Coast Guard SAR [Search and Rescue] HQ

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Profile photo of Joubert015 Resident

Joubert015 Resident


Hey all,

I have some land I am privately renting out that that I would like to use to place a Coast Guard Search and Rescue [SAR] HQ on. There will be 2-3 boats [low prim] docked in the jetty although I would take care only to bring into the main sim waters the low prim [17 prims] boat only when there is an RP going on that involves it if this is acceptable---the boats will not remain or stay ever on waters away from the HQ after a scene is done but docked on my property--the CGSAR HQ, to avoid adding to lag.

My character has had extensive RP in the FDH from probie onward all the way to Captain of the FDH and I have always strived to create as many

RP opportunities for those in the FD department and others. I am going to attempt to

create more by bringing a new dimension to the EMS in the city.

Emily Cooper, now Captain of the FDH again and I discussed this idea and she is in support

of the idea as a way of extending RP and creating new opportunities for EMS.

I think the CGSAR would be a great way for adding to people's story  lines for those who

want to utilize what this sim is surrounded by---water---and use it as a prop for a story and

in doing so allow us as Coast Guard SAR to help create more depth and opportunity such as

for example when people:

*Drop bodies in the water or even illegal items/etc.

*CGSAR will also provide an actual, solid means for smuggling, whether of drugs or contraband or of illegal immigrants and could provide that cover for somebody's IC story/background.

*Flooding, actual Search and Rescue work, EMS calls on the water. As we've seen in current and unfortunate  events, Hurricane Harvey shows how severe flooding can get and this CGSAR HQ could be in place for whenever. Fires  [although a low case of these happening near the coast are there] are also something that this department would help to provide and boost FDH in terms of RP and help.

*Maritime/marine studies of the water---could provide potential links with Columtreal University between students and the CGSAR and add to RP of water pollution/toxic waste poisoning for example

*The PD could liase with CGSAR since the CGSAR do perform guarding the waters. [Whether they make sketchy deals on this or have run ins or they work together could be more RP potential.]

Aria [protracted resident] is yet another person who I discussed this idea with and she has expressed interest  in pursuing a storyline along the lines of smuggling  and it would tie in nicely with her Transport company and within her own RP potentially.

The RP opportunities can therefore operate in legitimate senses--- by

providing EMS and also be a cover for illegitimate activities which will have a  more solid

basis since the docks on sim aren't utilized as much as they could be.

The many different opportunities also ensures for activity when there are low cases of water based EMS incidents for the crew or low instances of where fires can be put out from the boat.

Some people might say that it's hard to drive a boat around the sim's waters and it generally is but not as bad as some might think, there is potential to at least closer to the mainland to move round as I've done myself via boat a few times!

This last part is some information on the Coast Guard but I'd like to point out that although it is a branch of the military it can be run by civilians and people from different background, especially where search and rescue and putting out fires from the coast are concerned.  I would also stress that this CGSAR would be based on EMS RP first and foremost and any Intel abilities would be discussed and vetted with PD leads/etc if there was any opportunity or interest there.

The Coast Guard is the principal Federal agency responsible for maritime safety, security, and environmental stewardship in U.S. ports and waterways. In this capacity, the Coast Guard protects and defends more than 100,000 miles of U.S. coastline and inland waterways.
As one of the five Armed Services of the United States, the Coast Guard is the only military branch within the Department of Homeland Security. In addition to its role as an Armed Service, the Coast Guard is a first responder and humanitarian service that provides aid to people in distress or impacted by natural and man-made disasters whether at sea or ashore.
The Coast Guard is a member of the Intelligence Community, and is a law enforcement and regulatory agency with broad legal authorities associated with maritime transportation, hazardous materials shipping, bridge administration, oil spill response, pilotage, and vessel construction and operation.



September 1, 2017 at 11:16 am
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lydhia shinn


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September 1, 2017 at 1:14 pm
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Wolf Longspring


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September 1, 2017 at 2:00 pm
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perina mcginnis


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September 3, 2017 at 7:42 am
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bluebell noel


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September 3, 2017 at 2:22 pm
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