*You see the below notice on the main noticeboard in Columtreal University.*
Business Studies 101: 1st Step to Making the Big Bucks

An introductory course to Business Studies, perhaps the first of a series of courses that could lead to a Bachelorate of Business Science (BBusSci).


- To familiarise students with a business-oriented mind with the Foundations of Building Up and Running a successful Business, be it a store, factory, catering or service provider.
- To introduce the idea of Fair Business into the minds of the students, by providing them with clear and straight-forward information on what is legally and/or morally correct and what is not.

Topics Covered:

- What is a Business?
- Different Types of Businesses
- The Principle of Supply and Demand
- Business Organisation
----> Business Partnerships
----> Franchising
----> Stakeholders and ethics
- The Government's Role in Business Control
----> Business Law
----> Labour Market and Unemployment
----> Interest Rates
- Marketing
----> How to effectively put a product on the Market
----> The Product Life Cycle
----> Different Kinds of Markets
----> Brands
----> Pricing Strategies
- Finance
----> What is profit?
----> Balance Sheets
----> Depreciation
----> Profit and Loss Account
- Management
----> Styles of Management
----> Recruitment and Training
----> Motivating the Workforce
- Production and Operations
----> Production Methods
----> Quality & Efficiency
----> Stock Control

This Course shall try to cover all the above topics on a General and Introductory Level. Should this Course prove successful and circumstances allow it, further courses shall be prepared to tackle the various topics into more detail.

If you are interested in Applying for this Course, ask for an Application form from the Main Reception Desk at the University or the Reception Desk at the Faculty Building, Fill in the application and return it to the reception before 09/16/09.

Nick DiPietro

((To apply, please copy paste the whole text in the "Code" box below, copy it into a Notecard entitled "Course Application - " and send it to me InGame through IM on Avatar Name VV01F Hermans (doesn't matter if I am offline, will read it anyways when I log in).


"Business Studies 101: 1st Step to Making the Big Bucks"

Disclaimer: In no way is it guaranteed that you will become rich just by taking this course. Yet, it could prove useful if you apply yourself to it.

Instructions: Please Fill in the form below and deliver it to the Head Secretary at the CU Administration Building by no later than 09/16/09.
((Substitute the dotted lines with the appropriate IC/OOC info and send notecard with "Course Application - " as title to VV01F Hermans. That's "Vee Vee" not "double-U"))

((IC Part))
--- Fields marked with an * are Optional and can be left unfilled ---

General Information:
Name: ............................
Surname: ...........................
Age: ...........................
Year at CU (Freshman/Sophomore/Junior/Senior): ...........................

Why do you want to attend this course?

Contact Information:
N.B. - These fields are optional so feel free to leave them all out, if you want to. However, the more ways I can contact you in, the better your chances of getting notified about anything related to you and/or your performance in my classes are. Also note, all of the information submitted with this application form will be held in strict confidentiality.
e-Mail Address*: ......................((Make up but include CrackDen Forum Name for IC PMs))......................
Home Phone Number*: ...........................((Make up))...........................
Cellphone Number*: ...........................((Make up))...........................
Emergency Contact Number* (Who we should contact in case of injury/illness): ...........................((Make up)) ...........................

((OOC Part))
Avatar Name & Surname: ......................................................
Preferred Times and Days of Week for Classes: .................................................................................

I, ...........................((IC Name Here))..........................., the undersigned, agree that by applying to this course I will accept the grade given to me at its termination - a grade that will reflect my Attendance to classes, Behaviour in classes, Participation during classes and Performance in assignments and final exam.

Please sign here: ......................................................

For Office Use Only - Do NOT write below this dashed line.
|__| DENIED Signature of Instructor: ......................................................

And thanks for your interest.