souljah9 resident

active 5 months, 2 weeks ago
  • 11 months, 1 week ago

    SoulJah9 Resident


    Individual disputes or concerns regarding rule infractions should not be addressed within public forums. Such matters are best resolved privately, or through administrative intervention when parties are unable to reach a consensus. Discussion of behavior is pertinent to the gang application process only if is recurrent pattern amongst prospective members and can be stated as being so, not as something one individual may or may not have done at one point in the past. Engaging in public disparagement is counterproductive and undermines the goal of fostering a constructive environment.


    The actions you described, whether valid concerns or not, pertain to individual actions of an individual player, where they were not in any way a part of the gang RP we are working towards. If there was an issue with the way a player has played, please deal with this in private and/or contact an admin if the resolution cannot be achieved privately.

    I will IM you inworld about to your assumptions made.

  • 11 months, 1 week ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    Neither the avis Victor nor Simone belong to me and both have individual players behind it. . One of them is an alt of somebody but they both had their active times at LSD. Just not much recently. One of them is more active on their main, and the other is stuck playing GTA V all day. But yes they wanted to help.

    As for me getting into the police group. Wasn’t it you that day when i RPed getting the application forms and asking for a job?? I removed myself from the group, as that is no longer relevant, and has never really been for anything in the rp. It was just something i did, when i was still looking for RP angles in BW.

    As for the three scenes i did with the deputies so far? while ICly my character did throw the first punch, OOCly the deputies were initiating walk up RP in all three “attacks” scenes, for insufficient reasons imho, doing things like calling Back Up in the second post, without even having gotten one reply.

    IMO RP Ettiquette was lacking in all three approaches, but i have not seen reason enough to make it a complaint and had the impression of an overall satisfaction at the end of the two scenes initiated by Hailey Bijou. I remember you walked out wiht a one line when Victor and SImone unshackled me. But you could’ve easily found out if we are alts, as we are all three avid SL voice users.

    I have kept the logs however, as i do with all conflict RP in case of eventual issues arising. If Staff would like to review them, feel free to IM me.

  • 1 year ago

    SoulJah9 Resident


    Group Tags are funny tools, but can be a sort of borderline invitation to metagame. How you know a person is a criminal, deviant, heartless, or just a mere citizen or even a drifter. And can all people who have that tag, really live up to the title, with their roleplay? I wouldn’t rely on it too much.
    Also i don’t wanna give new players the impression i’m so cliqued up, i don’t welcome their RP.

    I personally like walk ups, and often i have posted in vain, like that. Still do, because i don’t care, i gladly post at myself just to stay in practice sometimes lmao… But thats just me, and after some time here i realized that approach differ even in the same RP Sim. CD has beautiful guildelines to help typists navigate and find RP, even scene finder tools in the HUD.

    But it’s not obligatory and in the way it is designed is to make it easier, not harder, by making the player rely on it. There are different styles especially when it comes to new interactions. Some like an IM first, others like me, prefer the walk ups. Some like to stand around and read, while they go about their business IRL, or chat with other players in IMs.

    I try to remind myself that the person on the other side might be very different from how i am, because that helps me not get disappointed when my RP doesn’t reach, for whatever reason. Some might also feel intimidated, especially newbies.

  • 2 years, 7 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    [quote quote=85366]Yeah, no problem there. I’ll avoid you. Out of curiosity you said you and another player did a whole scene through thoughts emotes? So basically like telepathy? Again, I’m just curious. [/quote]

    Nah.. thats not what i am talking about. its just a matter of seperating yourself as the narrator from the character.
    In my post i am narrator and you are reader, then it reverses when its your turn.
    I narrate my characters background motivations to you, by thought emotes which are associated from the interactions between our characters.

    You the reader get a better idea about my characters made up. Some characters wont tell their life story in dialogue, but the writer might still wanna get it out there. That doesnt mean that you the reader can use that knowledge ICly.

    But you can discover angles for further interactions, set fitting scenarios that match and entwine the two stories together.


    Metagaming is similiar with the difference that you do it to gain advanage for your character and apply knowledge to your IC the char does not have.

  • 2 years, 7 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    [quote quote=85360]Thought emotes are bad form. You can RP however you wish. I could care less, personally if you’re thought emoting around me Ill just avoid you and I think most of the RP community would agree with me. Thought emotes give the other player nothing to respond to yet it is about them. Its bad form, but you all do you. I could care less anyone RPs. I’m here for me and not for you. Was just trying to offer advice. If you try to draw thought emotes out of someone then you are just metagaming, cause really a thought emote is a thought. You have no way of knowing what they are thinking. That’s why its called a thought emote. [/quote]

    I dont have time to RP with the entire CD community at the same time anyway, noone would survive a PO like that LOL.

    I have not counted but i friend almost everyone after the first or second scene, friend or foe to my char (foes especially). and after 3 years of RP in CD i am at 159 now, probably some alts in there, probably also some who cleaned me of their list. for lack of active correspondance. So i am totally fine with anyone not liking my style and avoiding me.

    Me and a player had a whole dialogue in thought emotes yesterday. We the players learned so much about each others characters in that scene, even though our characters just misunderstood each other or ended up in wrong assumptions about each other. It was real quality top form roleplay, according to my 18 years of writing collaboratively in RP. Thats the beauty of seperating from your character and having genuine interest in the other players writing.

    So again, i do not agree with your limitation. Feel free to avoid me if that breaches your understanding

  • 2 years, 7 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    [quote quote=85356]How not to be a racist is a great thing, there should be no racists. I agree. This should be HOW NOT TO THOUGHT EMOTE INSULTS. Thought emotes, especially insults for any character are infuriating and I think it drives the typist crazy because a good RP wouldn’t touch them, because they aren’t displayed to react to. So basically you are insulting that character without giving them the ability to ‘fight back’. SO… JUST DON’T THOUGHT EMOTE. ESPECIALLY EMOTES. Its really bad form. [/quote]

    Stop telling others how to go about portraying their role, unless you can point out a rule transgression.

    See,  i disagree. If you wanna get closure within one scene, your mentality might make sense. But when you RP long term, there will be likely an opportunity for these thoughts to find exposure and expression you can work with. I start to see what others on this thread here meant with this being a seperation issue of the good ol IC/OOC.

    Everyone their own style and if you stick to the visible and tangible, thats fine. If i notice a character thought emoting negative about mine, i see it as a challenge for me, to draw those thoughts into the open. The player is hinting to me that he is ready for a drama. THats if its done for the sake of descriptive RP.

    OOC Insults inside a thought emote, where in between the lines you critisize how someone writes their character or worse, those are not what i would call thought emoting. Just bad form, period.

  • 2 years, 7 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    This is after all still an anonymous platform. But i am trying to wrap my head about the irony here.
    An RL person of colour performs his take on white supremacy alt right men (nobody made a connection to B. Spencer yet …?) I know some of the negative thought emotes are straight quoted from RL Alt Right Twitter accounts.
    And if that wasn’t ironic enough, that this is now debated for censorship, while RL Racism still likely happens every day in this players life….

    I would bet money that those complaining the loudest here, are likely not in the same discriminated colour spectrum.


    I know this is a place of anonymity, so RL identities are irrelevant for this discussion. But in my opinion, if Rape, Racism and Murder, Violence, all this toxicity, any of it bothers you, you can set  that in your limit. And you dont have to be a victim to be bothered by it. I find it progressive if we are bothered by these things, if we go deep into the underbelly of these psychopaths and not just create a kink out of everything *dark*.. that’s good RP for me. And while we should respect everyones prefferences and limitations, i find it hypocritical to censor racism out of an urban fiction narrative.

    Hypocrisy, that’s what this whole sensetivity looks like to me, when i read over some of the things the critics are saying here.

  • 2 years, 7 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident


    Well, i haven’t rped with you in a long time, Asia. But if i remember correctly that was sort of the storyline you were always going for, so the assumption that you would appreciate that sort of reversed appreciation of the ethnic background of your character. So i am surprised to. Also a bit about your stance on thought-emoting, tbh.

    But Everyones Feelings matter and good OOC communication works in both ways a lot longer. Starting a corrective Initiative on the Forums without that prior talk, betrays an excitement aswell about the subject, that i rarely experience IRL from poc who are having to go through this sort of aggression everyday, to the point where they almost seem desensetized to me, sometimes.

  • 2 years, 7 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    Okay. I think racial abuse is like any abusive behavior related to psychological illness. Thats the complexity of playing a villain, that creates the need for thought emoting. Not so much to describe what a character thinks, but to give the reader an impression of HOW a character thinks. Artistikkk here portraits that very well.

    But if one only uses thought emotes to throw shade in general, than those thought emotes that were mentioned here, would certainly land deep down the wrong throat.

    I hate that latter kind of thought emoting too, even if its so tempting to do it on a villain character, when you really dont like someones Roleplay. its bad as it taints the beauty of what you can do with it for portraying your character. But i dont think the player that is pointed out here at the top of this threat was doing that.


    That being said, on a side note i would like to say to those players who play white supremacist racist *********rs:
    IC Racial Abuse, actual actions taken towards another character to victimize them, should be treated like any other IC abuse, good OOC communication parallel to the RP, and more askng for consent the more fucked up you wanna go. Easy mathematics.



  • 2 years, 8 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident


    can u name a few carbrands just so i understand what you reffer to as exotic? In the setting i think Lamboghini, Ferrari, Mayback, McLaren maybe,.. those would be exotic, as they are imports, and even here .. Hathian is pretty coastal right? There are some docks to RP plotlines involving vehicles like that.
    However most high class vehicles are nothing billionairish. I see BMW, Mercs, Mustangs, Porsches.. These are still on a low end of the car food chain i would say. But thats best to discuss with HM staff

  • 2 years, 8 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    Ulterior motives? A not trusted person of maybe weaker disposition loosing a lot of drugs to cops or other criminals will be indebted? Gosh do i really need to explain how this works?

    Admittably its a very easy way to be in the position of power, but thats, in urban terms a good way to write about te hardships that come with overpriviledge. So handle it IC, if it bothers you.

    I prefer those angles that turn desperation into something intimidating. But its a very complex approach that doesnt work on everybody. The wealth thing is often far easier accepted because hits close to home for a lot of people, that poverty sucks and wealth attracts.

  • 2 years, 8 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    i really wonder what you base your evaluations on, on what gangsters with money would or wouldn’t do. drivers permits are fully booked, but limited in amount. i dont think its possible, what you are afraid of/worrying about? I personally think that an abundance of wealth can be just as stiffling as having none. but i also understand people who like to play that angle, when imagining power. why not? i often use those characters as employers and facilitators in my story, which brings developement and rotation into the whole thing. simple variables like that are basic challenges in RP

    yay post count +1

  • 2 years, 8 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    Fair enough, you were offering a constructive feedback. I think people have offered enough info on the subject of RL poverty stricken do begin deeper research on the subject to render your expectations of the sim setting superficial and unrealistic.

    I still dont see the same you are seeing. there is enough wrecks lying static on sim, and nearly not enough licenses to overflow the car with supercars. I see bikes in the majority. Rapey vans which look working class. Wreckage like whatever Colt has at the garage. I play a lot with the Hathian motors crew. Maybe they could give us an oppinion on the realism of cars passing through, since they do the most research on vehicle costs for their RP. But in my eyes its all very immersive, apart from the OOC prices to actually maintain a wreck in this hellhole. THose are by all means, luxurious.

  • 2 years, 8 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    I think that mentality is stagnant for RP. If your story is about two three incidents long and you wanna die after that and start a new character, what you guys are saying here would make sense. Then it makes sense to keep staying poor and repeat the same scenario over and over again. But in a consistent world i wanna see some developement. And thats impossible if characters aren’t allowed to start off rich and get ruined in the story or criminals who have personal gain as their motivation to get rich. RP stays stagnant.

    I think the rules are about immersive setting design. And while certain cars, would simply not mix in the design of the sim, just like certain houses wouldn’t merge with what the main sim looks like. But that doesn’t mean that luxury should be off limits. You need to fit the setting.

    Hathian central doesnt evolve because the economy is stuck in crime hell. but D8, Black Bottom, Delphine these are clearly designed to attract wealthy victim type characters, voudou is poor suburban, devils pocket, rougarou and levante is industrial and swamp/coastal landscape.. The means are given to think bigger and i am sure that the intend is to expand RP especially CU RP, which looks like money to me.

    ALl that being said, i feel some people are just mad, because they dont like to spend lindens and others do. And while I respect the TRUE Rp spirit of the writers, i totally play SL to be visually stimulated, and favour a mix of the shine and the shade. That inspires me much better than the same ole ugly.

  • 4 years, 7 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident

    [quote quote=71233]Just a quick note – the information you guys are providing is awesome! But please don’t feel like you have to provide a full report of everything happening with the faction or go into detail. A summary of plotlines, developing stories, requests, and efforts of recruitment works just as well! 😀 [/quote]

    we like it that way. of course there is the risk of people using some of the info for metagaming. But for me personally, there are so many angles and we keep running into new characters, that it helps US a lot to keep an overview if we keep our info like that. In the end every teammember decides how much info they share from a scene and i just copy and paste the shit and try to organize it a bit chonologically. On that note: Thanks, Souljahz for making it easy.

    [quote quote=71238]@Corde: The new Shangoya, is that yet open to public (as Gael and lyss last time tried to visit a closed club)? 🙂 [/quote] We a bit short on staff, but we already serving drinks (and weed and hookers). we fast forwarded a bit, as i didn’t want to wait years to have a building logically build. It’sa building the Builder had specially made just for i was itching to place it.

    The place is ready for RP.

  • 4 years, 7 months ago

    SoulJah9 Resident


    Souljahz Report June 2020

    Lead: Cordé Cristopher (souljah9)
    Co-Lead: Kaliyah Nijat (KimiKali), Destiny (YsmayStark)
    Faction Members (with Grouptag):

    Flint Lockhart (charonarcheron)
    Levi Lockhart (leviathar)
    Shades/Zaza Khalil (sandrina.millet)
    Aurelia Moretti (airenthal)
    Mayli (somayli)

    Members reported inactive:

    Charlie Asher
    Meli Proudfoot (mercy.heartsong)

    Associates and prospect recruits (no tag)

    Amber Dawson
    Anton Ayala


    Activity Thread:


    Cordé reports: Who was involved?
    Officers: Jaebus Clave, Gael Zero, Ash Xavier, Indigo Rose, Lyssandra Ritter, Adam (?), Emanuel Scarmon, Tali, Vanora Blackheart, Sasha Gregorv
    FDH: Grace Frontenac
    Gang: Destiny, Kaliyah, Zaza, Levi, Aurelia Moretti, Cordé
    What happened? On 23 of may HPD raided Shangoya club with a warrant for Cordé, while he was hanging with the gang. Expecting the cops ever since the shootout in Lous, Cordé and Destiny had the place set up with petrol barrels, and ignited them with gunshots upon entry of the police. Aurelia additionally shot a hole into a gas pipe and ignited it with a molotov cocktail which caused the club to be entirely ripped apart by explosions. The gang tried to escape through the office window and two members actually succeeded in that (Auri and Levi). Jae and Cordé had an epic fight on the office floor which also resulted with both flying out of the window, before the whole club blew up.
    End Result: a lot of Injuries, all of the 5 gangmembers ended up hospitalized, Jaebus, Sasha and Indigo ended up hospitalized aswell.
    The club was removed and a ruin was placed. Owner now will abandon the land-property.

    Cordé reports: Who? Cordé and Geoffrey
    What? Cordé spoke to Geoffrey welders who interviewed Cordé to comment on the raid and the resulting explosion. Cordé blamed it all on the police and Zaza is working out the paperwork to get the insurance money for the club that way.
    Aand? Hathian observer article “Police Arrest with Explosive Ending” and ICly Shangoya can be rebuild now.

    Flint reports: Who? Flint, Cordé, Aurey, Kali, Geoffrey, Levi, Destiny, Zaza
    What? Flint brought in get well balloons filled with an ecstasy powder when popped
    Because of said reporter stole a doctors outfit to leave unrecognized and returned in same disguise to give Corde a fake cast and some special drugs to sneak into jail
    End: The Prisoners were more than well equipped with Drugs for the HPD

    Aurelia reports: Who was involved?: Clave, Aurey, Vanora, Flint.
    What happened: Flint gave Aurey a unicorn balloon filled with Molly. Upon going to the HPD, Aurey was arrested, but put up a fight. Balloon popped on Aurey, Clave, and Officer Smith (Kenver).
    End result: Drug induced Clave assaulted and nearly choked out Aurey in the showers. Then started to vomit horribly, hit his head, had to get rushed to HGH (Van came in and stopped him from his attack on Aurey).
    Of note: Aurey has an idea of who the doctor was. Told Clave. Clave and Aurey have since ‘made up.’

    Aurelia reports:Who was involved: Antone, Kali, Aurey, Corporal (now Sergeant) Williams
    What happened: While in the cells, Antone and Aurey started to exchange fueled words. They always seemed to get under each other’s skin. Feeling like they could come to an agreement, it never happened. Antone decided to attack Kali when she had her back turned, trying to choke her out in the cells.
    End result: Corporal Williams came down to help, tazer drawn. But upon seeing Antone, she froze. It wasn’t until Aurey bit a chunk out of the man’s arm that she finally tazed him before running off (seeming scared?)

    Aurey reports: Who was involved: Kali, Dez, Aurey, Goldstein, Scarmon
    What happened: Officer (rookie?) Goldstein came down to the cells (after the Antone fight) saying he was going to pull Aurey out and ‘assess her wounds.’ To which, after the fight and assault, Kali resisted. As did Dez and Aurey. He was insistant and came off… rapey.
    End result: He never entered the cells (would have been his death). Scarmon insisted the rookie leave. Of note: Seemed Scarmon was trying to help.

    Destiny reports: Who? Destiny, Lizette, Brandie, Gael, Antone, Cordé, Athena, Jimmy G.
    What? When Destiny was brought to jail the whole XTC incident already was over, that moment was not much to do but to sit and listen and watch. What she found out during the time observing is that Lizette seems to be Gael’s daughter, Brandie is pregnant from Lizette’s cousin who’s Name is Nevan. She also witnessed how Brandie needed a private talk with Gael. Antone is the Shark and seems to be possessed by said Shark. She tried to get through to that spirit but wasn’t able to.
    Waking next time she witnessed the fight between the Shark and Corde.
    Next waking she witnessed Athena being dragged out her cell for a shower.
    Another waking later Officer Goldstein offered breakfast and water, but he looked the wrong way at Kali so Dez grabbed his wrist and pulled him against the bars of the cell, then he pulled her against the cell bars. Both got bruised.
    Aside from that, Dez just did a lot of recharging and praying in silence.
    And? The Souljahz learned a whole lot of info they can utilize against their enemies in the future.

    Cordé reports: Who was involved? Cordé, HPD
    What? After a rather humiliating cavity search, by a rookie Cop (name?) under Officer Scarmon’s wing, Cordé got the chance to speak to one of the higher ranking police men of the town who offered him a deal about the Koga.
    Result: Cordé has gotten his Contact Card but otherwise declined the offer.
    Aurey Reports: Who was involved: Athena, Antone, Aurelia
    What happened: Antone and Athena seemed to be at each other’s throats while in the cells. Though, not in the way of him wanting to kill her. Moreso like he wanted to ‘punish’ her for some reason. They spent a lot of time interacting.
    End result: Aurey believes they may have ties to each other. Maybe she is trying to join the Koga, or already has? But she couldn’t make out too much of the whisperings, so cannot confirm.

    Zaza reports: Who? Rog and Zaza
    What? Zaza was busy gathering documents to be used to cash in the insurance for the club, for that she tried to get a copy of the report about the fire from Rog, though it seems to not be done yet. Rog also quickly examined Zazas ear and noticed her eardrum had been ruptured, something zaza wants to get checked.

    Destiny reports: Who is involved: Destiny and Zaza
    What happened: an explosion could be heard all across town and over to the village aroun 11am SLT. Destiny and Zaza where sitting outside chilling and went to look for the source as Zaza assumed it might been The Twister from the direction. As they came into town and followed the smoke they got aware it was the Rader that got blasted away, fire and screaming people around. Zaza did spot Joy Saad and Lozen harmed on the floor but being taken care of already.
    End Result: Zaza and Destiny leaving with that information, Destiny thanks the Ioa with a prayer Corde and Zaza have left Rader just a hour prior

    Kaliyah reports: Who was involved: Cordé, Kali, Gianni, Williams, Scarmon, Marcus (?), Angel
    What Happened: After starting a fight with Chong, Kali and Cordé bumped into each other outside the Butcher Shop when they were approached by officers on patrol. Sergeant Williams was leading the patrol, Kali and Cordé both complied as the officers proceeded to smash up Cordé’s car and write up ridiculous citations. Angel came up in his car and upon seeing the altercation, approached the group and started cussing out the officers, who in turn told Kali and Cordé to leave and set to approach Angel with violence, Officer Eli Gianni began to wreck his car as well.
    End Result:  Cordé and Kali  created a distraction by setting Cordé’s wrecked car on fire (burning cloth in the petrol tank) and ran away, allowing room for Angel to escape as well. Warrants issued for all three suspects and Cordé and Kali are now hiding out in the village.

    Cordé reports: Who? Cordé, Kaliyah, Destiny, Zaza, Dexter Smith, Reporter
    What? The legitimate owner of the lot, the Souljahz have squatted and are about to open a new Club is reclaiming the land. After sending them an eviction notice with two weeks time, that has been entirely ignored by the gang, the landlord Dexter Smith, a stranger in Hathian, shows up to have words with the squatters in person. After trying to work out a deal appears to be only disadvantageous to the SoulJahz – the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer – they descide spontaneously to drug the man with the Devils Breath (Scopolamine) , Destiny had prepared months ago for a different kidnapping. Meanwhile a Reporter arrives at the village fence and Zaza goes to distract her. Cordé makes a big Shango show, dancing, spitting fire, using strong alcohol and a torch, which makes the drugged victim Dexter perceive him as some sort of Fire God.
    And? Dexter Smith is fearing for his Life, and under the influence of a Drug feels compelled to get the original Land Deed from the motel room from his wife. In case his spouse was asking too many questions, he was ordered to tell her he would leave her for another woman, randomly Cordé pointed at Kaliyah. Then he was released to follow his instructions.

    Destiny reports: Who was involved? Kali, Destiny and Maddison
    What Happened? Dez met Kali on the street, talking to Maddison. Maddie started to mouth off Kali and insult her, then she insulted Destiny after she got a warning from her.
    End Result: Dez pulled her gun and shot Maddison when she walked away. Kali and Dez then headed off to the Titty Twister to calm their titts

    Cordé reports: Who? Cordé, Kaliyah, Destiny, Zaza, Dexter Smith, Reporter
    What? The legitimate owner of the lot, the Souljahz have squatted and are about to open a new Club is reclaiming the land. After sending them an eviction notice with two weeks time, that has been entirely ignored by the gang, the landlord Dexter Smith, a stranger in Hathian, shows up to have words with the squatters in person. After trying to work out a deal appears to be only disadvantageous to the SoulJahz – the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer – they descide spontaneously to drug the man with the Devils Breath (Scopolamine) , Destiny had prepared months ago for a different kidnapping. Meanwhile a Reporter arrives at the village fence and Zaza goes to distract her. Cordé makes a big Shango show, dancing, spitting fire, using strong alcohol and a torch, which makes the drugged victim Dexter perceive him as some sort of Fire God.
    And? Dexter Smith is fearing for his Life, and under the influence of a Drug feels compelled to get the original Land Deed from the motel room from his wife. In case his spouse was asking too many questions, he was ordered to tell her he would leave her for another woman, randomly Cordé pointed at Kaliyah. Then he was released to follow his instructions.

    Kali reports: Who was involved: Kali, Cordé, Naomi King, Eric Gacy
    What Happened: Cordé and Naomi bumped into each other outside the Green House. Cordé had been distracted by Kali and Roni getting stopped by the cops up the road and drew his gun, but his attention was diverted when he felt a dark presence coming from the alleyway. Eric was there jerking off to Naomi and contemplating snatching her, by the time Kali joined Cordé was ready to jump him so she went around the other side of the alley to cut him off.
    End result: Eric got the shit kicked out of him by Kali and Cordé. Kali went her own way and Cordé took Naomi home to make sure she wouldn’t snitch. Eric was left alone and managed to crawl himself away after they all left.

    Cordé reports: Who? Cordé, Amber Dawson, Antone Camorra, E. Antimony Crane
    What? Cordé was doing his hooker protection service for Amber on Hathian Highway, where he met the archeologist Miss Crane on her quest to find some Rich Germans lost daughter. He accepted the suggestion to help her finding her, as there the german is paying her for it, which means she would be paying cordé for any help.
    Then Cordé spotted Antone and sent Amber to bait him into a trap, which Antone suspects and agrees to go with her to a quiet place of his chosing, only to interrogate her and try making her work for him instead. And he choses a Safehouse in an apartment buidling where cordé wouldn’t know the apartment. So Miss Crane who is very educated speaks italian, and helps creating a racket outside, yelling for help in italian to get Antone to show at the window. It worked. After that Miss Crane and Cordé leave, waiting for Amber who comes out over the fire escape, buttnaked. Cordé drives her home:
    And? Made new contacts pimping Amber and meeting Crane. Now the souljahz know about the safehouse of the Koga behind the grind, it’s exact location.

    Cordé reports: Who? Cordé, Tala Colleti
    What? Cordé drove his bike to check on Rader records after the explosion and rebuild. Meeting Tala he learned about Antone and Cali passing by for protection money.
    And? Cordé prepares for a turf-war with Antone and the Koga

    Cordé reports: Who? Cordé, Amber (afk), Antone, Cali X
    What? Cordé drove his bike up on Ambers house, to check on her, since Antone had increased pressure on any of the Souljahz businesses claiming his turf. Not surprising to find Antone and Cali Xright in front of her house waiting in a car. Cordé made his presence know, showing his metal and gunning his engine, causing Antone to reverse the car towards him. Cordé managed to wheelie over Antones car and covered himself by the smoke over the cars burnout was shot at and missed, by Cali X. He fired two rounds in return while getting to cover, breaking the cars windshield and grazing Cali X.
    And? Hooker defended! But Cordé wants to sit down and talk terms about turf with Antone before shit gets worse.

    Zaza reports: Who?   Zaza Khalil, Cordé,  Anton Ayala
    What?  Corde did send Anton to Zaza for a position at the Shangoya club. After Zaza talked with Anton she gave him a draft for a work contract as a bouncer.
    And?   The Shangoya club might have gained their first bouncer.

    Cordé reports: Who? Cordé, Anton Ayala, Amber Dawson
    What? Prior to the meeting with Zaza, and shortly after the driveby shootout with the Koga, Anton showed up at Ambers doorstep as a Costumer. After they conduct in some “business” Cordé gets the chance to talk to the man and senses his criminal energy.
    And? Cordé considers to use Anton for more than just legal activities in the club, if he makes it past Zaza.


    General Direction:

    The Souljahz are working hard to get their Club running again, to recruit more muscle and trying to find more income, resorting to Drugs and Prostituion which seems to highly offend the Kogarashi which is how we also end up in a turf war with them. We are yet to make contact with Los Oscuros and because of past IC history have avoided business with the Lions. We keep up a lot of plots in collaboration with the HPD Players. We are recruiting, but still usually wait until we are approached for membership, rather then advertising our group for membership, while we are actively pursuing to find legal personell for Shangoya Club. Being new we are still stretching and taking our growth slow but steady. We are still hoping for more interaction with the Greenhouse but haven’t gotten far with it yet.

    We have some longer and more intense plotlines like the gentrification plotline with Dexter Williams and we are planning to touch a few other Gang topics with sociopolitical satire, and currently are testing our boundaries in sensetivity in the community, working our more in depth plots out with the guidance of the experience of the admin, to see what would work.

    OOCly we try to have a little meeting twice a month to gain some overview, and organize our reports via a discord channel. We are currently working on an NC to give to new members to make expectations mutually clearer from the start, when it comes to things like activity and absence notification and inclusive immersive RP.

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