RPing Without a Group or Tag??

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Nadir Taov Nadir Taov 13 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of Esperanza Hernandoz



Got the go ahead to say something on this topic - hopefully this helps those with so many questions and makes others aware of how we can answer those questions that are brought into OOC group chat.

Many of the groups have been disbanded by now, everyone needs to be in the CD Citizen group to actively RP in this sim

Can you RP something if you are not in that group?
Depends. Requires a little thinking and knowing the rules, so understandable why people get confused. Not a dumb question, but one easily answered. You can't RP being a part of a business or group if you are not in it. You can't RP as gang or anything official if it isn't. Examples would be if you have are not in the HGH group, but want to be a doctor. You can be a doctor, but not an HGH doctor. You can't go in there and treat people without their permission. HGH doesnt make you a doctor - it just means you get all the emergencies and get to RP at the primary hospital in Hathian. Gangs and groups are a little trickier. Anyone can make a club or band of people. You can give yourself a name... but once you start participating in gang-like activity and start recruiting and start sporting around Tags you are breaking policy because you’d have to propose for official status before all that. That brings me to tags....

Tags don't matter in the end as long as you have a CD Citizen one. A CD Dealer tag doesn't make you a dealer. Your roleplay makes you a dealer. A person shouldn't approach you for sex because you have a Prostitute tag on, they should approach you because you posted about looking for your next john and are giving off the impression that they can give you one dolla and you will make them holla. Basically, you don't need these tags to be what you want. You dont need a lawyer tag to act as a lawyer. You don't need a criminal tag to be bad and RP criminal activities. If you are in a gang you don't need to wear your tag, again, in the end your roleplay should portray what you are.

That being said, it is realized that tags, though a small form of metagaming, do make things easier and quicker so they are returning as was always intended.

Here is a tag teaser - not all the tags that will be available are mentioned and these will not all roll out at once:

CD Criminals
These tags will be earned through you interactions with the HPD. What is the point? You get perks... a status and eventually you will qualify to be in a group that contain only the grittiest of the gritty in hathian (not to mention you will then be able to apply to use a gun in Hathian). There will be several different levels of criminals starting with the simple 'CD Deviant' and ending with the bad ass 'CD Felon', which will be the tag required to carry a gun (Yes, we know felons can't legally carry guns - doubt felons care much about legality though, right? Hold all gun questions - felons wont be the only ones eligible more to come on that later). How to reach these and how much it will take to reach these different levels will never be told. Just know its automated and it reflects purely your roleplay with the HPD and the incidents you are involved in and arrests made. So roleplay things out to the max if you can. Make those stories and just maybe you will find yourself with a CD Heartless tag cause you make even the felons look like Pollyannas.

Other tags
Hathian has more to offer than just a place for the ugly, though that is what we are all about. The same levels of "Victim' tags that correlate with both the HGH and HPD will be coming back, people will be able to sport around just how 'Innocent" they are or just what a great toy they would make. Eventually you will even be able to join the ranks of 'Felons' and the 'Heartless', albeit on the opposite spectrum. You will be one of our very own CD Broken.

There will be tags to reflect the 'Rehabilitated' and tags that reflect those that RP our drug deals and RP out buying the drugs. (dealer /addict tags) Again, it all reflects your RP and are recorded by scripts that relay the info to a greater system.

Not all tags will be so hard to get and as interest is expressed those tags will roll out sooner. Prostitutes will be able to get a tag by clicking on some condoms at Masterbates Inn (much like the regular hire signs, you will just need to be a CD Citizen), the grittier version of the title will later be earned (don't want to spoil too many surprises).

As for tags such a CD lawyers...priests ... judges....etc - again you don't need the tags to RP those things and until enough interest in forming a working group for those is expressed those tags will be phased out.

(Again not all tags have been discussed)

Does everything have to be so game like? No, that is not what RP is about. Again, you don't need these tags to do what you do or be what you want to be. This is for those who want the glory of a tag - now you have the incentive to get it (or as Eve said in OOC chat today be-e aggressive XD)

There is a lot more to come as far as perks go, I ask that you refrain from too many questions regarding this like the why's and the when's because there a million reasons why - in the end its just another change, something else new to help roleplay. As always nothing is permanent and things may change if they seem to hinder. Feel free to post for clarifications! I know I am not the best at describing things, but I had the time and was seeing the questions.

July 13, 2011 at 11:25 pm
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July 14, 2011 at 1:25 am
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July 14, 2011 at 11:23 am
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Nadir Taov


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July 14, 2011 at 8:18 pm
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July 14, 2011 at 9:08 pm
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July 16, 2011 at 12:17 am
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July 16, 2011 at 1:46 pm
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July 16, 2011 at 10:16 pm
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Nadir Taov


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July 19, 2011 at 4:58 am
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