Daiyu – This campus is false advertising!

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Talyn Amore talyn amore 2 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of Daiyu Tang

faithtang resident


<IC> Arriving in Hathian from London, Daiyu ((also known as Faith)) was expecting to start at the University. Arriving late at night and after a slightly creepy taxi ride from the airport, she found herself in a building site that was mostly inhabited by construction workers and the odd harried resident running from one place to another. The hustle and bustle of student life, so artfully described in the recruitment material was no where to be seen! After already losing a year to a switch of degree course, she felt lost in the new place with no idea where her initial tuition deposit had gone, nor where she was meant to live.

Over the next few days, she tried desperately to find accommodation on campus, but the head of the local construction team ((server owner!)) advised her that it would be a little while longer until Dorms or even local private housing was available on campus. Frustrated and spending some of her limited savings on cheap coffee, spicy crisps ((that was a fun RP)) and old groceries she found one anchor - a job at the local Super Chop Sticks restaurant on campus.

Without any real interview or training she started working multiple roles; cleaning, tables, food preparation and potentially delivery, yet in three days only one customer visited for food and the phone remained quiet.

Having found somewhere warm for the day (and it was a good place to store her bags and crash out when no one was looking), she was desperate not to be fired and she thought that probably meant needing to rack up sales. On one cold Hathian night, she braved the local town distributing fliers to local residents and businesses; thrusting the material into surprised arms, under the wipers of parked cars and all over the police station. Avoiding intruding on the locals she never-the-less hoped that at least some of them would consider visiting or ordering.

Her phone rings again, "<span style="color: #4d5156; font-family: arial, sans-serif; font-size: 14px;">妈</span>... What is it? I told you I'm fine! Put ba on if you're just going to talk to me like this!"


Daiyu is around 21, British Born Chinese and is now trying to study Chemistry at the Campus (when it opens). She's someone who needs validation ('Good well done') because her parents don't give her any and she's always had to work to supplement their meagre stipend. Coming to the campus has been a shock to her and some of her migraines and rising nerves dealing with people have come back.

She speaks, English and speaks and partially reads (Sub High School Level - 3,000 characters or so) Mandarin. She likes black, dresses in a fairly alternative Gothic style and definitely doesn't have a few tattoos just to annoy her parents... 🙂

February 4, 2022 at 2:00 am
Profile photo of Yummy Tamale

yummy tamale


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February 4, 2022 at 12:04 pm
Profile photo of Talyn Amore

talyn amore


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February 4, 2022 at 3:02 pm
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