Char Intro Mateo Reyez

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Profile photo of Hungry Kroll

hungry kroll


Mateo Reyez came in with the last big hurricane a couple weeks ago. Slipping under the radar of most people. He sought cover as he navigated the unfamiliar town on foot, drenched and exhausted. He came out on the other side of it reborn. Baptized by the loa, tested by nature, welcomed into his new life in Laveau by hardship and turmoil. The same as always.

A few weeks later and you can find him now, was was a drop in the bucket in the middle of a hurricane was now ripple that reverberated through the town. You've likely seen him wandering the night, tall and slender, sickly, pale skin stretched thin over sharp features. His haunting gray eyes shimmering from the depths of his sunken eyes and deep eyebags like the water at the bottom of a well. The only think sharper than his gaze were his razor like cheekbones that cut through the sides of his face toward a square narrow jaw. Full lips dry from smoking, nose red and flaking from coke abuse. He was tall, deceptively slender, baggy clothing hiding a well built physique. Malnourished his skin hugged his muscle, his body cut from stone hidden under ripped fishnets and a decades worth of tattoos. He was formidable and easily distinguished from the hick cajun accented populace.

Those who've been around recently would likely see his gaunt features and cold stare peaking out from behind the counter of Bubbas Boomsticks, something slightly off to those who'd interacted with him. He was well spoken, intelligent,  his Mexican accent often well hidden, only faintly licking the vowels and descending syllables of his silver tongue. He weaved Spanish into his sentences like a poet, a void dark like tinted glass, a little bit of gravel that lulled seductively into his speech. The way he carried himself was just a little bit different, his confidence bled into every mannerism, his smile twisted over his face with an air of arrogance. He didn't dance around with his words but cut through conversations like a knife. He was straight to the point, crude, and inviting, his personality switching as easily as the flick of a view master slide, it was hard to tell if you were speaking to the real Mateo, or the one he wanted you to see.

October 26, 2023 at 3:05 pm
Profile photo of Hungry Kroll

hungry kroll


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October 26, 2023 at 3:07 pm
Profile photo of Brat Waifu

brat waifu


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October 27, 2023 at 10:03 am
Profile photo of Hungry Kroll

hungry kroll


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October 27, 2023 at 3:05 pm
Profile photo of Hungry Kroll

hungry kroll


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October 30, 2023 at 1:16 am
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