After leaving the city for some time to take a personal vacation from the madness and go back to school for his medical degree, it was time to come back and see the city for himself. It seemed all the money the city had was put to use in reconstruction. It looked better but something was still missing in his life. He wanted to devote his time to better serve his fellow man and attempt improvement to his surroundings. He took up a job at HGH and accepted the role of Psychiatrist. He rather be known as a therapist, however. It was much healthier to the ears of individuals.

[Status]- HGH Psychiatrist Intern.
[Education]- Bachelors Degree M.D.

It will be my pleasure and honor to join the emdical ranks of Hathian General Hospital after serving as HPD Police, FDH EMT, Pizza Hole Employee, and now HGH Psychiatrist. These past 4 years have been a blast in Hathian and I tend to make more memories to come. I am currently taking RL classes to boost my knowledge. It will be interesting trying to apply these ideas in game. I feel that I may have made my place official now and tend to stick with it for good. Thank you for your time and hope to meet everyone that I haven't met already.