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This topic contains 41 replies, has 16 voices, and was last updated by piper rewell 8 years, 10 months ago.
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piper rewellsaidDATE: 03/24/16 PROPOSAL BY: Naomi Afterthought GROUP NAME: The Revenants MEMBERS: Seifer Laval, Liberte Kesten BACKGROUND: Ghosts. The Revenants [aka Revs] are born from the ashes of the past. No blind loyalties, no freely given respect --- everything of worth to be earned in blood. Following under a strict sovereignty of a King [bleeder], a Queen [leader], and a Regent [schemer]? The 'family' grows with intent to not search out Demons and Angels; but Monsters masked in sanity. Break down what is to rebuild what is wanted. Astrid[Agony] and Riley[Psycho] (- 'Seifer Laval') come from a background in a small syndicate elsewhere. During the rise of this group; a larger entity found itself threatened by the growing force. In a broad sweep this larger gang attempted to wipe out the whole of the smaller. And, for all intensive purposes? Had. For over 5 years, Agony and Riley wandered out of sight, unaware anyone else had survived. Until recently in Hathian, these specters came face to face. Finding herself connected to yet another being who should not have been here any longer [Tahlia (Puzzle) - 'Liberte Kesten']; Agony realized there was the roots of something shared between the three. A desire to not just let the past lay dead in the past. Instead? They should grow from the bone riddled soil and take back the power they had each craved - and once had at fingertips length. In the process, finding others like themselves who bathed in the image of sanity while being mere shells that enclosed monsters. Like many before, the Revs believe in breaking others down until they come back around a better self. This goes for many aspects of life. UNIQUE: The Revs have no direct financial or business backed motives to start with. While that is something that may adapt in time thru organic RP? None of the three founding figures of this 'faction' are hiding behind the front of any business. Agony [myself] is the Assistant Manager at Lous but carries a heavy respect for her boss, and friend, Rachell. She would not, and could not, abuse the neutral ground of Lous. I state this so it is understood I am aware of this factor. As far as what possible allies and members may look forward to? Plenty. Starting with an honest and true desire to grow. No hiding behind corners and keeping small numbers on purpose. Everyone will be pushed to limits, tested to be a part of the Revs. Trials based around the person that -each- character is, no blanket tasks. [No same thing for everyone to go do.] Allies and members will find protection, backing. Meaning each and everyone one of the users will shape the gang as organic RP goes based on their actions even outside of the gang. Because in the end? The gang is right there behind. While some groups abuse tactics like fear and manipulation openly to force those they desire as members to see a part of them that actually might not truly even be there? The Revs are hunting for inner truth in each and everyone to come their way. . . They just aren't above using specifically PAIN to awaken that. FLAW: Each of the three founders at current have turbulent pasts, which is usually a common factor in gangbangers right? However, the clashing of what those pasts has created with them often is apparent. While at current Agony is the one with the obvious control — both Riley and Puzzle battle with the desire to be at her side and not below. And for sure not equal to one another; each unwilling to follow the other! This may adapt into situations such as Puzzle taking her own reigns and trying to control from a side operation; bringing drama to the group -all- around not just the leaders. Members having to choose who to follow most severely? What trauma if they pick wrong! Who ever do they listen to, oh my?! Because lets add here — Agony and Psycho? They fit those given titles. The ultra-violence may ever flood over into punishing even upon their own members when they step out of line. This could even open visibility issues, with more police notice. It also could breed mistakes. One founder making a choice outside the others? Leading to chaos for every Rev member? Etc. It could go on. When the roots are uneven, then without repair? Nothing will grow straight. POTENTIAL ENEMY: Right off the bat, Revs will have interactions with the Tsuari. [Enemies] We have an open communication at moment with several of the members, and of course the leader, agreeing to minor details to open RP from. I am very happy and willing to work with -everyone-. Other factions, other business, and the HPD alike. I just hope to form the majority of content free-form. Not pre-planning more than need be! Besides what actions the Revs themselves go takin'. ~ The intent of the Revs is to follow thru their growth and break down those of similar or lesser strengths. So while small, they will hunt down other 'small' factions like the Tsuari or the Reapers to see if they can expunge them from the running's. You know, do exactly what was done to their two rulers in the past? That. There will probably be a lot more enemies than allies at start if the Revs have their way of things. EXPERIENCE:I have been in Roleplay since I was 11, I am now 27. That is totaling over at 15+ years. In this time I have been a Mentor, a GM, and an Admin for several Sites and Forums. I have worked in mass retail up into management level. As well, I am a self-employeed artist who has worked online for 10 years. This means I am accustomed to 'running' busy things. I understand keeping an open verbal communication between those who are with employees / staff / members, with patrons / customers, and with those above me. I am good with sorting, planning, and getting information out and along. I am good with people, and defusing situations that should arise. I am fond of being able to give people say and freedom in what's to come. Meaning I of course will listen, hear, and take into consideration other characters and those behind the screens. IDEAS:The Revs have no intention of going under the radar for long. We as players do so intend to produce plots as often as is fair and possible that bring public attention onto the gang. Agony and Riley in their constant acts of violence that are leaving heavily injured persons splayed across town? And Puzzle with her knack for lacing fluids, sneaking poisons, and playing with explosives. With the vast similarities and differences in the members this group would take on I expect there should be no lack for things to go doin' to poor ol' Hathian and her people. +++ Agony has a very strong habit of being quick to jump into learning about any potentials in detail. This can make her seem a little pushy but it does provide constant ability for direct interaction. No missing 'leader', or lack of connection to the person above the members. She bonds to each person to come thru who would ever be a possible member for the Revs. Riley is a very outgoing sort of presentation in his personalty, on purpose of course. He is a musician looking to return to it. His music tends to source from the occult and may possibly act as a direct lure to bring people to them [the Revs]. OTHER:Right off the bat, Revs will have interactions with the Tsuari. [Enemies] We have an open communication at moment with several of the members, and of course the leader, agreeing to minor details to open RP from. I am very happy and willing to work with -everyone-. Other factions, other business, and the HPD alike. I just hope to form the majority of content free-form. Not pre-planning more than need be! Besides what actions the Revs themselves go takin'. ~ The intent of the Revs is to follow thru their growth and break down those of similar or lesser strengths. So while small, they will hunt down other 'small' factions like the Tsuari or the Reapers to see if they can expunge them from the running's. You know, do exactly what was done to their two rulers in the past? That. There will probably be a lot more enemies than allies at start if the Revs have their way of things. |
naomi afterthoughtsaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
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Esmeralda SiamendessaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
Voltiel RassirsaidSign in at the very top to read this reply. ツ |
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