I came across two CME school assignments in Summer's inventory so thought I would post them here. For those of you in summer-school remedial programs, feel free to plagiarize these compositions so you can go swimming but still have your homework done.

This first one is entitled:


If I had a million dollars, I would go into a restaurant that bragged "ALL YOU CAN EAT FOR TEN DOLLARS! GUARANTEED!" Of course, I would not go alone as I would be paying the tab and that always assures you company when you eat out, haha. So along wif myself, I would invite 99 thousand, 9 hundred and 99 of de hungriest people in tha whole world to be my dinner guests. I would tell our waiter: "One large order of evewyting for each of us....just for starters please....and then I will get back to you about desserts!" When the manager fudges on this advertised deal and has a big hissyfit brakedown, I would call my lawyer and get a class action started. The judgment? Well, we'll each get a vewy large settlement and singlehandedly I will have solved world hunger AND poverty all my myself! Not oney that, but you don't even have to feel sorry for the restaurant's insurance company as they scammed so many of us wif high fees that it does not go bankrupt. It still continues to flourish so here is a happy ending for all of us---especially if I get an A on this 'signment.