Great intro! Excited to see where it goes!
You just click edit and change your text to say “delete” lol.
If you are still around, hit me up.
I know this is a bit of a necro on the post but I wanted to chime in on this. I think I am a bit disappointed to see a little bit of an attack on my leadership in this thread. A little backstory: When I was leading HGH for a long time, I was in college and did my rp around school and work. I eventually left HGH For a bit and the next lead…[Read more]
Guess who’s back…back again….
Would like to see the dress code back. I know cops are in uniforms, so why can’t they have a uniform at the hospital? Even I dress up for business and Bowen is rarely seen in “street clothes”.
I didn’t like the box as I seen it as abused. I thought the idea of it was like a ‘self check-in’ if there was no one around and you would rp in the…[Read more]
souljah9 resident and 2 other people liked the article, [BW Faction] Hydra.
Individual disputes or concerns regarding rule infractions should not be addressed within public forums. Such matters are best resolved privately, or through administrative intervention when parties are unable to reach a consensus. Discussion of behavior is pertinent to the gang application process only if is recurrent pattern amongst prospective members and can be stated as being so, not as something one individual may or may not have done at one point in the past. Engaging in public disparagement is counterproductive and undermines the goal of fostering a constructive environment.
The actions you described, whether valid concerns or not, pertain to individual actions of an individual player, where they were not in any way a part of the gang RP we are working towards. If there was an issue with the way a player has played, please deal with this in private and/or contact an admin if the resolution cannot be achieved privately.
I will IM you inworld about to your assumptions made.
Neither the avis Victor nor Simone belong to me and both have individual players behind it. . One of them is an alt of somebody but they both had their active times at LSD. Just not much recently. One of them is more active on their main, and the other is stuck playing GTA V all day. But yes they wanted to help.
As for me getting into the police group. Wasn’t it you that day when i RPed getting the application forms and asking for a job?? I removed myself from the group, as that is no longer relevant, and has never really been for anything in the rp. It was just something i did, when i was still looking for RP angles in BW.
As for the three scenes i did with the deputies so far? while ICly my character did throw the first punch, OOCly the deputies were initiating walk up RP in all three “attacks” scenes, for insufficient reasons imho, doing things like calling Back Up in the second post, without even having gotten one reply.
IMO RP Ettiquette was lacking in all three approaches, but i have not seen reason enough to make it a complaint and had the impression of an overall satisfaction at the end of the two scenes initiated by Hailey Bijou. I remember you walked out wiht a one line when Victor and SImone unshackled me. But you could’ve easily found out if we are alts, as we are all three avid SL voice users.
I have kept the logs however, as i do with all conflict RP in case of eventual issues arising. If Staff would like to review them, feel free to IM me.
Thank your for your consideration, people. Please feel free to ask questions and express your doubts.
Can’t wait to get started. Contact me inworld if you’d like to join the business and work on some Rituals with me. Im usually actively around from SLT morning to Afternoon, odd hours at weekends.
Group Tags are funny tools, but can be a sort of borderline invitation to metagame. How you know a person is a criminal, deviant, heartless, or just a mere citizen or even a drifter. And can all people who have that tag, really live up to the title, with their roleplay? I wouldn’t rely on it too much.
Also i don’t wanna give new players the impression i’m so cliqued up, i don’t welcome their RP.
I personally like walk ups, and often i have posted in vain, like that. Still do, because i don’t care, i gladly post at myself just to stay in practice sometimes lmao… But thats just me, and after some time here i realized that approach differ even in the same RP Sim. CD has beautiful guildelines to help typists navigate and find RP, even scene finder tools in the HUD.
But it’s not obligatory and in the way it is designed is to make it easier, not harder, by making the player rely on it. There are different styles especially when it comes to new interactions. Some like an IM first, others like me, prefer the walk ups. Some like to stand around and read, while they go about their business IRL, or chat with other players in IMs.
I try to remind myself that the person on the other side might be very different from how i am, because that helps me not get disappointed when my RP doesn’t reach, for whatever reason. Some might also feel intimidated, especially newbies.
We have Swamp Bottom Boxing as well. Would be nice to even have these different gyms and such at times fighting in tourneys and such. Hathian Golden Gloves title or something they can achieve working together and fighting for the title in a grand tournament where all the schools and clubs come together at some place for the match.
Bmomma, your HTML messed up!
I love how fleshed out your story is! Welcome!