faction roster bugged

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Profile photo of Lyssandra69 Resident

lyssandra69 resident


Sadly the faction roster is a bit Buggy.

I tried to add several members for the Black Mamba faction,


Zim Bartavelle

Serind resident

Ming Yheng

and get this message:
The submitted avatar can not be added because they are either not registered, a member of another faction, or have not been active enough on the sim in the past month.

You may close this window now. 11960, 0, 5685554f-c5a7-442e-8ef6-223d4eb6dc7c, 4, 3


So I tried to add lloer irelund and zim bartavelle as recruits, that got no error message BUT the two do not Show, just the Slots are gone 🙁

all are active, members of CD and in no other faction...

any help possible? 🙂

February 26, 2018 at 10:41 am
Profile photo of Piper Rewell

piper rewell


Sign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ

February 26, 2018 at 7:34 pm
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