Syrena Kovalchuk
Thank you, listen, any ideas you got one-on-one, surgeries, ideas we can work it into RP as long as it fits sim themes.
Thank you, listen, any ideas you got one-on-one, surgeries, ideas we can work it into RP as long as it fits sim themes.
i got on a 5G and the net and getting it all set up was a bit of a huge B. but when you set your speed, throttle the wifi, DSL, Cable it also seems to stop the float lag. graphics, lowering them, DD all combined cause when I got on, i was floating all over.
OMG, I am loving this, the descriptions SO get me. No problems whatsoever and I love the descriptive format. we will see how it goes. Great job, thank you management.
Hathian has got to have the AI hoes in the XXX district asking what time it is, do you got a dollar, wanna go someplace. Albert the sex doll in the alley, I like Brandie’s idea too. Dontavius, and Alexi the pimps starting ishhh – ok I had too much coffee let me go.
Lets be honest I see this all the time. People logged in RP areas getting hours only to be AFK 12 hours even 24. I seen people with OOC tags but in areas for RP, vice versa – but at least they don’t say anything, however, it’s annoying. It would be more gracious to return home or stand in a park, but I also have had to run out of RP, forgot a tag,…[Read more]
Hi well, I always check and look around and investigate and learn, observe new stuff you put up, and I enjoy the things you create and do. Thank you for allowing all of us to enjoy your creations and I wanted to ask about Everwinter updates, when will that be on the map? It’s awesome already. It’s fun to create a story around things you leave,…[Read more]
I am fair game to see the point , but I can never know what another is going to do or think, and my characters always have some screwed up way, action, extreme emotional jumble but until I act… display they really cant know as the other person. I once got got stuck in another Sim of Nadir’s with RP with another players alts whom I knew and…[Read more]
Yes I am back I will be heading back to HGH as soon as its up and running, some of the crew is back, engaging in fun interesting RP, family issues, discoveries, a white gator we refuge, farming, fishing and medical RP..hope to see you soon!
Had a feeling you were up to something, Conjure should be amazing like everything else you have created.
Sounds like a great idea, I been hanging out there at times since it was built, I have not been in RP much to be honest since RL but all these ideas are perfect. yes go for it. great to see it up and running.
The positives – I enjoy a lot of the PD since I knew them from DE, but Landon and Lee have great RP, done a bunch of scenes with both and they are pretty good, following rules, info a few scenes with cops that also have left for example Agoja.
I did not appreciate that my roleplay was blocked when in jail, and with others when one cop came down…[Read more]
Thank you so much for all your work dedication, teaching, training, explaining 40times at 1030pm, and being such a great person to learn from and talk to. I hope the future brings you great success and health. 💛🍸🌺
Sorry Rprs been sick with 3 RL medical things, have dropped a bit of the ball when it comes to roleplay summer till now. I expected to be back months ago but it’s not better.. sitting for more than an hour ruins the RP commitments so I will be back periodically till I feel better. Have fun yall.
Go for it, I usually ask permissions of singular persons tho, because I post on 3 platforms with backstories. Sometimes people don’t want their pic out at times. asking is just polite, but enjoy you have 9 regions of CD.
Definitely a must, I know you from DE too and sure it will be a fun time! Its a great idea!
Sounds good I was over there exploring and it looks amazing! Thank you!
I think I came in early, met her a few times and she was a wonderful person, wonderful Rpr. We lost touch but definitely a wonderful addition, character and person to know. Condolences.