Hathian Police Department Guide

Hathian Police Department’s Docs Hathian Police Department Guide

You are currently viewing a revision titled "Hathian Police Department Guide", saved on December 27, 2015 at 3:38 am by Esperanza Hernandoz
Hathian Police Department Guide
[message_box type="note" icon="no"] Corrupt [kuh-ruhpt] – adj. – guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked / debased in character; depraved; perverted; wicked; evil[/message_box] Known as “the Den’s largest gang,” the Hathian Police Department (HPD) is the true embodiment of the word corrupt. On one side of the coin, there is the few born with an incorruptible sense of honor and duty that gets just enough policing done to make it too much work for any sort of Federal Investigation. On the other much more prevalent side there's the dark souled brothers and sisters of the badge who through controlled chaos and ruthless tactics keep the rival gangs at bay, preventing the city from falling into complete hell... all while keeping their pockets lined. The HPD Officer Handbook is written in an OOC format, but contains vital IC information needed for role-play on a daily basis. This is not a "How To" manual, but rather a guide with a few basic rules to adhere to. If you have questions, refer to your supervising officer or leave a message for your Captain, Walter Bishop. Above all else, remember to enjoy your time as a member of the HPD in your role-play.

Hathian Police Guide



The police department is at the heart of the criminal role-play in Hathian. Since many policing role-play features such as Citations, Arrests, and Case Assignments are designed to award roles to the general population, it’s important to understand the following charter:
  • Since the entire community is reliant on cops to further their criminal history, the police players are responsible for exemplary role-play etiquette, a positive attitude with both new and existing players, and maintaining inclusive stories.
  • Every function and feature is designed to encourage player-to-player scenes and weave stories - it is not about simply leveling ranks, following complex hierarchies, and mundane training requirements.
  • The department is a brotherhood. To survive the heartless streets of Hathian, every cop watches each other's back, they turn a blind eye to corrupt acts within the force, and no relationship with the civilians is greater than the safety of the group.

The Basics

  • The HPD Uniform is provided at no charge (accessible in the locker room) for it’s members. Alterations should be approved by supervising officers. We ask that players keep in mind grooming requirements of their local law enforcement as a guide. Standard black uniform: Shirt or sweater, Cargo pants, Boots, Basic Kevlar vest, Duty Belt. Plain clothes Detectives are expected to dress professionally. If you look like you should be on a pole, it will be arranged.
  • Weapons: On Duty - HPD Radio, handcuffs, ASP batons/nightsticks, Small CS spray, notebook / Recorder, flashlight, ticket book, small flip knife. FRee tasers are located at the armory, but learn how to properly use a taser first. After successful completion of their rookie phase Officer training, they may apply for a firearm. Armed Officers are issued a standard issue M9 Beretta, which has ballistics on file. Deviation needs to be approved In-Character and notated in your CD pick. Assault rifles, grenades (of any kind), and fires must be approved by CD admins prior to use.In special planned scenes involving raids, training, riot control, and stand-offs, lieutenants and sergeants may allow the use of shotguns with bean-bag rounds and flashbangs. CD Armed Officer role may be achieved by regular presence and reporting activities - eligibility may be checked by attempting to apply for the role. While On-Duty, Officers do not need to wear the CD Armed Officer tag, however, the group must be visible in your profile.
  • Vehicle: The HPD utilizes both the Pro Street Dominator and Pro Street Ballistic as its official patrol vehicles. To use a vehicle, the officer must have a vehicle permit and have purchased one of the official vehicles. Decals are provided and may not have their overall appearance changed. only Sergeants and above are allowed to drive a SUV.
  • All officers must be members of the following groups: CD Citizens, CD Municipal Network, Crack Den Role-play and CD Police Department. Please ask for an invite to the Municipal Group if needed.
  • All reports are due into the system prior to logging from your scene. Poor reports will be handled IC'ly. There should be enough information in them to follow-up if necessary. Filing duplicate reports is not allowed.
  • You may not arrest an officer who is a higher rank than you without a warrant approved by the Captain or approval by higher ranking officer on duty.
  • A suspect must be witnessed committing a crime, a 911 called made, or OOC consent given in order for any arrest. In the event you are unsure whether a suspect is willing to be arrested, discuss OOC'ly via IMs. Not every case should end in an arrest since the HPD is understaffed and underpaid - bad guys get away sometimes.
  • When on Duty and things seem slow the following are recommendations to aid in finding some trouble: Check warrants and APBs using the HPD Roster, Check notices for storylines and changes, check on inmates, RP with them before going on patrol, don't be afraid to check OOC chat to see if there is anyone who fancies a dance with a cop.
  • IC actions have IC consequences. Keep that in mind when disobeying higher ranked officers or supporting criminals in a way that would hinder the HPD.

Ranks, Roles & Responsibilities

  • RookieRookies are new department hires. In their first days they must choose the path they will take, for each choice has consequences. Do they follow the path of the cops before them and reap the benefits of corruption and power or do they convince themselves that one person can make a difference, and go against the grain? Make your allies, make your enemies, and remember - once you start down your path, people don't forget.Duties primarily cover coffee runs, donut munching, and working your beat. Rookies should reach out for training be sure to get out on the streets with fellow officers as much as possible.
  • OfficerThe heart of the police force, you will find all flavors of cops, from the wide-eyed newbie to the jaded veteran. They care less about the criminals and arrests and more about what they can gain - from some back alley loving, bribes, to a good beatdown. For those with more integrity, it's all about enforcing the law and protecting the people, but they know they're the minority and that they need to stay out of the way of their more corrupt fellow officers.Duties primarily include partnering up with rookies online during patrols, aspire to special duties and assignment to task force, and support detectives on cases they were originally reported in.
      [message_box type="note" icon="no"] December 2015 New Feature!
      OOC Criteria For Ranks of Corporal and Above (All “People” leaders):
      • Certain level of IC corruption is public
      • Little to No OOC Issues
      • Approachable, Open to Ideas, Proactive Good communication skills, available/online
      • Para-Roleplayer
  • CorporalServing as the field supervisors, corporals have the run of the land. When they roll up to your scene, it's a good bet they are there to help themselves to your score. Since honest cops will find it almost impossible to rise to the supervisory ranks, there's a good chance these cops have made friends with the command staff and have little to fear in terms of repercussions for their actions.Corporals have the authority to dole out punishments such as cellblock guard duty, coffee and donut runs, and more. Failure to follow their command could lead to further disciplinary action by Sergeants.
  • SergeantSergeants are responsible for checking in with the field training officers and rookies to ensure they're getting the information they need. They oversee and provide hands-on in-character training. Their good relationship with the command structure affords them more latitude and protection for their extra-curricular activities. They are responsible for relaying the success of task forcesinternally and to the press.Sergeants are responsible for overall personnel, assigning cases, recruiting fresh boots for detective, collaborating and setting up task force leaders, patrol and training assignments. This role requires a reputation for being corrupt, exceptional player attitude and public relations, and solid communication skills.
  • LieutenantAlong with the captain, lieutenants are the public face of the command staff for the department. They are responsible for day-to-day operations and are well compensated through special interests they’ve weaved through their career.This role requires all the leadership requirements in running an official group as well as being a sim story weaver; it also requires a reputation for being corrupt. No one faction should be favored on a regular basis; this requires a balance to ensure inclusive stories are being built through the dynamic of the police and criminals in the city.
  • Captain (NPC)Captain Walter Bishop, HPD (Acid Afterthought)This position is now held by a character played by admins. In collaboration with lieutenants, they are in involved in the decision making process of OOC issues, all promotions/demotions above corporal, approving the termination of employees and award medals. While having an IC presence, this character is an unbiased and stable force for the department that will allow lower ranks to focus on the fun of their role and in the field rather than administrative paperwork this role often tends to become.

Special Duties / Designations

  • Detective (Det)
  • Field Training Officer, Patrol (FTO)
  • Field Training Officer, Investigation (Det FTO)


Rookies are often promoted to Officers once they’ve been sufficiently onboarded which includes participation in police reports, demonstrate knowledge in all policing protocol, guidelines, and role-play etiquette. To move into advanced roles, besides activity, these promotions are primarily based on how well a player is able to role-play with others, their attitude in and outside the group, and their ability to extend role-play to others.


Roster (HUD) The group roster is designed to help identify active police players, special duties, inmate players and their sentencing time left, recent case assignment, preference in corruption, and the current task force established.
  • Less active  players are grayed out to help declutter and allow focus on active players
  • New rookies are highlighted orange
  • Exceptionally active officers are highlighted yellow
  • The duty column helps identify players who have been earned additional responsibilities including that of a Detective and Field Training Officer (FTO).
  • The “crooked” column is an average rating of a players’ preference in corruption based on the reports submitted.

Bad Cop vs Good Cop (HUD) Before writing an incident report, arresting, issuing a citation, or submitting an all-point bulletin (APB), players must select their character’s “state of mind”. If Bad Cop is selected, the report will display additional fields to identify the type of corruption the scene included as well as an opportunity to showcase the player’s best post from the scene that highlights the corruption. While writing a citation, the officer can use their discretion to set the final price of the fine, offering heavy discounts for “services rendered”.
Radio Dispatch (HUD) Clicking on the radio will allow players to enter the full avatar username of another player to check if their character in custody has any priors (ie. number of previous arrests or if a warrant is issued). This procedure may only be done as part of a scene when an officer has stopped someone for questioning. The old radio experience using channel commands has been eliminated and plaeuse the CD Municipal Services group chat to communicate issues and the CD Police Department group chat for anything else.
Writing Report (HUD) Reporting an incident or arrest is covered in this single report feature and is the most important function of an officer. When a report is submitted after an arrest or incident, both players in the police and in the public will be awarded cred towards earning new roles and unlocking features of the sim. Follow the instructions within each field and submit relevant details. DO NOT copy/paste posts – we are looking brief summaries so other characters like detectives and lawyers can follow up. Reports should be IC and provide enough detail for a detective to follow up on if needed. Bad Reporting may lead to specialized training for your character.
Writing Citation (HUD) Citations are designed to engage new players on the sim; it’s a tool to be used to harass civilians and engage them into role-play without serious consequences. When a citation is submitted, the automated Court Mailer will send them an in-character notification of mail received regarding their fines and instructing them to visit the station to pay them off. To be able to give a citation, ID is required. For cases where citizen refuses to show their ID make sure they are OOCly okay with whatever methods you wish to employ to force them. AVOID the over use of citations. There is no need to hand a citation to every citizen you have approached. Those who continue giving large amount of citations in short period of times may face with removal of their ticket book (IC). There should NEVER be a citation and arrest on a same person in the same scene.
Issuing an APB (HUD) All-Point Bulletins (APBs) allow officers to issue alerts for suspects at-large. Officers in the field can use the description of the character defined to apprehend them if found in public. APBs are considered active for one week.
  • The warrant icon is used to pull up the link to the warrant submission page. Once filled out, a warrant is sent for approval, and like in real life, may take some time to get approved (this is to help avoid any ooc issues that may arise).
  • Warrants may be issued for arrest as well as other purposes such as searches. At times, a warrant may produce no viable evidence or arrests.
  • Automatic warrants are those issued by the system for failure to pay a citation. Any officer may react on an automatic warrant, but the officer must contact the player before hand to obtain OOC consent. If denied consent, the warrant is to be closed out using the “OOC” option in the drop down menu.
  • Manual warrants are those issued after review by an officer and approval. An approved warrant is available ONLY TO THE SUBMITTING OFFICER. For approval, be as detailed as possible with what you want the warrant for (arrest, search, raid, etc). Warrants are approved in 2 primary ways – OOC consent and sufficient logs of real time RP regarding public incidents, witness statements, etc.
  • Warrants may dissappear after two weeks of no actions
  • IMPORTANT: Do not search or arrest a person if they OOCly seem to not want it. There is no point. Use common sense. There will be no warnings when it comes to submitting tampered or fake logs of RP or consent. The result will be an automatic strip of the officer role and a 7 day ban from the sim.
Case Assignments Despite patrol duties, an important function of the department is for detectives and officers to team up and resolve cases. Incident reports submitted by officers are filed for review by lieutenants. If a report requires follow up, a lieutenant will assign up to two active detectives and all officers involved in the report to begin investigation. Detective and supporting officers assigned to a case will receive a notification in-world and can track their case assignments by accessing the Case Assignment boxes at the station. The assignment process is handled by lieutenants (major crimes only) and sergeants (all other crimes) as they review all submitted incidents. During the review process, most cases will likely be dismissed to maintain detectives’ focus on stories that are likely to extend into role-play and maintain the corrupt nature of the department. While on a case, role-play often involves doing interviews, writing and appending case notes, arresting individuals for questioning, bargaining release between lawyers and cops, and/or moving the role-play into a trial.
  • Reports involving major crimes (i.e murder, aggravated sexual assault, domestic terrorism, kidnapping, gang assault) will be reviewed by lieutenants and assigned to detectives if necessary.
  • Sergeants will be able to dismiss or assign all other reports
Police Records All citations, incident, and arrest reports are filed in the station. Each record can be searched by avatar usernames which will result in any records with a reference to the individual. Records of arrests that were completed through either time SERVED or BAILED will be stamped as such. Citations that are still payable will allow officers to process payment, or display a DELINQUENT (not paid in time) or PAID stamp. A stack of cold cases can also be accessed, allowing players to review assigned cases that were automatically turned cold when no updates were appended, or if the detectives had abandoned their search and updated its status to cold.
Payment Collection (Bail / Fine) The police terminal at the station enables all officers to role-play the payment transaction between civilians either posting bail for an inmate or those who are paying fines associated to citations. To post bail, the option to process bail transactions is found under the “Inmates” tab on the roster for each jailed player. Use the recommended range of payment due which is 10% of the total bail. To process fines resulting from citations, the option through the terminal will allow you to search through records based on the offender’s name. On the citation report, you’ll either have the option to process payment or discover a DELINQUENT stamp on it indicating that payment is no longer an option and likely have a bench warrant issued for non-payment.
  • Bail and Citation Fine payment are accessible through the Police Terminal - the cash register no longer exists.
  • Bail payment is recommended to players based on their offenses; keep in mind that the actual payment due is only 10% of the total bail amount set. This ensures characters do not need to save the $50,000+ payments repeatedly due to the poor economy that defines Hathian.
  • It is also recommended that those in jail for 7 days do not be allowed to post bail until at least 3 days have been served.
  • Processing payment for citation fines is primarily handled by doing a record search, and if the citation is still active, officers will have an option on the report to take payment.

Task Force A task force is a grouping of officers on the roster that are assigned to a time-set mission (2-4 weeks). The mission is a story arc involving the police department that can be tracked via the roster. For now, only one task force may be running at a time. Whether it’s attention on dealing with a particular faction, setting up stings, or just general show of force on the streets, Lieutenants are responsible for setting up the story, assigning members (mix of new and old players who are active), and supporting communication via notices.
Medals Players who demonstrate extraordinary attitude, commitment, and further the stories of others may have an opportunity to be decorated with a medal that appears next to their name on the roster. It is a rare achievement and the decision to award one comes with a deliberation between senior officers and the admins behind the Captain. Medals are also permanent so if a player leaves the group and returns, they will retain their decorated status.

RP Tips

Application Process

A solid understanding of RP etiquette and earning the basic Citizen role is a prerequisite. To join the police department, players can visit the station lobby and use the recruitment poster to apply. Each application is reviewed by Nadir and may take a few days to process.


Once accepted, new players will receive a group invite to the CD Police Department & CD Municipal Department group with the starting role of Rookie. This role will allow players to access the station doors and computer terminals. We recommend the following steps:
  1. Review this guide thoroughly
  2. Acquire Police HUD from the computer terminal at the station
  3. Acquire the recommended uniform and accessories
  4. Use the roster to identify active players and pro-actively reach out for introductions, assistance, and/or pairing up role-play.
  5. Working the desk at the station lobby is usually a good place to start and get noticed.


Use the police group chat to radio in all activity, signing off with your call sign (see in-world HUD menu), request backup if possible, and post questions for clarification. We encourage players to proactively reach out to corporals, sergeants and lieutenants as they are always there to help and ensure everyone is having a fun in the group.


The procedural role-play involving an arrest should include the dictation of the Miranda Rights with a flare for asserting police dominance. Consider the following recommendations:
  1. Before deciding to make an arrest, assess the scene to ensure you have backup, if necessary, and if you could realistically apprehend the character.
  2. Do you have the means to transport the suspect and make them pay for their crimes in a back alley instead of hauling in for a formal arrest? Both suspect and officer would get credit with the submission of an incident report while playing Bad Cop!
  3. Always submit your report at the end of the scene; in the case of an arrest, after you have role-played booking the character into a jail cell.
  4. Arresting officers must plan to follow up with an inmate they’ve booked at least once while they’re in jail. It is bad practice to simply jail someone and not offer another scene while they’re in captivity - it can be anything from checking on them, bringing them into interrogation, to moving them through the shower room or private room on the cell block for scenes that can’t be caught on camera.

Old New Date Created Author Actions
February 24, 2021 at 1:27 pm Blue Noel
December 28, 2015 at 1:49 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
December 28, 2015 at 1:48 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
December 28, 2015 at 1:46 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
December 27, 2015 at 12:07 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
December 27, 2015 at 12:06 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
December 27, 2015 at 11:38 am Esperanza Hernandoz
December 27, 2015 at 11:34 am Esperanza Hernandoz
December 7, 2015 at 2:49 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
December 7, 2015 at 2:31 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
December 7, 2015 at 1:11 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
December 7, 2015 at 1:07 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
December 7, 2015 at 12:09 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
December 7, 2015 at 11:50 am Esperanza Hernandoz
December 7, 2015 at 11:40 am Esperanza Hernandoz
December 7, 2015 at 11:39 am Esperanza Hernandoz
December 7, 2015 at 11:38 am Esperanza Hernandoz
November 12, 2014 at 2:35 pm Esperanza Hernandoz
November 6, 2014 at 11:56 am Esperanza Hernandoz
November 6, 2014 at 11:54 am Esperanza Hernandoz
November 6, 2014 at 11:36 am Nadir Taov
November 6, 2014 at 11:31 am Nadir Taov
September 26, 2014 at 7:18 am Jack Hartigan
September 26, 2014 at 7:11 am Jack Hartigan
September 26, 2014 at 7:09 am Jack Hartigan
September 26, 2014 at 7:04 am Jack Hartigan
September 26, 2014 at 7:02 am Jack Hartigan
September 26, 2014 at 6:51 am Jack Hartigan
September 26, 2014 at 6:51 am Jack Hartigan
September 26, 2014 at 6:50 am Jack Hartigan
September 26, 2014 at 6:49 am Jack Hartigan
September 26, 2014 at 6:48 am Jack Hartigan