[BUSINESS] Rub n Tug

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Profile photo of Stu Canning



DATE: 07/05/12



TYPE: Massage Parlour..and more

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: I would love to take on Management of the Rub n Tug now it has a vacancy for Manager. Icly Lexi would like to take on the business, which fits in closely with her dark history of making money from sex, as previous owner of Black Orchid, (an Escort Agency which was successful when she studied at Columtreal Uni). She is used to a higher class of clientele but sees the R&T as a money maker, with potential and situated perfectly for the clientele Hathian has to offer. Lexi graduated a number of years ago but still calls Hathian her home and is tied to the city. A regular on Bourbon street where her husband also works, and a frequent drinker in the TT, she would find owning a business in this red light area of town well within her comfort zone. Lexi is used to appearing professional but can be manipulative and persuasive, and will use her personality to lure people to work at the R&T as Masseuse's, then work on them over time to push them to offer more services (although this will not be forced). She prefers to work with willing staff but has been known to use manipulation and bribery to get what she wants. She has already been playing "Assistant manager" of the R&T for the last 3 weeks and has been putting classifieds in the Hathian Observer to recruit staff, and working from there often. (I am currently asking for the roster to be fixed in the shop so it logs time spent for staff so Lexi can see which staff are turning up for work). A darker side plot is she uses her business contacts and staff to work for her on the side, making porn. She has already made key contacts within the XXX shop, Columtreal, TT and Hemporium she plans to use to promote her business. Lexi is a familiar face to some of the business owners - and so will utilise these contacts to offer deal and discounts and work with local businesses to promote R&T. In her time there she has increased activity at the R&T by asking her "porn actors/acresses" to work at the R&T in between the lull of making films-as well as her regular staff. She does photo-shoots of her new staff, using the upstairs floor, to increase activity, having graduated Columtreal Uni a few years ago with a Photography and Art degree, this fits nicely. She will be part of the Neighbourhood watch Business watch scheme set up with Bourbon street businesses, and will become an integral part of the street, working with local businesses and keeping security tight, when the HPD are not around to help. The Hemporium manager has struck a deal with her to watch out for the R&T security wise and its staff, in return for certain cuts granted. Part of this deal is he will keep other pimps off the patch / risk of targeting her staff.

UNIQUE: The R&T is the only massage parlour in Hathian. It will offer private treatments, including Full Body massages, aroma-massages, perhaps facials and other relaxation therapies from a cosy and intimate environment. It will sell massage add on's such as Aroma-oils and incense. But of course some staff will provide 'extra's'... Not all staff are expected to offer this , but the one's who do will give private one on one attention to customers. Lexi plans to recruit and train staff to a high level of ability. her staff will take pride in their appearance, and she will work with the local salon and ensure all her staff have regular waxes and trims -which will promote the other businesses. She will promote the XXX shop to R&T customers in return for the joint porn work on the side- business arrangement, perhaps offering a discount on 'massages' to anyone who comes in mentioning the XXX shop film they last rented. She also has an ic agreement with the Hemporium manager / pimp that he will give her shop security on the street in return for her letting some of his girls work in the R&T, for a cut of course. This deal was a tricky one to make, both characters were strong willed and the rp plot should be interesting as they battle out what cut to give each other. In return he will ic agree to keeping other pimps off her patch from trying to snatch her staff which gives an interesting dynamic for the street -turf wars etc. Discretely she will also buy weed from the Hemporium at discount rates, and will offer this as part of a relaxation package for customers if required, think massages, pipes, chill out room. The business will try to be gang neutral as Lexi has no leaning to any of the gangs and will try to avoid creating hostility with any gangs in the area -after having history with the Rejects once upon a time.

EXP:I have been around in CD for a number of years now, and I always put 100% into running a group. I have previously run the SIK sorority on campus which was successful and an active group, and used to put on weekly events. I also ran the Black Orchid Escort Agency from campus which was fun, and even spread to another RP sim, courtesy of a friend who co managed it there. Some players will remember "sik sundays" on campus, where I personally hosted weekly events for many months, often themed and fancy dress, and personally invested in buying props for most of these events as I love to throw a good party 😉 Some of you will know the CU security company Ella Enterprises which ran the CD Quarantine camp Security, and I am willing to chip into any community event to promote CD. I am experienced in oocly managing a rp businesses, and am used to providing rp help, setting up notecards for new players to assist them to a group, give guidance, and advice when required. I have helped on CY campus for a while with new players. I was previously made a RP mentor in CD. I am used to promoting using the Hathian Observer, where I try to post regularly, and also use Twitter to promote events, as well as the forum event calendar. I also have taken pictures at many events and added them to the CD / CU Flickr group. I like to be calm and level headed and fair to all, and do not like ooc drama of any kind. I try to sort disputes out calmly and fairly if they do arise between players or anyone in my group to avoid it escalating.

IDEAS:I would like to put on weekly promotions in the R&T, perhaps one week a discount on a treatment, one week a discount on massage oil etc. She will advertise this in the Hathian Observer. I will recruit regularly and conduct IC interviews when needed /when players would like this for rp. I will tweet promotions. For staff side -Lexi will try to promote team building by regular staff downtime at the TT or other establishments. She can use her contacts on the campus to tie in rp with CU /CD -perhaps offer student discount.

OTHER:Anyone who has been part of my previous rp group will understand I like to encourage a group cohesion, and for everyones views and ideas to be heard. I used to regularly ask for ideas and implement them to give all players a sense of belonging to a group, and part of its development. Any characters which come up with good ic ideas, Lexi implements and gives credit where it is due, and promotes people in her group where it is deserved. I am not interested in a power trip but making an enjoyable rp story for all 🙂

July 6, 2012 at 12:14 am
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July 6, 2012 at 1:45 am
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July 6, 2012 at 5:58 pm
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July 6, 2012 at 6:03 pm
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July 6, 2012 at 6:28 pm
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July 6, 2012 at 8:42 pm
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July 6, 2012 at 8:59 pm
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July 6, 2012 at 9:17 pm
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July 7, 2012 at 8:32 pm
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