[Faction] Suenos Malos

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perina mcginnis


The Proposal/Feedback Phase is an important part of faction development and approval, so please read this over and ask questions, express what you like, give suggestions you have, advice on what may or may not work based on your experience, etc. Keep in mind that Admins do not necessarily need to be convinced to approve it, as a faction without potential wouldn't even be posted. Feedback means both support and giving what you see could help shape their faction story and place in the community!


Suenos Malos
By Chong Diabolito


TYPE: Faction


MEMBERS: Cheech Diabolito, Lady Dawson

BACKGROUND: Chong's back story is from Juarez, trafficking and Porn. His brother Cheech arrived later after his release from Prison. Chong developed the distribution plan for Koga including some of their money laundering strategies, but they are not a profit-oriented organization based on their mission statement. That is all we are. Chong left to find his own path. What he found was the freedom to focus on something more. Chong has had a decent and consistent presence on Bourbon Street as the XXX SHOP Lead and works well with most leads. It is the intent of the proposed gang to fill some voids, replace some assumptions of NPC with some real characters.

The Faction Name - (Suenos Malos) it can be nightmare, wicked dreams, bad dreams, they all fit and fit the life created via the drug and sex trade.

The Faction Lead – Chong Diabolito

Faction Divisions – Drugs and Sex/Porn/Money Laundering (Chong)

Division Lead – Drugs – Cheech Diaboltio

•    We are a street level gang. Gangs have levels, you start at the bottom once you show you bring something to the table we need.
•    Faction income is based on a system of reality.
o    Example 1: Porn – for two months have released the profit and pay of people in porn-based views/subscriptions of real content posted online. It is trackable. It is real content and based on views after a break even point with the average film costing $50,000 to release. So, this is trackable income for all of those in porn and its creation.
o    Example 2: Drugs – You would RP going to Cheech, getting a Ounce of a product and instructed on how to sell it and costs, how much you now owe him and that burn us, your out and never get another thing from us or pay back the front cost on the ounce and get another. We have accurate based note cards of cost per unit and how it begins cost wise at the border all the way down to a single dose. Naturally some customers will be NPC, but if you say you are dealing, we need to see you out their doing it and RPing getting more, etc. You do not have to be in the faction to do this, but if you are in the faction its your job, you are a street dealer until you work your way up.
•    We are a Latino (Mexican) focused gang; we follow that structure. You can be associated with it regardless of whatever variable you want to toss out there but that will affect how far up you go. In the end, a lot of things are overlooked for people who earn in gangs. You just got to prove yourself as being worth having around.

•    We will monitor our members and how they play their role.
o    Example: Well no I made $82,000 on drugs this week. They never saw Cheech, you are cutting him out of the picture and that is not allowable in this gang. People die over things like that, often. Obviously we can’t do that but we will view you as a traitor and that’s the end of our relationship.
o    Hookers, escorts, etc, realism, be out there. I have a handle on the porn aspect and what they do and make. Our escorts just haven’t taken off. We would seek deals with Twister and RNT as a place for some to work or deal.
o    Trafficking – if we have a trafficked prostitute, they will be treated like that. Meaning they have no say in life they are paying off a debt that we own and so until it is paid off, they have no rights or say, they might talk to someone on the street, but they got to refer to the number etc, these victims are managed. Typically, their families back home are managed or used as control. They just go in and kill your family if you don’t keep your end of the deal. The value on human life is not like you view it, there is no getting them out, that’s how it works in Mexico and the US.
•    We will sit down with members to resolve things as they come up IC. OOC can discuss.
•    We have a strict code based on a true Mexican Gang, of course it is not as strict in SL obviously it is impossible. But if there is a conflict of interests and you side in anyway against the gang. We don’t need you, you are in the life for life. This goes for relationships. Want to date a cop or a Bones member you got a choice to make, them or us. Make it up front and all is cool. Try to hide it, well that’s disloyalty and disrespect for your set. That has consequences.
•    No protected list, you are one of us, an asset of ours. Only immediate family requires pre-approval.
•    Internal disputes are settled by however the two wish to settle them, knife fight, bowling, but the loser accepts it and the winner isn’t a douche. It is just resolved.
•    We do not accept members with power game back stories.

•    Chong is very good at playing the friendly, easy going, shop owner but he essentially has traits of Alexithymia, Anti-Social Personality Disorder and by default relies on logic and pragmatism.
•    Chong's view on how to deal with whores is different than many. Chong views them as property of course but from the eyes of Xenophon's approach to horses. To some this may seem a weakness, even in the gang, he will have to explain, but Xenophon was no pussy and was the commander of the Ten Thousand one of the largest Greek Mercenary armies that almost captured Babylon in 401 BC.
•    The gang is going to be Latino based. We are not for everyone but there is a faction already out there for everyone. We are something different, we would rather stay small and fail, than lower our expectations on members. While you do not have to be Latino, and primarily Mexicans, cause Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and a lot of others don't like each other much for this reason or that. And especially not at the gang level. A little homework is wise before approaching, colors warn, tattoos on people and women. For example, to be blunt, other than some red heads, you never see Chong in red.
•    It is gang first or you are out, back story has to match up, why would a rich kid join a gang like this? They wouldn’t. We have high expectations and would rather fail than lower them.

•    Chong has a deal with Koga, on some tribute about Bourbon street action and that is it, he will honor this for Bourbon Street action. Nobody else at the moment is relevant.
•    We are profit based, so why make enemies if you don’t have to, but can’t look weak either. We will never be concerned with a bridge or grave yard, they are of no value to us.
•    HPD - All three of us have done our time in a cell. It's RP right, there's nothing you can do that I care about, but our reaction to the broken legs and missing finger, etc, from dealings with HPD has not made us want to go to war with them, it has just made us look at how not to get caught. Would look forward to RP with the PD but you have to get off ground level and I have never met a corrupt cop in CD willing to negotiate. You are underpaid, you are hated, and you know where money comes from, what sort of corrupt cop isn’t going to be willing to negotiate from the top down. It is unlikely we would negotiate with a lower-level cop but our time or repayment.

EXPERIENCE: Work around DOJ, Prison, and Substance Abuse Federal Programs and have access to a lot of data on how gangs work inside and outside prison. Been around it for years. Work with people who have been involved in trafficking interruption programs, a guy who was on a UN Task Force, and read a lot of files. I know the drug game. Cheech and I communicate in voice frequently so we can rapidly respond from an agreed upon stance and share knowledge on “Content” not IC but information one should or would know rapidly.

SUMMARY: You got to RP your way in and RP at your job to stay in. We have no special enforcers or hit men or independently wealthy members, you got to earn everything from day one. In a gang, everyone has a job to do, it might evolve into a specialty. Nagging about it isn't going to make it happen faster if at all.

September 22, 2021 at 2:40 pm
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Chong Diabolito


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September 22, 2021 at 9:07 pm
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Chong Diabolito


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September 22, 2021 at 10:02 pm
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Syreni Barony


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September 23, 2021 at 9:19 am
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schatten crumb


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September 23, 2021 at 4:13 pm
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Chong Diabolito


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September 23, 2021 at 11:55 pm
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Chong Diabolito


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September 24, 2021 at 9:58 am
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koda slade


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September 26, 2021 at 5:28 pm
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