[BW Faction] – Suenos Malos

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Profile photo of Piper Rewell

piper rewell


New proposal for a Backwaters gang! Read and give constructive feedback please!

* Proposed by Chong Diabolito, Xenaxerxes, Xbalanque D'arkze (darkzeshade), Wonder (wonderfriend), Della Luise Pearl (enya.ishtari)

Lead: Carlos(Chong.diabolito)

Back Story - Chong left Hathian after a decent run in the porn business to live like a king in Nicaragua. This did not turn out well. With no attachment to Hathian, in ability to return to Juarez or El Paso due to burnt bridges he picked a quiet place, began to go by his government name Carlos and met Xena who ran a porn studio. The two began planning ideas to make that successful, although she has full control over the studio as lead and Carlos is writer, director, editor, Xena maintains the final decision on publication. Xena was already involved in the drug trade in Laveau which Carlos was familiar with. With not an abundance of voluntary porn stars in the area a plan to acquire some became a priority. At this time they met X who became the third solid addition to the budding crew focused on drugs, porn, and people.

The Faction Name - (Suenos Malos) it can be nightmare, wicked dreams, bad dreams, they all fit and fit the life created via the drug and sex trade. This group exists, it was put on inactive status when Chong and Cheech could maintain no real members because multiple gangs started at the same time. We already have tattoos for members in a variety of location choices and that sort of thing designed.

• We are a street level gang. Gangs have levels, you start at the bottom once you show you bring something to the table we need.
• Faction income is based on a system:
o Example 1: Porn – for two months have released the profit and pay of people in porn-based views/subscriptions of real content posted online. It is traceable. It is real content and based on views after a break even point with the average film costing $50,000 to release. So, this is traceable income for all of those in porn and its creation.
o Example 2: Drugs – You would RP going to Xena, getting a Ounce of a product and instructed on how to sell it and costs, how much you now owe him and that burn us, your out and never get another thing from us or pay back the front cost on the ounce and get another. We have accurate based note cards of cost per unit and how it begins cost wise at the border all the way down to a single dose. Naturally some customers will be NPC, but if you say you are dealing, we need to see you out their doing it and RPing getting more, etc. You do not have to be in the faction to do this, but if you are in the faction its your job, you are a street dealer, so do it enough to appear that is what your character does. this also gives reason to visit CU and Hathian for members, knowing it is 2 hours away.

• We are a Latino (Mexican) focused gang; we follow that structure. In the end, a lot of things are overlooked for people who earn and who are loyal in gangs. You just got to prove yourself as being worth having around by being active and following the focus on your character's role in the gang.

• We will monitor our members and how they play their role; we will not micro manage it, it is more to help coach them into the direction we want to move in that makes us unique from the other gangs. Not to say they do not do this but we want to spend time building a good fit for those who want to participate.

Example: "Well no I made $82,000 on drugs this week". They never saw Xena, you are cutting her out of the picture, where did you get it and did you kick up the share to those above you. If you are in this gang but enriching another without communicating with the group, that doesn't express loyalty so much does it?
* Trafficking – the location of Laveau makes tracking drugs or people in or out to other locations along the gulf coast very easy. We would love to work with people who want to be trafficked in and work with them on their in storyline and how we can help in its development so that they get an experience but eventually get where they wanted to go.
• We will sit down with members to resolve things as they come up IC. OOC can discuss.
• We have a strict code in Laveau, it is our home area, relationships with other Laveau gangs are not allowable due to conflicts of interest and paranoia flaws of the gang, but what you do in Hathian is your own business as long as it benefits the gang and you don't spend all your time there, no point of joining if you aren't going to RP a little while with the group or its members in Laveau.
• Rival gang members of Laveau can not be on the protected list. A Hathian based faction member or who ever can be, however, if they attack a member of a gang, they lose that protection and we will sit down and decide what is a reasonable response.
• Internal disputes are settled by however the two wish to settle them, knife fight, bowling, but the loser accepts it and the winner isn’t a douche. It is just resolved. However, some disputes like raping another member, selling them out to another faction, ratting out to police, these sorts of lack of respect for your fellow members and the life style, will be dealt with harshly, as whatever you did may happen to you by the entire gang or you may be expelled and fair game to all.
* We will encourage members to participate in all training on rp and combat because it is helpful. We will try to coach them along as well and communicate in a respectful way with other faction leaders. We don't all get along IC, OOC we really know nothing about one another generally, should be civil or delayed until tempers can be controlled, we all have them and it is easy to forget, IC is just RP, not the actual person you are working it out with.

• Chong is very good at playing the friendly, easy going, shop owner but he essentially has traits of Alexithymia, Anti-Social Personality Disorder and by default relies on logic and pragmatism. While you may have your sexual fantasies, sadistic fantasies and no judgment, his would probably be mostly homicidal, a natural flaw in RP he must overcome because people just have a bad attitude about getting 2 to the back of the head.
* Other original members have pasts too such as Xena.
• The gang is going to be Latino based, but that isn't required it just guides our model. We are not for everyone but there is a faction already out there for everyone or simple to go through this process.
* All have past ties to Hathian that may lead to conflicts.
* Gang may be overly focused and driven by profit, this can create collaboration or blind spots.
* Laveau really appears more like an entry point for drugs and trafficking than a destination. The population isn't dense so moving more than small amounts, would not be easy, forcing some to venture to CU and Hathian to try to move product.

• Any faction in the flesh or drug trade, although our location is ideal for new product coming in and supplying others. Nobody really likes the idea of being reliant on others for anything so that is unlikely.

SUMMARY – We want people to RP in, they get a task to complete, not that unique I know but has to be done. During this time they will work out how they benefit the gang other than being a number doing their own thing. We don't want to control any one's RP, we don't expect complete realism, we want to build a group that has fun rping and does the basics to keep up the legit appearance of a gang. I think most factions have the same expectation. We welcome members of any race and welcome new ideas. We want to see Leveau grow and thrive with great stories and RP. We really do not want to be gang of alts, of our own members or members from other factions. We realize this is impossible to prevent but common sense should tell you that opens the door to meta and conflicted interests and many other problems.

August 29, 2023 at 5:53 pm
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yummy tamale


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August 31, 2023 at 7:45 am
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Jack Davonius


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September 4, 2023 at 8:08 am
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