IC/OOC memo from Internal Affairs

From:[email protected]
To: All Active HPD Officers
Subject: Internal Affairs

The internal affairs division will hold multiple roles within the department. There has been a concerning issue with the amount of reports and complaints on officers violating the law, as well as violating inmates.. And other officers. These behaviors will be addressed promptly.

If you are taking complaint from citizen about any member of the department, you will do so with the utmost concern and respect shown if it is a valid complaint. We have enemies and we expect false and frivolous complaints to register. As officers, it is assumed you know the difference. Of these valid complaints, if it is something that your chain of command can handle appropriately, then the complaint will be forwarded to your Sergeant, and if needed, your Lieutenant. MCU officers have Lucy Morrisey, Damien Lennox, and led by Angel Moonshadow. Patrol officers have Werner Ludwig, Chase Reynolds, Sarah Fox and Shawn Jones, led by Jessica Susser. Know these names and make effort to know these people. Ignorance will not win you favor.

If the complaint taken is about one of the above names I have listed, or it involves sexual assault, attempted murder, main or torture for any Class A felony, it will be brought immediately to my desk and it will be handled from there appropriately.
The above is only for members of HPD. Complaints against civil entities will be handled by those entities.

Also, I will be requiring voluntold officers on occasion to handle IA training and protocol. Do not ask me to be selected for any possible side attachments to the IA division. Your Sergeants and Lieutenant will provide your name when requested.

Cpt. Robertson
Internal Affairs Division


Grace’s job is to make corruption. Those complaints she gets will be handled case by case if needed, however, she will be pressuring officers to step out of their comfort zones (Honoring your personal limits of course.) There will be some spins on this for public, but generally the corruption will be kept mostly indoors and out of sight and… Rumored.
There are times that special assignment will be needed, and I will reach out via chain of command to grab a few willing folks to play naughty time. Men will be requested more often than women I’m sorry to say, but there will be opportunities for both. (Make sure your penis matches your skintone guys.. Pictures will be taken for blackmail!)

Please keep in mind we are a corrupt department. That will not change, no matter how ‘good’ we start to look on the outside (Thank you Angel for drumming up the blinders!)
There will be rape. There will be torture. There will be drugs. There will be forced prostitution. There will be potentially murder.

There are no openings for anyone to transfer to Internal Affairs. Any dealings with the division will be strictly temporary. If you are interested in working a short assignment with Internal Affairs, reach out to me via IM and let me know OOC.