Domnik2-not really new, just found the site thats all

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He grew up in New york, hells kitchen
his mother a normal woman
his father a lowlife criminal scumbag
he grew up with his two brothers
his step sister lived away in california
at age 8 his father was killed in a drug deal gone bad, dominik changed that day, so did his younger brother, his family moved to hathian, he left to live with his sister in cali
at age 17 he joined A street gang, a big time gang in the west coast, he got caught in a 5 million dollar drug deal and never came back, the Government forced him in The marines, spending 2 years in service, he had his experience of combat, and killing he came back to hells kitchen finding it was a gang war zone, he joined a family, which he reached to the level of capo, runing his own club, it worked for 1 year, but after that day of that 1 year, his boss sold out his whole crew to the FBI,
Dominik didnt like that, The FBI watched over him, a marked man on mob turf, he drove and didnt look back, ending up in haithain, his mother and brothers waiting for him there
21-Doms made it in life, selling drugs wholesale on the street, he sends his brother to silent oaks, his borther never comes back alive. they mob had tracked down dom, they kidnapped his mother and forced him to be head of security, he killed 2 of his men
they executed his mother in front of him, dominik lost his mind, killing that boss with his bare hands, he came back to haithain hurting anyone in his way, killing or hurting ANYONE, on a path of self destruction, he hit it big, korean Drug lords offer him thousands of keys of heroin, he arrives, he ends up in korean prison for a year, coming back to haithian a diffrent man
Dom dosnt need to explain his past, its just too dark, hes a diffrent man now, hopefully he can have a new life,

All actual Rp

April 19, 2008 at 1:06 pm
Profile photo of Keisha Andretti

keisha andretti


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November 22, 2024 at 3:50 pm
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