Lissa Strom

active 6 years, 6 months ago
  • 7 years ago

    Lissa Strom

    I agree with this, because often times when people start spewing OOC in local, especially in large scenes, it adds to confusion in post order and such. People end up getting focused on the rest being said and lose sight of the actual post. But I have seen recently that its starting to become a bigger and bigger thing on the sim. If its just one or…[Read more]

  • 7 years ago

    Lissa Strom

    I’ve role played with Helena on my other character, and I agree, she is a good role player and a nice person OOCly.

    That said, as I know she a cop, I noticed that it was said the establishment would lean more towards criminals. But, I’d kind of like to see the opposite for once! As a person that had a cop character, I can admit that it is very…[Read more]