Youth Guide


Due to updated Community Guidelines from Linden Lab, child characters are no longer allowed on adult-rated sims. Currently, all Alterscape sims are rated as adult. Unfortunately, this means that youth characters can no longer role-play in CD.

Getting Started

Regardless of your character’s age, we are still adults playing Second Life. As such, everyone is supposed to act like adults out-of-character, use common sense, and act their age appropriately when in-character.

Common Sense

It is your responsibility to make sure rules regarding youth are followed. If someone seems unaware of these rules, kindly pass on this guide. If you are unsure of what is appropriate for your character’s age (note that there is a difference between an 8 year old and a seventeen year old), contact a moderator or admin. Finally, keep in mind that this is an adult-themed sim and that your presence may make others uncomfortable. Be courteous and make sure scenes are appropriate for you to be around.

General Rules

  • Ageplay is strictly prohibited
  • Nudity in any scene involving child characters is not allowed
  • Graphic and extreme violence towards a child characters is not allowed
  • Age 14 and under: Seaside Youth tags must be worn at all times and not allowed in the adult zone
  • Age 9 and under: Must be accompanied by an adult or guardian (NPC Okay).
  • Age 15+: Allowed in adult zone with a job title activated, but not allowed entry into adult-themed venues.

Apply as Youth Apply as Adult

Adult Character Only Zones