To measure an officer's activity, all officers below the rank of Sergeant must complete an Officer Activity Report and submit it to the department's executive officer(which is me) by the end of each month. All officers must obtain the initials of a patrol supervisor which is any officer with the rank of Sergeant or above before submitting it into the department's executive officer(You must actually have said officer read over the report and sign it). Any reports without the initials will not be accepted by the department's executive officer. All officers who fail to submit an activity report at the end of each month will be deemed inactive and placed into inactive status. All officers who are placed inactive status and do not submit a request to be placed back into active status along with an activity report in the following month will face termination from the department.

If you need an Officer Activity Report form or active status request form, IM me in game and I will give it to you.

This is in effect as of September 15, 2010