
Homes Available

We are unable to take reservations for units. Also, please keep in mind that all tenants have a three day grace period before their rental expires and becomes available automatically.

Status Property Region Price Teleport Updated
Dorm Room #026 Black Bottom L$250/wk Teleport 5 hrs ago

Shops Available

The following shops are available for your own private business to be run right out of the main RP area in either Crack Den, Backwaters, or at our Columtreal campus (see regions). Look for an available spot and be sure to submit a proposal for a quick review.

Status Property Region Price Teleport Updated
CD Cash 4 Gold Hathian L$350/wk Teleport 5 hrs ago

Vehicle Permit Available

Support the sim with a special vehicle permit! All permits allow you to drive on any region, however to keep your vehicle parked/rezzed while not in use may only occur on the region the permit was rented from. For vehicle usage, please see our vehicle permit guide.

Status Property Region Price Updated