AI-based NPCs using GPT-3

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We’ve been experimenting with GPT-3 to power the responses of our Non-Player Characters (NPCs) in the metaverse – in our instance, in the virtual world of Second Life.

Located in the welcome lobby of the Crack Den, players visit and interact with a police officer NPC by emoting to it (/me … ). The results have been remarkable, and we’re excited to announce that this technology will be integrated into new features to make the role-playing experience even more immersive, especially when interacting with various municipal aspects of the virtual city.

One of the biggest challenges in role-playing is creating believable and dynamic NPCs that can respond to players in a realistic and engaging way. Traditional NPC systems often rely on pre-written dialogues and responses, which can limit the depth and realism of the interactions. With GPT-3, we’re able to create NPCs that can understand and respond to players in a more natural and human-like way.

In our experiment, players have been able to interact with the police officer NPC by emoting and posting to it in a variety of ways. The NPC has been able to understand and respond to players’ actions and dialogues in a believable and dynamic way, making the role-playing experience more immersive and engaging.

For example, if a player were to emote that their character is running away from the police officer NPC, the NPC would respond in a way that is consistent with the situation, such as “Stop! You’re under arrest!” or “Come back here! I need to talk to you.” This level of immersion and dynamic interactions are made possible by GPT-3’s ability to understand and respond to players’ actions and dialogues in a more natural and human-like way.

We’re excited to announce that this technology will be integrated into new features to make the role-playing experience even more immersive, especially when interacting with various municipal aspects of the virtual city. Imagine being able to interact with NPCs in a believable and dynamic way, whether you’re talking to a police officer, a shopkeeper, or a city official. The possibilities are endless!