored is located on the ground floor in the Storage Room next to the reception desk. Note: if you are having trouble please try a Firefox or Google based web browser as the program doesn’t always like Internet Explorer. To look for an existing chart: 1. Click on the Chart Shelf and a menu pop up. “HGH Records: Type patient name on channel 20.” MUST BE AV NAME not the display or character name. This gives you 10 seconds to fill out the name. Example: /20 Nadir Taov 2. Once filled out, a new menu takes you to the webpage where the patient chart opens for you and lets you peruse all through the records. At this point, you cannot edit any of the information you are reading. But you can scroll through the entire record, page after page. CREATING A NEW PATIENT CHART For every visit to the hospital, a patient will have a new chart written up for the reasons that brought them in. Please be thorough; sometimes patients can be very particular about what they want included in their chart. Also, always remember that the next Doctor […]

perina mcginnis March 22, 2017 March 28, 2021
WKRK Employee Handbook

Welcome to WKRK – Hathian’s original & only radio station! (@CDWKRK on twitter) As a WKRK employee, your duties & pay will depend on your position. These positions include Station Manager, Radio DJ ($12/hr),  Producer, News reporter ($10/hr), and Marketing intern (unpaid). See: WKRK Position Details Periodic raises will be based on activity and performance. ((DJ information is below; a must read!)) DRESS CODE/BEHAVIOR No official uniform, other than a t-shirt available in the future. Dress is casual, but no nudity, ragged clothing, & employees are expected to maintain grooming standards (aka, please shower). They’re also expected to maintain good attitudes; don’t be an asshole. In cases of robbery, don’t be a hero either. Dial 911. SECURITY There are two cameras stationed in the station. One in the corner of main floor (full visibility) and one upstairs (full visibility). These are a digital feed, there is no tape. ((If you run into a situation in the station, please post about their existence at least once.)) [OOC Notes] HIRING: All Rader/WKRK hires would IC go through Perina McGinnis personally, so it’s up to you if you want to RP out the hire/interview, or just NPC it. I’m up for either! But if NPC’d, both your character and Peri will be familiar with each other then, at least on the basic level of names, age. When it comes to DJing in CD, we have two opportunities: you can have a set show time every week/every other week, or you can DJ at […]

perina mcginnis May 17, 2016 March 10, 2021 rader records, wkrk
Hathian Police Department Guide
Jack Hartigan September 26, 2014 February 24, 2021
For Better or for Worse

Recently been shipped to this place and wards of the state things are changing for Eliza and her brother. But the question is for better or for worse? After giving up on most adults and anything related to social services a crazy man with many titles came out of the woodwork and was insistent on getting the two Evans kids on the right track, going far out of his way to make sure they are. Perhaps the view of the social services might change a slight bit? At least after meeting Mr D.. the man of many hats. Time will tell.

Eliza Evans Lannock June 20, 2020 June 20, 2020
Viewing 11-20 of 49 docs