Combat Workshop – Log – Jan 25th

Home Forums Roleplay Discussion Combat Workshop – Log – Jan 25th

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bluebell noel


I have shortened the log a bit to make it easier to read - and if anyone wants the combat guide please IM me inworld.

[2014/01/25 14:00] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): first of all I ' ll hand out our infamous freeform combat guide - would be nice if someone could give it to newcomers, too.
[2014/01/25 14:00] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): I'll volunteer for that
[2014/01/25 14:00] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): thank you 🙂

[2014/01/25 14:02] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): Thank you all for showing up - Blue is not really a combative character, don't expect me to have many tips for how to win a fight - I am more an expert for losing gracefully.
[2014/01/25 14:02] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): Likewise!

[2014/01/25 14:02] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): But that's the most important point anyway, fighting is not about winning, is it.

[2014/01/25 14:03] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): that's right. the fun is in the fight itself
[2014/01/25 14:04] Sais Cynbel (sanosuke.gartner): I get my ass beat as long as I feel it was a good fight and effort from eveyrone
[2014/01/25 14:04] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): yea 9 times out of 10, I plan to lose and get my butt whooped
[2014/01/25 14:05] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): I usually don't plan anything and then I am totally surprised when I accidentally don't lose

[2014/01/25 14:06] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): well, let's start - i ll talk a bit about the points in the combat guide, if you have any questions - just ask.

[2014/01/25 14:06] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): One of the more common OOC problems we have - characters who write themselves an almost invincible background.
[2014/01/25 14:07] Will Rock (thewilliamrockefeller): Yea, lots of that for sure.
[2014/01/25 14:07] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): So called ninjas - who usually fight in a way that nobody can defeat them. they are incredibly fast, incredibly skilled, incredibly strong. or they don't stop fighting though they are almost bleeding out

[2014/01/25 14:07] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): Not to be misunderstood - people -can.- have extrordinary skills
[2014/01/25 14:08] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): there can even be an occassional ex-marine in hathian , but .... well, they should have a pretty good reason to be in a town like Hathian. And - they still should have weaknesses
[2014/01/25 14:08] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): or it gets simply boring to interact with them
[2014/01/25 14:11] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): if you run into a ninja - please stay polite. it s like with white knights, often they are new to rp
[14:11] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): They liked the idea to be a hero, or they are simply too afraid of losing
[14:13] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): So, if someone seems to be invincible - talk to them politely. or contact a mod to talk to them. Don't critizise them in open chat or in thought emotes.

[14:15] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): Next point - the basic combat posting rules. Common practice is - you have two moves per post round
[14:16] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): these can be either defensive moves or attacks and i have to relog!


[14:22] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): it's just rp, work it out through ims but be courteous, it's like the magic rule for everything when it comes to fun rp
[14:23] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): i wouldn't expect anybody to be a fanatic about police equipment like the cops are, so just keeping that level of understanding is in my mind always crucial to having fun

[14:23] Emmy 'Candy' Auteberry (nonois): 99% of the cops i have rpd with are pretty damned good at taking the injuries they give out.

[14:24] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): they better be, and if there's issues you can't work out - nc them to me please

[14:24] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): whatever happens, don't take it too seriously. -NO- conflict is worth to get all upset. Take a deep breath, go to IM, and if it gets strenous, - contact a mod.
[14:24] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): And - as I said, never try to work out any issues in open chat.
[14:26] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): Also - don't get upset when your counterpart calls for moderation. It s not about snitching or getting anybody banned. often a third opinion simply helps . We want you to try and sort out your issues like adults, of course. But before you get all emotional - ask for help.

[14:26] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): yeah, definitely, if a mod gets called in, view it as a way to save your hard earned rp
[14:26] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): we hate to void scenes, and i would say 99% of the time won't void a scene
[14:27] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): they will also help to avoid voiding
[14:27] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): what jack says. often there is a way to part ways without voiding the entire scene, and mods will help with that

[14:29] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): So - if you have a weapon, no matter what kind of weapon, you will need one emote to draw it before you can use it.
[14:29] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): unless it's already in your hand and in the open
[14:30] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): but even then you need to emote that it's there before you use it.
[14:30] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): attaching it to your avatar or having it in your profile is not enough

[14:31] Will Rock (thewilliamrockefeller): so identifying it's in your hand and attempting a swing, slash or shoot would be two right?

[14:31] Sais Cynbel (sanosuke.gartner): If you had something like a kbar a fix blade in the sheath but you had your hand on the handle it couldn't be a draw and random slash then back to another slash because the first would be pretty fluid?

[14:32] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): two emotes, yes, will. and no, sais. being fluid or physically possible doesn't count. it s about giving your counterpart a possibility to react. or even to back down if they don't want to get into an armed fight.

[14:33] Sais Cynbel (sanosuke.gartner): okay

[14:34] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): that's another point, i think an important one - combat is fun, but not everybody wants to rp it. sometimes people have valid reasons to avoid a violent scene, not enough time, or they just spent a week in hospital rp, whatever. give them a chance to walk away
[14:35] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): you dont have to ask for consent before you attack - but it s just courteous to offer them a possibility to back down, to run, whatever. usually you can see from their reaction if they want to get into a fight. forcing them is never fun

[14:35] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): that goes both ways of course
[14:35] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): if you dont want to fight - dont provoke a fight

[14:36] Tristan 'Phoenix' Moravian (asher.corvale): an issue 75% of men struggle with 😉
[14:36] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): dont force the others to bend their character because you suddenly decide "no, this is getting too violent" . classic example - when you hang out on gang turf and bitch at a gang member - you better are prepared to get into trouble
[14:37] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle) coughs, "and call cops pigs on their patrol routes"
[14:37] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): 😛
[14:37] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): steal their tacos.

[14:39] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): okay - taking hits and damage!
[14:39] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): another common issue. Endless fights and the combatants dont even slow down
[14:40] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): every hit you take should have at least a small effect
[14:41] Sais Cynbel (sanosuke.gartner) stumbles backwards from Blue's harsh words "Really?"
[14:41] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): when you are losing blood, you will most likely lose energy, too. yes , adrenaline, survival instinct - but your body can only take so much. there is pain, there is shock, bloodloss, dehydration, fatigue

[14:41] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): that's the worst, when someone bounces around like a cracked out pogostick and the end they take all their damage.
[14:41] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): then they're omg i'm ded.
[14:42] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): there is also no such thing like being "used to tasers"

[14:42] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): which brings me to another point - know your weapons. but dont expect everyone to know them, too.

[14:42] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): tasers are a good example - not everybody knows how they work, or how a stun gun works
[14:43] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): so - stay polite, again, go to IMs and clarify
[14:43] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): I even made a notecard for the TT staff when we bought a stun gun - I asked them to hand it out whenever they use the stun gun, so people know what to expect and how to react

[14:44] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): same with pepper spray, bear spray etc . when you use it, it's your obligation to research the effect - but dont get all upset when the others dont react properly, clarify in IM, or maybe even go with it when the effect is not as strong as you wanted it to be.

[14:44] Tristan 'Phoenix' Moravian (asher.corvale): it is amazing the array of different reactions to GSW you see played out ^^

[14:44] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): another point though, if you have a non lethal weapon like a taser, it isn't a work around for a gun
[14:44] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): it shouldn't be open season to just draw and shoot and expect it to be the ultimate show stopper

[14:45] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): I feel like I've seen a lot more law enforcement using it as a show stopper as of late.
[14:45] Tristan 'Phoenix' Moravian (asher.corvale): agreed
[14:45] Antoni 'Karn' Annaloro (brianvasteal): ditto
[14:45] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): I don't mind getting beat around by a nightstick or military grade boots. . .
[14:45] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): Really, it's fun.
[14:45] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): funner than just....taze
[14:46] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): oomph
[14:46] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): good feedback for me to bring back to the team
[14:46] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): x.x

[14:46] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): I think the most fun I've had with the HPD is when I've ended up under a boot
[14:46] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): instead of at the end of tazer prongs
[14:46] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): but i mean, tazing has its' place too, don't get me wrong.

[14:47] Antoni 'Karn' Annaloro (brianvasteal): Best rp i ever had with the HPD was a full out beat down from Jestyr. never even used a weapon.
[14:48] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): No but honestly. I miss the knock down drag out brutality of the HPD.

[14:48] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): one last thing to keep in mind about tasers - you don't have to take the hit
[14:49] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): i take pretty much every hit.
[14:49] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): it's just fun
[14:49] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): imo.

[14:49] Tristan 'Phoenix' Moravian (asher.corvale): IT has seemed to have been younger/newer PD chars that pull the taz as soon as you show resilience to commands, but it hits that realism barrier again. Cops would likely pull a taz or a fire arm out of safety, so them doing so IC is no harm, but it does stop the show once they shoot and connect, giving the vic little option but to fry. On both parties I'd think playing out a scene as far as you can before pulling the trigger is more enjoyable?

[14:50] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): police protocol realistically would dictate drawing a taser to any armed combatant, but if you want that good old fashioned fist o cuffs brawl, miss the shot - tasers in many cases are one shot weapons (yes i know there are some 3 shot models, but we're poor in the HPD cuz I steal a lot of money).... i will send out some reminders to the hpd folks though.

[14:51] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel) nods - it all boils down to - don't kill a scene just because you can.

[14:51] Tristan 'Phoenix' Moravian (asher.corvale): Thanks Jack, in contrast it hasn't been that bad, but various times I've seen unarmed players tased because they wouldn't dance like a monkey n shit 😛
[14:51] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): well who's fault is that?
[14:51] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): kidding
[14:52] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): again - it goes both ways. if you start trouble with a cop, you -can- expect them to taser/arrest or even shoot you.

[14:56] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): talking about jestyr - one of his standards comments in our combat workshops was - make it short and violent. fights usually dont last hours. It's up to you which hit you take and how big the damage is. but take your hits, let them slow your down. it s a token of respect for your fellow players to make combat give and take. Even when they are physically weaker than you are.
[14:57] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane) looks at Will and pulls out the whips and

[14:57] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): injuries can be the best thing after a fight... there's nothing like limping around for 3 days because you let a convenience store chic shank you and you chose to use duct tape as a bandage

[14:57] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): Or because it permanently alters your character.
[14:58] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): Duct tape fixes everything!
[14:58] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): With scars or otherwise.

[14:58] Emmy 'Candy' Auteberry (nonois): first fight i got in with a fight gave my chara a perma injury.

[14:58] Antoni 'Karn' Annaloro (brianvasteal): Honestly getting scarred gives you room to be more creative when posting. it gives you more to go off of.

[14:59] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): back to weapons. there are of course different kind of weapons - and you should not only know about the effect of your weapon but also how to use it. A heavy weapon will be eat up your energy for example. Xou will most likely not be able to use it for two attacks in one post round - you will swing a sledge hammer only once. But if you have a knife and don't need one move for your defense - you certainly could swing it twice at your counterpart.

[14:59] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): but in all seriousness, if you show the person who "looses" the fight that you didn't walk away unscathed, ten times more likely to let them keep escalating for some really bad ass scenes... all my fights when i first started here were small ones that just kept getting more and more spectacular as time passed until they were letting me do things like shoot through them

[14:59] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel) nods - they trust you to fuck them up in dignity?

[15:01] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): sounds funny to say, but yes

[15:02] ℭrow Ṩwitch (fallenstarstream): No more kidnapping me! Three days in a cage only to wake up after having my skull bashed into the pavement by a fellow officer? <.< You're an evil woman. | As to the commentary on fighting styles and trying to make it fair.. I really have to say, I appreciate it when the fellow RPer, takes into consideration.. size, physical attributes, etc etc for themselves and the alternate fighter.. before making a decision on a move. Like.. For example when Amber and I fight against... lets say will or some massive guy like O.o charlie.. Sure they could probably mow us into the ground. 🙂 but maybe being allowed the advantage of being limber and applying it to the rp can keep things... interesting. *does lunges* The only time I've ever really been upset with an altercation in RP? was when the other side gave me no room to react, or leave 'probable' outcomes.
[15:03] Tristan 'Phoenix' Moravian (asher.corvale): like a good contact sport, the teams that beat on each other long enough, give the best grudge matches
[15:06] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): good point crow. Blue isn't very skilled in combat, but i like to make some unexpected moves - and sometimes she is astonishingly effective.

[15:06] ℭrow Ṩwitch (fallenstarstream): ^ yes fully agreed there Blue
[15:07] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): know your strengths and weaknesses and make sure you have weaknesses
[15:07] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): Blue's tricksy.

[15:07] ℭrow Ṩwitch (fallenstarstream): its fun to take on guerilla warfare. Heck yes.. Look out! you might have me almost in a choke hold? but I'mma hit you in the eye with my six inch high heel.
[15:07] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): it's great that you were former spec ops or SAS or a burned spy... but you gotta suck at something

[15:09] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): another problem with taking hits - if you go for the throat, means, if you make a potentially lethal move - expect your counterpart to dodge.

[15:09] ℭrow Ṩwitch (fallenstarstream): Yes agreed on that too Blue. *nods sagely*
[15:09] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): you put them into a position were they kind of have to ninja when your move is -too- aimed, too dangerous, too effective.

[15:09] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): andel dodges my love
[15:09] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): it's lethal
[15:09] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane) snickers

[15:09] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): and for cops who aim center mass expecting hits, or aim head shots - expect to have the worse accuracy record ever
[15:10] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): any gun toter actually

[15:10] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): which brings us to gun rules
[15:10] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel) points at Jack cause that's his field of expertise!

[15:10] ℭrow Ṩwitch (fallenstarstream): Yeah.. correct me if I'm wrong.. Jack. But isn't accuracy with any type of handgun a really [15:11] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): depends on the distance, I would say

[15:11] Antoni 'Karn' Annaloro (brianvasteal): a toddler can blow your head off at point blank range.
[15:11] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): if you're trained to use it not really... but a gunshot realistically is a scene stopper, although not always in rp, but yeah... you get shot it's supposed to hurt, so you see a lot of dodging to keep rp interesting

[15:12] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): so guns... most of ya have probably seen the weapons rules, they are pretty straightforward - like any weapon, requires a draw post before shooting

[15:13] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): and - since they are so easily show stoppers - you better dont draw them in your first post. make known that you have one, maybe. give people time to react or to run.
[15:13] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): you get 2 shots per post round, now some people will ask ooc permission for "cover fire" or "blind fire"... really wanna stick to 2 shots per post, because just because one person is cool with it, others entertaining the scene may not be or may call you out on it

[15:13] ℭrow Ṩwitch (fallenstarstream): This is when you bend down to the ground, grab a fist full of dirt and throw it at gun toter's eyes. Whilst whispering "ninja dust"

[15:13] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle) points to Blue's comment and nods.
[15:14] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): regardless of what's in their profile or your profile - no armed tag at the start of the scene, no gun

[15:14] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): In my personal opinion, that was the only damper I saw on the takeover weekend
[15:14] Vita Von Crow (atrophy): was like, all the guns, all the time.
[15:14] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): well... you did take over the police station

[15:17] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): i can't stress enough Blue's point - guns shouldn't be your first response, because there are way more non-armed citizens than armed citizens out there
[15:17] Tristan 'Phoenix' Moravian (asher.corvale) left chat range.
[15:17] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): I'd prefer to wind up under a boot than get shot

[15:17] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): BUT - if a gun is drawn, don't hide behind your no-death-limit
[15:17] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): you better comply or have a lot of ninja dust

[15:19] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): Shoot. I have a no death rule, BUT when someone pulled a gun to my characters head, I still freaked out. I was sitting on the edge of my seat nervous as hell "Omg is he guna pull the trigger? ACK!"
[15:19] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): Naturally, my sweet little Amber begged for her life

[15:19] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): And - gun owners -are- allowed to draw their weapons when they see fit. not in their first emote, and of course they have to follow the post rules. but - they most likely will use them when you are getting too dangerous.
[15:20] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel) corrects herself - not gun owners, but people who are carrying their gun and have their gun tag activated.

[15:20] Antoni 'Karn' Annaloro (brianvasteal): As a person who was shot on sim. .. lofl on my first three days on sim. . i gotta say, the rp is fun as hell.
[15:21] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): for anyone who doesn't like playing a victim, don't discount injury rp, because it's fun and sometimes funny as all hell to rp out, read, and be a part of
[15:21] Antoni 'Karn' Annaloro (brianvasteal): i got to ride int he ambulance, and bitch about police brutality.

[15:21] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): im not a big fan of Jack as a victim, although i allow it to happen to be fair when rp deems, but man... his history of injuries has got a lot of character behind it

[15:24] ℭrow Ṩwitch (fallenstarstream): Yeah... I dunno guys. I like to roleplay with a sense of realism. First and foremost I appreciate when someone takes into account the actual amount of physical harm they are pressing on someones character. For example.. what happend with the REd Queens and myself. for the rest of my roleplay as this character.. I both limp and can no longer hold thinmgs with a correct nor strong grip with my right hand.. What really erks me.. is when people push it to extremes.. I have to pause the rp and insist with them.. explain what that type of injury can really do to a person. It boggles me when people can walk around and say "Yeah I've been shot 15 times and I'm still alive "

[15:23] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): a few other quick hits on guns

[15:23] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): high caliber rounds like a .50 cal desert eagle pistol - not allowed
[15:24] Tristan 'Phoenix' Moravian (asher.corvale): poor dirty harry

[15:24] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): shotguns - they have a wide spread, but become horribly inaccurate with any real distance involved

[15:25] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): are shotguns allowed at all?
[15:26] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): approved scenes you sometimes see cops with them
[15:26] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): ah yes

[15:27] Marie (blueberrypancake): Can one dual wield handguns?

[15:28] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): good question
[15:28] Antoni 'Karn' Annaloro (brianvasteal): its hard as HELL to hit anything when dual weilding.
[15:28] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): i
[15:28] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): dont
[15:28] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): know
[15:28] Sais Cynbel (sanosuke.gartner): It wouldn't be to acurate if you were allowed
[15:28] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): I was told it's like the most inaccurate way to shoot. and i dont think that its allowed, but i would have to check
[15:28] Antoni 'Karn' Annaloro (brianvasteal): holding a gun two handed keeps it steady and helps aim
[15:28] Marie (blueberrypancake): Well the aim would be heavily affected, but there is nothing on the website that says it is against the rules.
[15:28] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): I know someone told me he plans on double wielding. I didn't know if it was allowed
[15:28] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): we once had a rule against it, not sure if that still exists.
[15:28] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): yeah, dual weilding is more hollywood novelty than anything you'd see in real life... plus remember... 2 shots per round, kinda silly

[15:29] ℭrow Ṩwitch (fallenstarstream): Why not change the rules entirely!?!? screw guns! We can roleplay like the cops are from the UK. Not carrying firearms.. and the criminals are canadian <.< heck yes a japanese katana and a molotov cocktail.. now thats exciting 🙂
[15:30] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): guns are a legit part of the combat world, the backdrop of hathian, and let's be honest - in the states guns are very much a daily thing to deal with

[15:30] Antoni 'Karn' Annaloro (brianvasteal): I have a Katana icly lol. i just know im getting arressted the second i walk outside with it
[15:30] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): well, gun RP -can- be fun, and it is sort of realistic that we would at least have some illegal guns. there has been put a lot of work into these rules, and i think usually they really work fine
[15:32] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): the gun rules here and the process to get one works very very very well compared with many other sims both past and present, trust in what CD has developed, I'm one of those who joined the police force and was all, this is stupid i don't have a gun, what cop in america doesn't get a gun - it was well worth working my way up to it

[15:34] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): remember though - armed tag at the start of the scene or no gun, can't decide halfway through you had your gun hidden in your underwear and be like... OH HAI GUN NOW

[15:34] Sais Cynbel (sanosuke.gartner): which leds me to another question.
[15:34] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): question!
[15:35] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): I can't hide a gun in my vajayjay?
[15:36] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): only if your vajayjay is wearing an armed tag.

[15:35] Sais Cynbel (sanosuke.gartner): Irl I have a Taurus Judge it is a revolver that shoot .45 Long colt and .410 which is a small buck shot round I know shotguns are only allowed in approved scenes but since it is a revolver
[15:36] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): in your police handbook it will tell you what guns you can use, and for those not in the hpd - best to keep to your standard 9mm, .357, and .45acp rounds

[15:44] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): any combat questions?

[15:44] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): yeah any more questions?
[15:44] ℭrow Ṩwitch (fallenstarstream): nuuuu
[15:44] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): then - thank you all for coming
[15:44] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): just remember to have fun with it all
[15:44] JillAbel: nope thanks for holding this
[15:44] ℭrow Ṩwitch (fallenstarstream): I guess summed up ? Be fucking considerate ya jerks
[15:44] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): Rl is for stress, SL is for fun
[15:44] Blue Handrick (bluebell.noel): have fun, play fair, be nice in IM

[15:45] Amber Sinclaire (paige.morane): suddenly I feel like a fight scene...
[15:45] Jack Hartigan (caleb.harcassle): even behind the douchiest character here are awesome people that are really pretty funny, so just keep communication open

January 25, 2014 at 4:45 pm
Viewing 1 post (of 1 total)

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