Here comes Rosie..

Home Forums Introductions Here comes Rosie..

This topic contains 8 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of lucillaraelle morningstar lucillaraelle morningstar 8 months, 3 weeks ago.

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Profile photo of Rosannah Baresi

lilhero6 resident


Hi! So I’m returning to CD! I use to RP here as part of a big faction at the time and have ended up being many things over the years including a firefighter. While the last few I’ve spent RPing on different sims somehow I always find my way back here.

I’m hoping to get Rosie involved with some real shady stuff. She has a hidden violent streak under her emotionless facade and will happily hurt someone regardless of the circumstances for a price. That being said her biggest weakness is the fact that she doesn’t want to turn into her father yet despite his death he has embedded himself in her brain anyway. She also hardly sleeps due to night terrors.

I’m looking really forward to seeing where Rosie ends up (already had an interesting encounter with the Rejects <3) Please don’t hesitate to approach me for RP if my IC tag is on!

February 20, 2024 at 11:18 pm
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