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HPD Guide

Table of contents HPD Ranks General Principles Welcome to Hathian’s Finest – New Hires/’Rookies’ at the HPD Important things to do once you are accepted as a cop The CD Field HUD New hires are not allowed to carry a gun Participate in training sessions and workshops Your First Promotion – From New Hire to Officer Returning Officers Interactions with Citizens and Criminals General roleplay guidelines Gun confiscations Arrests Fake charges/corrupt reports Visitors Lawyers The Gym Bail Parole and probation officers Youth and Civil Services Raids Going OOC or AFK The Bureaucracy… Reports – what to do Reports – what to avoid Correcting reports Case assignments Warrants All Point Bulletin (APB) Bench Warrants Citations/Parking Tickets The HPD Station NPCs HPD doors The lobby Camera locations The evidence room Damage to HPD Property/Car parking lot Communication HPD Group Municipal Group How to use the radio HPD Blotter/Police Reports Uniforms and dress code Equipment Tactical Gear Dresscode for Detectives Weapons Tasers Guns Cars K9 unit and handlers HPD and CUPD HPD and Laveau/Backwaters Corruption and the HPD   HPD Ranks: Inspector – OOC Lead An individual of stature in the HPD, known for their unyielding determination. The Inspector, having ascended through the ranks, now stands at the top. Unfazed by the daily concerns of their subordinates, they focus on optimizing the department. Captain – OOC Lead The bridge between the HPD’s seasoned officers and the upper echelons of Hathian’s political and law enforcement leadership. The Captain steers the narrative, driving the corruption […]

Blue Noel August 21, 2023 February 11, 2025 cops, Hathian Police Department, HPD, HPD Guide, police
Chamber of Commerce

My character [Cesar Arnaud] would like to start a Chamber of Commerce for the city. Cesar is a local businessman even if he is a silent partner in the Flamin’ Cajun endeavors and realty holding, he has been a big part of the business and in expanding it with the efforts and help of his business partner Denise Russo, the public face of the enterprises. The Chamber of Commerce would see the opportunity for city business owners to network IC, share contacts, and benefit from loans and interactions within the Chamber of Commerce. There could also be a chance to have some kind of stock market with players of businesses OOC volunteering to choose whether their businesses go up or down, having success or failures. [Could be decided by dice or ICC]. These investments could have been made IC by other players into the business itself too. [IPO] The Chamber of Commerce would: 1. Sign up businesses- Entailing going around to see which businesses would be most interested in joining and charging a minimal fee of $100 p/a. 2. Make goals–whether securing investment for the city, turning vacant shops/properties into businesses, or providing loans and funds as well as contacts for start-ups, and new entrepreneurs. 3. Give businesses a chance to IPO to those who might wish to do so and have others buy shares in them. This would provide losses/successes which people can RP out. This could be determined by dice or in RP. 4. Hold business meetings to […]

ConradDBK Resident October 19, 2024 October 19, 2024 Chamber of Commerce, feedback appreciated, proposal, suggestion
HPD – Detailed Guide to Field HUD and Report System

HPD Field Hud Guide In this guide we will explain how the HPD Field Hud works. The HUD works only for one municipal group. Meaning you can only be in one police or fire department group of the Alterscape sims. You cannot be a part of more than one of these groups at a time. You will receive the HUD automatically when you joined the HPD – if not, you can find it here: Find the HUD in your inventory, then right click it. Press “add”. << Video of Right click adding Hud.>> This will result in this visual on your HUD UI. The HUD has two buttons. We will call them the “Star” and the “Radio” for easier explanation of the system. Firstly, try what happens when you click the star. Once it loads you will be greeted by the following menu: As you can see, there are six buttons in total. Two of them will be used to file reports:“Good Cop” and “Bad Cop.” These can be explained easily. Did you do a non-corrupt RP, incident or arrest? You will be using the “Good Cop” option. If you did something corrupt, think bribery, assault, battery or rape, you will be using the “Bad Cop” button. After clicking one of those buttons, the following menus pop up: This is the Good Cop menu. This is the Bad Cop menu. As you can see both are almost the same. However, once you click on the report, you will be lead […]

Blue Noel June 27, 2024 June 27, 2024
Meeting Oliver

[23:14] Tári Mero A’noh (aylee.starchild) smiles seeing a matching outfit that was hard to miss. “that hat is fabulous.” her tone was sincere as she walked up admiring the size of the hat. “what a lovely color.” [23:18] .:Olivier (obsidianlethrone) turns his sights away from the poster, a trail of smoke following the trail of his own head turning to follow. A bright smile graced his features. “Thanks, sweetie!” Reaching up, he touched upon the brim as if ready to pull it off. “I like this color too. It’s so flashy, I love flashy. I was thinking pink but I thought it’d be too much.” A glance to the girl’s outfit and a brighter smile. I think you’d pull it off nicely thought!” [23:18] Now playing: JENNIE – You & Me [23:21] Now playing: Conan Gray – Killing Me [23:21] Tári Mero A’noh (aylee.starchild) she smiled in return to the flamboyant creature before her. What a wonder. “Oh go big or go home, I say. Your outfit is so cute. I think you could even enhance it with the right body chain. It would add even more flair to it. You are the most iconic person I have seen so far.” she said with a subtle bit of russian accent flavoring her words. It was harder to hide since she had a little to drink. [23:24] .:Olivier (obsidianlethrone) looked down as if trying to visualize her suggestion. Lips pursed in a thoughtful manner. “Hmmmmm… Yeah, that might be cute.” Sights […]

Aylee Starchild January 27, 2024 January 27, 2024
CUPD Guide

Columtreal University Police Department Official Guide Columtreal University Police Department Last Revised: 06/26/2023 ➤Overview The Columtreal University Police Department is a full-service law enforcement agency and exists to provide an additional layer of security and law enforcement to the Columtreal University campus, and community. The CUPD is responsible for safety and security both on the main campus, all CU owned properties, and the immediate area around CU. ➤Employment Working for CUPD Working for the Columtreal University Police Department does not allow for employment with any other law enforcement agency within Hathian Parish or Laveau Parish. These agencies are as follows: Hathian Police Department Laveau Parish Sheriff’s Office (BW Sheriff’s) Laveau Parish Prison (BW Prison) OOC Note: Members of the CUPD may not be part of a criminal faction during their time in CUPD. Employment with the CUPD requires no active criminal record within [90] days of joining the group. Any member found in violation of either of these is subject to immediate group removal. Activity Requirements  All CUPD personnel are required to maintain appropriate activity to remain on the department roster. Any member who is inactive for a period of 30+ days will be pruned from the roster, and will be required to re-join to gain access to their police functions again (i.e. report filing, etc.) Non-Sworn Positions The CUPD offers a variety of non-law enforcement support positions. Civilian employees may range from CU students looking for work opportunities/experience, to regular civilians seeking employment with the university. Civilian positions range […]

Marcus January 17, 2023 September 20, 2023
A letter to my estranged son

Hey son Its me. Your dad. I know — you haven’t seen me in along time, or much at all really. I just want you to know that I love you. Your mother is a good person. I just wasn’t the husband she needed. That’s ok. I got you out of it, and that’s really what matters most to me in this life. I want you to know that no matter what you hear about me, or how I am — or the way people think of me, I am none of those things before your father. I wasn’t someone everyone could relate to, and people fear what they think is different. I want you to remember that, because the world will try every which way to make you fit into some kind of mold that makes others comfortable with your existence, and that’s not how life should be lived. Not if you’re doing it right. Be yourself first, always. And know who’s really got your back. Remember you can always call on me for anything you need. I’ve been traveling around quite a bit lately and have decided to start a new thing in a place called Hathian. There isn’t much going on here that I can share at the moment, but maybe you can come visit me someday? I’m sure we could go to the movies, or hang out and do whatever you like. What are you into these days? How are things going in school? I still […]

Solan Nightfire September 14, 2023 September 14, 2023 art, choices, dad, divorce, father, illustration, love, my son, regret, sketch, son
This is me

Josiah is a 23 year old male who grew up on the streets alone. He is very protective of the ones he cares about and yet very distant at times. He is 6 foot 6in 182lbs of pure muscle. He can come off very flirty and promiscuous. He smokes pot on the daily works at CU Grinders Dispensory and drinks from time to time. Status: SIngle Personality: See above Housing: Greek Row #17 Identifying marks: Tattoo covering 50% of upper torso. Carries: Vape, bong. Dime bag of weed most times, Knife, lil Blackbook, Phone, ID and wallet.

GabrielDayvid Resident August 5, 2023 August 5, 2023
New Arrival in Hathian

Vicki grew up in a small town in the UK with her abusive mother, who often mentally harmed and degraded her. Her father was never around and as she grew older, she would abuse drugs and alcohol and developed an attraction to black men who had a ‘bad boy’ image and had a rough and thuggish demeanor. She couldn’t explain why, but she found them irresistible and began to give herself to them, hoping to find a sense of security and belonging that she had never experienced before. Vicki started chasing a career in the adult entertainment industry. Creating a fan only cam channel and starring in amateur interracial porn uploaded on to various porn sites, she started to make a name for herself. Feeling like she couldn’t cope living in the UK any longer, Vicki decided to leave and move away to a place that promised a fresh start and new opportunities. Although Vicki was initially excited about the move, she struggled to adjust to her new surroundings. She found herself once again attracted to the thug-like black men who roamed the streets, believing that they represented freedom and a sense of rebellion that she had never experienced before.

Vicki Melow June 11, 2023 June 11, 2023
New To Hathian!

Alaisa was born and raised in Jamaica, her mother and father loved her very much and always wanted the best for her. Her mother and father owned a bakery which helped to pay the bills and put food on their table. Her father passed away and her mother was devastated but luckily they saved up some money over the years, her mother decided to sell the business and leave Jamaica to start a new life. Alaisa and her mother moved to the U.S when she was 16 years old, they ended up in Houston and her mother decided to live there for a while working at a bakery, years later they moved to Louisiana in a city called Hathian.

Alaisa Resident April 14, 2023 April 14, 2023
Positions within Hathian General Hospital

General Staff: This role is designed for those seeking to role play at the hospital in a non-medical fashion. This role can encompass many individual roles in the hospital ranging from candy striper, security, and receptionist. Nurse I: This position is the entry level for nurses. This can be anyone holding a CNA license and up. Constantly overworked and under-appreciated, nurses tend to be the backbone of a medical setting. They do everything from checking vitals to triaging patients and are known to do a lot of work that the doctor does; often without the credit and glory. Nurses possess a strong desire to take care of their patients although doctors get all the credit! Nurse Practitioner: This role is generally reserved for those experienced nurses that have really endured the struggles and hardships of the role. They’ve done it all at this point and now, they are expected to do even more. Nurse practitioners can do just about everything a doctor does. They can prescribe medications and examine patients for acute illnesses. Psychiatric nurse practitioners even diagnose and treat minor mental illnesses! Who in Hathian doesn’t have one of those? Intern: Ah, you’ve just been hired as an intern at Hathian General Hospital. What a future awaits you in this coveted role! Interns are the grunts of the medical field. Most interns make minimum wage on average. They don’t do it for the money though! It’s all about learning and earning their place at this point. Interns (medical and […]

perina mcginnis November 12, 2017 April 4, 2023
Viewing 1-10 of 49 docs