GBTL x Hathian Sinners Club

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faithtang resident


GBTL x Hathian Sinners Club

Reporter: GBTL - Daiyu Tang

Posted to the Observer Forums due to the Print Edition still not able to be produced.

Note that the author, wishes you to know that she is the General Manager of a similar entertainment venue in Hathian. Additionally, she has not been paid for her review, except for a glass of champagne.. (It was good!)

Sinners Main

Welcome to the club

I was asked by my editor to review a range of businesses within Hathian and I started with a place that had intrigued me that had recently opened. I am fairly new to the club scene here, having only really been to either a party in what appeared to be an old powerplant, or ad-hoc events hosted by the community such as the BBQ. I was therefore interested in what other entertainment places existed in the city and what might set them apart from each other. As my editor notes above, I do work at the combination of Aurora and Spankys, but as you'll be able to tell from my review, the 'Sinners' venue does appear to be somewhat different which can only benefit Hathian.

So, first impressions... A relatively large building, nestled in 'Devils Pocket' towards the South of the main areas of the city. It looks, average from the outside, but I'm going to give them a deceptive advertising mark, because inside, wow... this place is bling... sophisticated bling mind you, not crass. You'll see through my range of photos that not only is the décor appropriate for the nature of the venue, it has also been put together thoughtfully and with consideration for patrons who visit.

So, without further ado and unknown to the owners, I ventured inside, with only security giving me a little grief for my outfit. Fortunately, I'd had a new Press Pass made up after the previous one was stolen which seemed to get me inside. That and a $20 bill anyway.

So readers, you know a place has money and probably style, when the eye is drawn immediately to a fish tank. Tropical and exotic fish for your viewing pleasure? Sure and since this is 'Sinners Club' let's start with a view. Ahem. Apparently Google indexes this kind of stuff to increase the Observer's view count. Right... moving on... you can deposit your coat in a cloakroom, another nice touch that many other places don't manage.

Fish Tank

Drinking and socialising

As you would expect, this is a premium drinks establishment as far as I can tell. When you need $100 to get in some cocktails, then firstly you hope they're really good and secondly you hope you're going to celeb-spot. Maybe a little bit of Delphine or Ryder or some of the 'new money' that lives around Hathian.

Drinks are varied, wines, spirits, lots of bubbles (Yes to Krug, Ace of Spades... yes to Ruinart and all the main ones...) and there is also beer, generally bottled, but also on tap as well. The bar has plentiful seating and a plush and sophisticated ambience and when it gets busy there is sufficient room for multiple staff to serve from. Well done to the interior designs who got this setup, it looks great.

I'd like to thank the owner for the champagne, I'd never had Dom Pérignon before and while I can't claim to know whether it was 'GREAT' it was for sure, 'GOOD'. Yay, bubbles!

Bar Main

Bottle Service

Music & Entertainment

So the venue is also a place of entertainment. I was told about some gambling opportunities and did see slot machines downstairs, also known as 'one arm bandits' and then upstairs I was shown a Poker Room. I tried to ask about limits, but it wasn't easy to get an answer, so I suggest readers that the limits are based on your appetite and bank balance. Certainly I can see high rollers being well accommodated here.

In addition to the gambling, there is a DJ booth and main stage. Unlike a number of other places there weren't poles or other objects related to stripping or similar activities although I was told, with a wink that a room upstairs did have a bed in it... Hmm. So this sort of proves some of the difference between 'Sinners' and for example 'Spankys', the former, very sophisticated with a focus on the drinks, venue décor and with the added gambling side, vs. the focus on BDSM and 'play'. In my view and somewhat to my relief in terms of protecting my pay packet, the two places don't overlap although I do wonder if Titty Twister can also continue in the market. For now, I think though all three are in a different market space.

Game Room

Main Stage

In conclusion

So, as I enjoyed my champagne I think it's fair to say I enjoyed my time at the club with the friendly staff. My challenge to the owners will be to promote their venue, host events and keep up-to-date so that the rich and famous want to visit and spend, because those fish must be 'hella expensive, not to mention staff costs.

Overall then, a solid 8/10 with high marks for ambience, décor and drinks, along with the gambling that is rare in Hathian. The only let-down is the location and in my mind, it couldn't hurt to have a little more furnishing in a few places to really let customers and staff interact. Never-the-less, the most solid club build in Hathian, catering to a particular market. Well done... Observer and GBTL recommended!

Final Thought Pic

July 8, 2022 at 7:33 am
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