Hathian Health Inspector Report Template-

Name of Establishment: Gein
Name of Owner: Coley Gandt ((Put in application for Lead))
Investigating Agent: Paul Gomes ((Paulo Spicoli))

-List violations here-
There were rat nests that spread by breeding across from withing the building. As a result of this infestation, the amount of rat droppings I witnessed were insurmountable. How atrocious it was to look at something untreated in that magnitude. Small eggs were in large quantities within some nests but others just contained dead vermin or others that scurried away when approached. A container of WD-40 motor oil was also next to the canned food items. The container was 2/3 full and was a major health hazard. Unapproved containers were being used as storage as it was apparent. The toxic threat in this situation was astonishing and I could not allow operations to commence with these types of circumstances. The meat supply had been tainted by the same contaminating virus that had started in several other locales. This was in addition, another issue that issued the closure of this business as stories of more sickness began to escalate throughout the city.

-Owner citations-
The owner, Coley Gandt was notified of the issues as we walked through them together. I showed her the areas of contamination and also discussed steps on her action in stopping and preventing this type of issue from sprouting in the future. She promised to pay another cleaning crew to do a thorough wash of her business but for the meantime she would take further action and clean the place herself the best she could while the business remained closed to the public. I also watched as she physically removed the toxic items from the infected areas. She agreed to doing a fresh inventory of new products. This is strictly enforced as well as any item in stock could be infected. Coley had not been aware of the spreading virus that has infected so many food supplies. I made sure she was updated on the current situation and how so many reports of sicknesses were spreading around the city. After signing and agreeing to all terms, Coley was notified of all the citations and her obligations to pay them. Toxic items being improperly stored as well as harmful storage containers being used for food products. I made sure to include my personal session fee and it came out to a total of $650.00. She paid in check and a fax was sent to Board of Health.

Notes- ((Recorded on portable tape.))
[09:32] Paul Gomes smiles and commences the meeting as he sits himself down again. "You are the owner of Gein or at least claim to be the successor at some point in time, as Coley Gandt." He shuffled through the papers in the folder and scanned it with his finger. "It seems we found some rat nests in the building and they were breeding pretty quick. As a result the place was littered in rat droppings." He shook his head and sighed. His eyes turning to gaze at her and give her a disgusted look in regards to rats breeding. "Does this sound acceptable?", he asked her more rhetorically than anything.

[09:39] Coley Gandt nods and sighs, "Well I have only been for the last few days. I had walked into that mess and have been working my ass off to get it cleaned. I hope that you will take a look at some point, you will see that the place has been squeaky clean. I hired an outside source to have it professionally cleaned to safety and health codes Sir." she said up adjusting her business jacket. "So I as the new owner of the place, prepared to completely take over and revamp the place to be even more to higher standards." she nods.

[09:46] Paul Gomes kept his gaze fixated on her as she spoke. He saw what he did and knew that people would decapitate him if he allowed things to go on as they were. "This is the problem with no leadership. Just like my last case." He cleared his throat now and looked towards his paper. he went on to list the rest of the notes. "During this cleanup process, did you notice that a can of WD-40 was alongside the canned goods or how unapproved containers were being used as storage?". His question asked with a hint of cynicism to it despite his best intention of sounding rational and ethical.

[09:50] Coley Gandt nods, "Yes I did and that was why I took matters into my own hands and redid the place. I came in after the contamination had taken place and I was left with a great deal of work...but with the hours I pulled, I had that place cleaned up. All I need really is a fresh shipment of food and drink of course, plus new staff, since they had let it get this bad. I am ashamed that they would even let it reach that level of dirtiness and I can assure you, it won't happen again. I am going to be all commando on those people and I will run a tight but fun ship in that place." she said with a straight face.

[09:56] Paul Gomes nodded as he shuffled through the next sheet of paper. "I am not sure you are aware but there has been a contamination in the food supply of our city. We believe it to be a hijacking of individual business establishments. The virus slowly spread and began to infect the consumers. We took the necessary precautions and closed all eateries down as a result of the state of emergency declared by the Board of Health." He placed the sheets of paper back down on the desk and turned his eyes in her direction. "This is a serious threat of not taken care of. I will list to you the citations imposed and your obligation total once you have understood all of this."

[09:58] Coley Gandt nods, "I have heard about it yes, and that was why I figured standing up as owner to the Gein would be a good idea for not just the Gein, but for the city as well." she said peeking over at his papers discretely and added, "I have taken responsibility for this and ready for my obligation, so if you could show the list of citations that would be excellent."

[10:05] Paul Gomes smiles now and nods as he writes down a few lines here and there. "Toxic items improperly used, $250.00. The second is, Food Contact, $200.00. and the vermin threat is $150.00." He looked up to her again and handed her the sheet which stated all the information for her and a line at the bottom to be signed. "Just sign at the bottom after you read through the notice." he handed her a pen as well.

[10:08] Coley Gandt nods and sighs hearing the dollar amounts she had to pay already now taking this job...she would take the sheet reading it over and signed the bottom of it. It was a good thing she had her checkbook with her. After the sheet was signed, she would slide it back across the table to Paul. "Alright, and pretty much I legally own this place after signing this paper?" she asks and then adds, "Can I pay off these citations now Sir?"

[10:13] Paul Gomes accepts the paper that had been signed by her and puts it away into the manila folder. "You have already undergone the application process for Lead so that is a separate case I don't deal with but you did accept responsibility for the citations upon signing." He calculated the sum total on his mini calculator on the desk and read her the total. "$650.00 is what it comes down to and in addition my fee of this session will be taxed onto it which brings us to a total of $650.00." He looked up at her and cleared his throat as he read her the deadly sum. "Cash, check, or credit?", he asked her curiously so.

[10:16] Coley Gandt sighed hearing the grand total and pulled out her checkbook writing out the full amount and with her signature she passed it over to him with a nod, "That would be a check Sir. And since Lead is a separate issue, I hope that I can speak to someone about that since I have been taking the financial responsibility for this place." she says and stands up. "I am sorry Sir, but I must be going. If you could mail me a copy of the citation with a receipt of my payment that would be great. And just sent it to the Gein please, as I am always taking in the mail for there," she said prepared to exit the office. ((sorry I really have to sign off.))