Hathian Health Inspector Report Template-

Name of Establishment: Pie Hole Pizza
Name of Owner: Ellie Oval and Iokko Molko
Investigating Agent: Paul Gomes ((Paulo Spicoli))

-List violations here-
Food ingredients were quickly getting contaminated by the Love Bug virus. It seems that they were getting rancid at a much quicker rate than average produce. This as a result cut down on food supplies already in stock at the establishment and deliveries were not made in time to recoup the losses. It was evident that food utensils were also not properly and regularly cleaned. The large wall behind the ovens and counter was grimed with dirt and grease. The rest of the establishment was somewhat acceptable but for the safety of the populace, this food establishment had to be shut down. Many citizens were getting the same symptoms after eating at this business. The owner had stated she was on vacation during all of this and had not been aware of the issues until I confronted her with them.

-Owner citations-
Owner has agreed to clean the dirty areas and utensils and keep up on maintenance around the Pie Hole. She is personally taking care of the issues in order to expedite the reopening process faster and will keep a stricter eye on her staff in the future. Owner has agreed to pay the citations issued by the Board of Health which equal out to a total of $250.00. Upon receipt of payment, the owner was given a copy of the Health Report and her signature on it as well as receipt of fees incurred. Once the Board of Health receive and transmit the sent notice then the owner can reopen her business but for the time being she was advised to start up cleaning procedures.

Notes- ((Portable recording tape)).

[09:14] Paul Gomes kept walking even as she spoke in order to get to the building on time. As they arrived he stepped in and gestured to the seat across from the desk. With that, he walked over to the other side and sat himself down. "Have a seat miss," he calmly asked her. " He looked over to the stack of folders and picked one out and opened it. He got a sheet ready and his pen. "First, your name." He smiled.

[09:16] Iokko Molko quickly followed him, moving close by and surprised it wasn't at the HPD. Noticing the board when you first come in and she scoffed softly before following him upstairs to the makeshift office, watching him take a seat and she sighed before taking a seat and place her palms on his desk. "Umm oh iokko umm... ummm... Lane..." she swallowed hard as being married really was just not her and she totally forgot until he had asked her name.

[09:24] Paul Gomes found it silly to wear sunglasses in the building so he removed them and put them at his side. He then went on to write down her information. "Iokko Lane. You verbally state and agree you are the owner of Pie Hole Pizza. This is all correct." he nods and looks back up to her. He couldn't help but notice her apprehension earlier in providing her name. he took that into account. "So this here lists reasons for the business closure. Have you been aware of the presence of these reports?".

[09:27] Iokko Molko nods gently to his question, "yes that is correct." Biting her lower lip as she then started to fiddle with her hands listening to him and watching him write in the file only made her nervous. "N....no... what... whats going on... All I know is I come back from Vegas, and the pie hole is closed and people are desperate for food?" Rubbing her hands to the point she went to hide the rings again, "what happened?" All she remembered was manning the booth, making out with Xan to then go off and get stupidly married to him in Vegas of all places.

[09:32] Paul Gomes pointed at the documents in front of him with his finger and kept his attention on her. "These started a few days ago with a contamination in the food produce chain supplied to the local eateries." He cleared his throat as he went on to explain. "We took a precautionary step and closed these business establishments. Health records indicate an increase in new arrivals with the same issue. Flu like symptoms but prior to this the recipient experiences sexual urges. Sort of like a stimulant." As he finished off his sentence he glanced towards his papers as he traced a few lines with his pen.

[09:37] Iokko Molko gasped as she looked at it, and was effected by it as well hell this didn't settle well with her at all. "I umm... I didn't eat pizza... I had some cupcakes..." she'd say then holding up her hand. "They prompted Xan and I to get married and we barely knew each other... and yes we had sex many many times but I didn't have pizza though just the stupid cupcakes" she groaned thinking how they could have been something tainted. Looking up at him her cheeks would have turned a bright red from embarrassment from the whole ordeal of even having to tell someone.

[09:48] Paul Gomes kept his posture of business fashion. He resisted the urge to hear of the story and thought this virus actually provided entertainment to watch. He simply cleared his throat once more and tapped the back of his pen against the sheet before him. His eyes now fixed on her. "You are not aware that your utensils were also not washed. The wall behind the oven was also dirty." He sighed and looked at the paper. "It might sound like menial things but it comes down to how sanitary things are and whether employees do their part. Perhaps you should leave your business in the hands of someone who can handle this next time. You are a business woman so I am sure you understand what I mean." He looked back at her and dryly smiled.

[09:53] Iokko Molko pounded her fists on the desk, not much made iokko angry but from what she gathered from his words she became very irate. "What because I'm a.... woman... I can't do it as good as a man huh? Is that what your saying?" scooting to the edge of her chair as her eyes would then squint with anger trying not to lose control of herself. "I'll get those cleaned up immediately, so that we can open back up. The people of Hathian are hungry, and you need to allow us to open back up to feed them. Don't be so irrational on the whole matter, surely you must be hungry like the rest of us." Perking her brow as she held up her palms and scooted back into her chair taking a deep breath, not smiling just glaring at the man. Irritated about the situation she ripped the rings off her finger and then stuffed them into her pocket as she didn't want to be married to anyone, well atleast yet anyways.

[10:01] Paul Gomes watched her reaction with a rising curiosity. His eyes perked up at the outburst and he heard her loud and clear. He didn't like that she was feeling he was being biased because that was not intention he thought. He held his hands in the air as if in a defensive stance and shook his head. "I am not biased based on gender or anything of that sort. We are simply here discussing the direction of your business from this point on." He would then lay his hands back down across his paper whilst picking uip his pen. "I understand your frustration at the situation that is ongoing but I assure you that this is a necessary process we must undergo before anything else is to take place. You must bear with me." He give her an affirming nod and look. "Once you calm down we will further discuss our next steps in what will be incurred and how to expedite the reopening process."

[10:09] Iokko Molko held her hands out and sighed biting on her lower lip, "I'm fine... and let us continue on..." she'd sigh and then place her hands back down on the arms of the chair. "I can fix the issues, thats very minimal and we have a good washer system in the back of the pie hole to redo all the utensils. I will also personally wash myself the wall behind the oven today so that people can eat, they need it" she was trying to sound rational and calm as the people needed it. Her palms then made their way to her thighs as she started to rub them from being slightly clammy, she hated being around cops or authority figures unless she was trying to seduce them.

[10:17] Paul Gomes confirmed that she was calm now and could hear him out. He turned his attention to the before in front of him and began writing out what she had verbally stated. "These are agreeable things you have come up with." He did in fact think them fair things and looked back up at her. "I am sure you are aware that fees are incurred in these things. Citations were written out by the Board of Health and here we expedite these claims made by them. You as the owner accept and agree to these terms in order to reopen the said closed business. If you do not agree once we are done here then you will not be able to carry anything further until the problem is resolved."

[10:25] Iokko Molko had nodded as she listened to him talk, she didn't want to delay the closing of the pie hole any longer than the residents of Hathian wanted it to be. "So ummm when could I open up after these items are cleaned and umm whom... whom do I pay?" she'd ask wondering cause she could run and nab the cash should she need to from the pie hole once they allow her inside to fix the issues. "Do I ummm sign this?" she'd point to the paper while biting her lower lip.

[10:35] Paul Gomes smiled at her now and tried to keep his friendly demeanor nice and steady. "The Board of Health will receive this paper once I fax it to them and send answer to when you can reopen. It shouldn't take more than 12 hours and maybe not even that." He would hand her the paper he was writing on before and let her read it for herself. "You can read over everything and sign at the bottom once you are finished reading and we will go on to discuss fees and payment."

[10:37] Iokko Molko nods to the man and then takes the paper reading it over carefully, sliding forwarding once again she'd move to use the one pen he had laid on his desk. Pulling it back she'd then bit her lower lip and sigh at the bottom of the paper with a sigh, "ok... there you go... can I get a copy of that too please?" she'd quirk a brow with a sigh hoping this wasn't going to be much longer.

[10:44] Paul Gomes accepted the paper she had signed and turned around to face the all in one printer, fax, and scanner. "I will make you a copy right now." He started up the copy machine and ran it through. Once it was done he removed the two papers and handed her the fresh copy. "There ya go. Now, the fees are $250.00 and an extra $50.00 for our session here." He offered her another quick smile. "How would you like to pay?", he asked her curiously.

[10:47] Iokko Molko rolled her eyes hearing the fee's, this was outrageous but she had to pay somehow. Then she remembered the card she could use that her parents gave her in case of 'emergencies' and she would fish just that out of her pocket. "Here... with this..." she'd say with a sigh wondering how she'd tell her parents about this but this wasn't the time she thought. Biting her lower lip she knew the card would run through as it had more than a thousand dollars already loaded in the account. "Then it can open back up?" she quirked a brow swallowing hard to bit her lower lip waiting for his answer.

[10:54] Paul Gomes looked over at the card offered to him as payment and he gladly accepted it. "Plastic it is..", he began to say. He reached the card machine closer to him and ran the card through while punching in the pin. "This shouldn't take long", he said and it finally went through. At the other side of the machine a long strand of receipt came out. He handed that to her. "$300.00 have been deducted from your credit and deposited towards your obligations. Thank you." He put the machine away and handed her the card back. "As I said, Once the Board of Health receive and transmit the paper we sent then they will send response back to us and your business can reopen. For the time being you can go in and start cleaning the place up if you wish until it can be open for the public again."

[10:56] Iokko Molko nodded and took her card back only to stuff that into her pocket glad she just had it for the day cause she didn't have cash on her currently. "Ok that sounds good..." she nodded and then bit her lower lip. "Can I get the board taken away from the door please or does that come down when they approve?" she quirked a brow and then slipped to the edge of her chair to stand up not wanting to stay any longer.

[10:59] Paul Gomes looked up at her as she stood up and with that he stood up as well and closed up the folder from before. "To avoid any complications I would advise you to leave the boards there for now. I want to avoid confusion with the populace." He offers her a friendly smile now and walks to the edge of the desk. "Shall I see you out?", he asked her politely.

[11:10] Iokko Molko nodded and shrugged as she wasn't used to chivalry cause it was dead and she knew it. "Sure yea if you want..." she sighed and listened on. "Ok well that sounds like ok... will you please let me know as soon as you know, would just make things easier for me please..." she'd groan and cross her arms starting to walk out where they had came in.

[11:13] Paul Gomes smiled and followed her to the door and stopped before her. "Well you have my business card and we have your number on file so communication will be no problem." He chuckled and gave her a reassuring look and was serious this time. "Just stay safe until then and visit the Hathian Police Department for Food, Water, and medical supplies. They are giving handouts there. Just an FYI."

[11:15] Iokko Molko nodded to him as she would then walk out should he not pull at her to come back. Io would then head to the police station for some food first before going back to the pie hole to clean on up. Man how she hated how this mess had happened, and next valentines day she was going to invest in some gas masks or something to prevent this shit from happening again to her. Giving him a half assed wave she'd set off then for where she was going to go trying to think of how to get out of this stupid marriage.