The Director Of Civil Services
1437 Hathian Hwy
Hathian, Louisiana 12345-6789

To: Department of Child Welfare, Child Protective Services (CPS)
Subject: Recovered Child

Recently, a call was made from one Lia Linette about the the well being of a recently born baby. The Baby was discovered by Ms. Linette and James Matfield discarded in the trash located at the Master Bates hotel on March 22. The Clinic that reported on the childs welfare stated the child blood work had known traces of narcotics in it, and the small frame of the child indicated there were several complications at birth. The child is considered a ward of the state until such times it is adopted. The Attached item in the notice is the information of Ms Lia Linette, who is currently watching the child in her private residence. It is impartive that CPS begins assessment into the well being of this child, and the fitness of Ms. Linette as acting Psuedo-Guardian. Recommendation that custody not be granted until determination is made on her capability. CPS is also further requested to contact Hathian Police department personel to escort CPS when meeting Ms. Linette at her private residence.

Any Questions, Comments, or concerns you may contact me directly.

Faith, Hope, Survival

William H. Kennedy, ESQ
Director of Civil Services
Office of Civil Services, Hathian L.A.
(Phone Number X1337)