[Faction] White Hand Syndicate

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Group Proposals [Faction] White Hand Syndicate

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Profile photo of perina mcginnis

perina mcginnis


The White Hand Syndicate
By Navarre Snowbear

TYPE: Faction

MEMBERS: Haleycali Resident, Justicia mcmillan

BACKGROUND: The White Hand is an order of ancient world teachings; who are heavily involved in organised crime and mercenary activities such as assassination plots and rebellions. They covet power above all other objectives which they use to control governments and cities from the shadows using crude criminal activities and economics. They have their hand in many things ranging from extortion, smuggling, drugs and weapons trade. They use mysticism, fear and corrupted officials to manipulate others into their plans they care not for anyone they will crush and kill all who tried to get in their way and will often silence the witnesses and their family's. They are essentially cut throats, smugglers and criminal masterminds their hands are into anything that will make money and their business is often handled in the shadows. They are secretive and choose to remain that way many do not know of their existence do to their clean ups and moving with care and stealth rather then picking an open fight. Many of them can be savage and very intelligent and most importantly they never back away from a fight to interfere with the White Hand is to ask for death. ------ Prime Commodity: Counterfeit Currency Counterfeit Documentation, Premium Quality Other Commodities: Information Brokering Data Analysis Monitoring Contraband Smuggling Manufacturing Operations Drug Trafficking Sex Trafficking Motor Vehicle Operations ------ Requirements: Criminal Record Recommendation from Affiliated Member or Faction ------ Ranks: ------ Informant The White Hand employs a number of Informants to be their eyes and ears, they use fear and greed to manipulate them into giving them vital information to assist in their hostile take overs, their goals and what ever is on their agenda. ------ Hired Muscle These are usually used for racketeering, and putting the hurt on those who cause problems for the white hand, they are above informant and entrusted with a little more then an informant would be, but still have no real dealings in any of the operations. ------ Corrupted Those who have been bribed, blackmailed, extorted are known as the corrupted, usually those who have secrets they wish to remain secret. They serve the hand in the system or field they work in and are often asked to do things they would not be comfortable in doing. ------ Smuggler Smugglers are tasked with moving large quantity of product, from drugs, weapons, stolen goods and people. Their methods vary and their loyalty brought, From time to time they will be asked to work with others to move more sensitive items. ------ Runner Runners Jobs can vary from running small operations, or being a moving part of a larger operation, they are usually trusted but watched. The White Hand demands loyalty above all else and if failed, pieces may go missing as a reminder. ------ Operative Very trusted Operatives that handle more complex operations are more skilled in the stealthy component, they use their means to achieve their goals always attempting to do it quietly to avoid a mess and huge clean up, Their jobs vary on a need to need basis but are respect and valued. ------ Assassin (Limited) As the name implies, if there is someone in the way these are sent out to dispatch those problems clearing the way, they are ruthless and without mercy, sometimes slaughtering entire families of targets to send a message or make their point, an Assassin ------ Lieutenant (Limited) These are some of the leaders of the White Hand, they know a great deal about several operations in different regions, but work together to efficiently maximize their profits and control. ------ Enforcer (Limited) The Enforcers are the most highly trained and feared members of the White Hand, they are the ones that get results at any cost or means, they leave a pile of corpses and the death where ever they tread and are not to taken lightly, If one is seen then prey for your life could be near its end. -------------------- Other Info: We hold ourselves to a set standard of co-operation and level of professionalism. We work primarily with other criminal factions and entities to achieve our profits and continued accumulated wealth and influence. We often take up positions in the community in noted establishments or with our community works, to be the cover and mask for various operations. We offer a sense of realism with consequences, any number of things can transpire and go wrong adding to the RP experience and realism. This promotes in-depth story progression and character evolution, opening up more opportunities for other characters or factions to interact and write together. If you have questions please feel free to contact us

UNIQUE: Pawn Shop - This location can also be used as a fence and to move contraband items. Poisoned Apple - Is used as a front to obtain large quantities of premium ink, for the use in counterfeit identification, documents then pass from hand to hand under the cover of a new tattoo. Private Warehouse / Garage - Smuggling purposes and Operations, also providing a general home turf faction building to maintain activity and operations through Crack Den. Planned Front, should application be approved. Laundry Mat - This business will be a front, allowing the community to wash their clothes, while counterfeit money is being laundered out the back. Church - Will be constructed through cleaned money. This will provide standing in the community, whilst allowing for various events and activities to provide as a smoke screen for larger scale operations.

FLAW: - Identify Financial Weaknesses - Lack of Willingness to accept outside Investment

POTENTIAL ENEMY: - Hathian Police Department - Hathian General Hospital - Poisoned Apple - Pawn Shop - More Welcome Until approved, contacting other factions and groups has not taken place due to immersion, contact will be made ICly.

EXPERIENCE: I have been the IC Lead of Police Departments, Criminal Factions as well as an Admin and a Storyteller/Mentor on a number of Sims. I also previously owned 7 Sims in another Genre of Rp that did well for 5 years. I have been in second Life since 2003 on one name or another and have accumulated much experience from being involved in communities of various natures and types. I am easy to speak with, approachable and can make tough choices and decisions when required. I am efficient in organizing people and delegating the work load as well as keeping detailed observational notes, to review and improve if necessary. I have also been very adept in creating multiple storylines and plots rich with detail, realism which promotes story progression and in depth character evolution for whole communities to enjoy and experience. Ontop of this I am very committed to my obligations and commitments.

IDEAS: There are countless many way to interact with people in an Rp community, from as simple as saying hello, to sharing a coffee, or more complicated and indepth avenues, it depends on IC responses and the flow of a scene, so I can not give you a direct response as every scene is different and will often not go the way planned. it is a case by playing it by ear.

OTHER: - Hathian Police Department - Hathian General Hospital - Poisoned Apple - Pawn Shop - More Welcome Until approved, contacting other factions and groups has not taken place due to immersion, contact will be made ICly.

July 27, 2019 at 8:39 pm
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cross101 avro


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July 27, 2019 at 8:46 pm
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xeus cain


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July 27, 2019 at 9:13 pm
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Maitso Tran


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July 28, 2019 at 1:51 pm
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lynx melodie


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July 28, 2019 at 2:32 pm
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lynx melodie


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July 28, 2019 at 3:12 pm
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meiling mikado


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July 28, 2019 at 9:21 pm
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Maitso Tran


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July 29, 2019 at 1:54 am
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