((Note: Those are not real email address. For all your emailing needs. Make a notecard and drop it on said person in world. ))

Teaching Staff

Name: Carol Helstein
Position: Professor
Class: Physics
Brief class summary: Intro the physics, basic knowledge and history of physics as a science
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 504-555-2009


Name: Coyoti Kharg
Position: Instructor
Class: Psychology
Brief class summary: This class will explore the origins of psychology, the different methods, the disorders associated with psychology, the medications, and pretty much a basic overview of the field.
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 555-4745


Name: Kouta Paine (SLname: Kouta Ugajin)
Position: Instructor
Class (If applicable): Mythology
Brief class summary: -
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 999 - 6782


Name: Melia Cerise
Position: Professor
Class: Forensic Anthropology
Brief class summary: An overview of the field and its history with some in depth looks of examining crimes scenes and bones. The class is more hands on than most. Many extra credit opportunities available. Some 'field trips' may be scheduled out side of normal class times (to the morgue).
IC Email: [email protected] ((Offlines get sent to real email))
IC Phone#: 555-6745


Name: Nicky DiPietro (SLname: VV01f Hermans)
Position: Head Coach
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 555-6325


Name: Onya Clarity (SLname: Vodka Clarity)
Position: Instructor
Class: Psychology 201: Human Performance Enhancement * Psychology 210: Human Sexuality
Brief class summary: PSYCH 210 Human Sexuality
Broad survey of biological, psychological, and social determinants of human sexuality and sexual behavior. Topics include cultural diversity, sexual development (physical and psychological), sexual health, reproduction (pregnancy, contraception, abortion), development of sex, gender and orientation, adult sexual bonding, sexual abuse and assault.
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 422 - 1143


Name: Tohru Tanaka (SLname: Tami QInan)
Position: Professor
Class: Creative Writing
Brief class summary: Teaches basic Creative writing tecniques. How to write poetry and how to write short stories.
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 555-4321


Name: Zak Rhiano
Position: Professor
Class: Arts * Architecture
Brief class summary: Art classes are hands on with assignments to be done on your own time * Architecture is actual SL building (with prims)
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 504-555-3825


Non-Teaching Staff

Name: Alisa Gomez (SLname: alisag resident)
Position: Counselor
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 555-0261


Name: Daniel Riley (SLname: Jayne Woodget)
Position: Counselor
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 456-789-8765


Name: Dannika Riley (SLname: Dannika Dryke)
Position: General Administrator
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 555 - 5683


Name: Giselle Antler
Position: Librarian
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: (555)555-3943


Name: Paige Alessah Staab (SLname: Paige Griffith)
Position: CU Nurse
IC Email: [email protected]
IC Phone#: 555.9915


I postpone death by living, by suffering, by error, by risking, by giving, by losing. ~Anais Nin