Staff Opportunities

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This topic contains 13 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Jackson Verlack jackson-verlack 10 years, 3 months ago.

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Profile photo of Esperanza Hernandoz



Its that time again. We all thank and truly cherish the time and effort you put into our sims. As roleplayers, leads, staff and any other capacity you contribute to our sims. Recent stepdowns across all sims and budding creations of new sims have led us to believe we once again need to slice and dice responsibilities and bring in new faces.

First, lets all thank Audrina when we see her for doing so much for the community. Her direction has truly helped the community feel connected with each other and staff and she has HUGE shoes to fill. While we are sad to see her go, we are excited for the fun she will have with that thing called "real life". Please, do not IM her for any sim needs. Feel free to email me for now at [email protected]. This is truly the best way to contact me.

Second, we will be splitting up many of her duties and adding in some positions. its the perfect time to change things up so you dont feel in a rut and throw in your hat if you want to help shape this community!

  1. Events & Notices - This will now be filled by two people. Those who volunteer will need to be open to ideas, creative and have impeccable taste for decor!
  2. Front page stories - this is more of a task for someone to add on to their current role. You would need to be able to pull stories from the community and take quality photos that fit within our guidelines for the highlights on our website. Things to highlight would be sim plots, sim wide events, businesses, stage 2 or 3 factions, etc. Editorial skills are needed.
  3. Vendor Relations - this would be a purely OOC role to help us manage vendors across all sims. We'd prefer an active blogger or creator that knows how to network and finds it fun to deal with the latest and hottest creators.
  4. Security - You would help with griefers and others who interrupt roleplay. Eventually, if it suits you. you could be trained to be a moderator
  5. Business Leaders - Notice a place whose lead seems ever absent or doesnt have a lead at all? Dont be shy about making that business suit your purposes. LEt us know via a proposal or email what your interested in running and we will see about replacing leadership or adding you as a manager. Its a great way to get your feet wet with leading here
  6. <span style="color:#f00;">TEMPORARY IC HPD CAPTAIN</span> - You may remember a temp Captain in the past. It's always fun for the sim and for HPD to have this kind of shake up. It will require a new male (sorry girls!) character and the character will only be in charge for around 2 months max. We will have more information on expectations and goals to those who volunteer. I will still handle OOC issues. this should be purely fun IC role! email me.
  7. New IC and OOC HPD Lead/Captain - Another Thank you is needed for Jack Hartigan. He has done an amazing job helping to redo guides and take over for others in the HPD even when he never volunteered for it initially. With him helping us on other endeavors we decided its best to take him completely out of the picture to hasten the search for a new lead. Whomever this is will have to work for it ICly and show the OOC qualities we want in a leader, which includes public corruption. Email me for more information. All previous inquiries have already been forwarded to me.
  8. New CD GM and 1 Admin - The admin will be Adminning CU. Dannika will help to teach the ins and outs of the school. traffic is never high there so its not an overbearing position if shared and we'd like Dannika to have a break sometimes. The GMs would take over Business Proposals & Faction Proposals. One would be dedicated to help all factions types and moderate for them, while another focuses on businesses, business leads and activities.
  9. CU GM/IC Dean - We need new leadership ICly for CU, this would double as an OOC role.

Keep in mind that there are still basic criteria for some of these positions and that the higher the position, the more time it might take to reach it. GM and Admin positions will not be immediately appointed. We are look for folks to declare their desires and work with us and other staff to work into those positions:

  • Limited to no OOC dramma and issues. This includes Twitter.
  • Ability to communicate in an amiable, supportive and clear manner.
  • Ability to put sim needs and ways before your personal opinion.
  • Ability to see an idea and think of how it can work, rather than just say no
  • Ability to see that all of the groups and guides are a flexible framework. All because it hasnt been done, doesnt mean it cant
  • Ability to be self reliant and make sound decisions. We are not here to dictate for admins or GMs. We trust those in that position to make decision keeping the sim mentality in mind. Be open and keep our theme in mind and you won't find your decisions overturned!
  • Ability to work with us and not against us as we try to bring The Crack Den back to its roots in regards to genre and theme
November 7, 2014 at 12:05 pm
Profile photo of Dean Haystack

dean haystack


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November 14, 2014 at 2:49 am
Profile photo of Jacking Inkpen



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November 14, 2014 at 5:22 pm
Profile photo of Phillip Aubin

phillip aubin


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November 14, 2014 at 9:08 pm
Profile photo of Piper Rewell

piper rewell


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November 14, 2014 at 9:50 pm
Profile photo of Jackson Verlack



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~"You cannot expect victory and plan for defeat." - Joel Osteen~

November 17, 2014 at 11:08 am
Profile photo of Jacking Inkpen



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November 17, 2014 at 2:13 pm
Profile photo of Jackson Verlack



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~"You cannot expect victory and plan for defeat." - Joel Osteen~

November 28, 2014 at 11:02 am
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