Like many of the local businesses, Hathian Motors’ original location on the North Shore Rd. was destroyed in Hurricane Katrina but their new digs suit the grease monkeys and scrap diggers just fine. The location on the Hathian’s south side skirts leave the garage surrounded by darkened alleyways frequented by the towns most notorious criminals.
Despite that, Hathian Motors is the community’s longest standing repair shop. Its not uncommon to see a dented ambulance in the lot parked next to a gang bangers SUV. All are welcome at Hathian Motors so long as they have the cash to pay for the work. Locals might know the grungy garage as a good place to get rid of something, with many a bribe-able mechanic or a manager willing to ‘lose’ just about anything in a rusted shell in their scrapyard.
Written by: Eve O’Shea