Arraidia Resident
I think this is a brilliant plan and will continue to get excellent rp driven towards Backwaters. I’m glad to see what you are going to do with this.
I think this is a brilliant plan and will continue to get excellent rp driven towards Backwaters. I’m glad to see what you are going to do with this.
Valena has always been a massive support to BW no matter who is asking for help. I think this is a brilliant plan and will continue to get excellent rp driven towards Backwaters. I’m glad to see what you are going to do with this.
Kingston is a brilliant and inclusive writer. He is always eager to aid and encourage rp in Backwaters and is a born leader. I think he’s a wonderful fit for a leader and really I am excited to see where he takes this faction.
Elysium is always welcoming to all players, comes up with unique and creative ways to inspire rp, and has always been willing to reach out and include everyone in the community. She is passionate about inspiring roleplay especially in Back waters and as a fellow backwaters business owner I am very excited to see how far down the rabbit hole she…[Read more]
Thank you for your seal of approval, it means so much.
There’s a basement where we can have some good wholesome fun!
Thank you so much, I think you are so kind and wonderful.
I can’t tell you how much I appreciate and am thankful for your support it means the world to me.
Thank you so much I’m really excited about the possibilities of what can be done with it, and bringing some awesome RP over to backwaters!
Thank you so much. You’re amazing.
Thank you for the kind endorsement!
As for the races I’m open to suggestions, the main objective will be to generate as much fun without stress as possible. I do like the idea of dice roles for determining the winner, or allowing the racers to an agreed upon winner.
This is a brilliant idea Tabs!
[13:32] Khloe Arcana watched while the garbagemen took their break. They headed into the Grind for coffee and Khloe took her chance. She moved towards the driver’s side door, taking the small sparkplug she had, she tapped it hard against the window. It was the corner near the small wing window. She slammed the sparkplug against it shattering the w…[Read more]
ACK! I fucked it up when I posted this!!!!