Hi guys.

Since we don't have have a Political Science or History department (or any majors that we know of majoring in these subjects) Dannika gave me the idea to start a Workshop series to get people interested. So, I'm going to be holding these workshop-lectures a few times a week on various topics in Political Science and History.

These are all their own workshops. They will feature a lecture by me, followed by a discussion by whoever attends. Anyone is welcome to attend, even non-students.

First one will be held today 6-7pm SLT. The title is:

The Facebook-Twitter Revolution:
Authoritarianism Confronted in the Arab World

This is the information sheet:

Dr. Rasima Petrovic's Workshop Series in History and Political Science #1:

The Facebook-Twitter Revolution:
Authoritarianism Confronted in the Arab World

The first major grass-roots revolution of the 21st century is taking place in the Middle-East. Protesters and rebels are armed not with AK-47s and machettes, but with Smartphones and Laptops. The revolution takes place as much in the street, as it does over cyberspace. With the free flow of information passing from and through the Arab world, thanks to Tweets and Facebook grouping, the Arab people are openly defying generations of oppressive and corrupt regimes. The people want an end to authoritarianism and so-called "dynastic rule" of the government, and to transform the Arab world into modern democratic nation-states.

The Internet has been vital for these waves of democratic revolutions throughout the Middle-East. It has provided a way to mobilize protesters, and to inform the rest of the world about local happenings in these rebellions. But how long can we hope to see free and uncensored information pass between boarders via the Internet, before these governments censor and restrict it? How successful will these revolutions really be in establishing democracy?

Join us today at Columtreal University at 6pm SLT for the first of a series of History and Political Science workshops by Dr. Rasima Petrovic. There will be a lecture, followed by discussions.

Strongly recommended attendance for Sociology, Anthropology and Creative Writing majors.
Everyone welcome, including non-students!

Coffee and snacks will be served.

Location: Columtreal University Lecture Hall
Time: 6pm SLT