[Business] Butcher Shop – Saintly Frakture

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Butcher's Shop

By Saintly Frakture

TYPE: CD Official Business

SLURL: Hathian

BACKGROUND: I think the Butcher's Shop could be pulled into a more underground and interesting feel. My character's depth of darkness would mean he would allow for people to bring him the remains of their "troubles" and he'd dispose of them. That's just on the underside, dark as it is, to the business. On the surface, he would be managing and running the shop in order to introduce Hathian to a new level of "farm grown" produce and delicatessen. They would hold BBQ events, tastings of new meats and employees could slide into the darker side of what their boss has planned or they can simply indulge their inner chef.

UNIQUE: Hathian is filled with chaos and crime and a lot of thick destruction permeates the streets. You have gangs and you have bodies and parts all over the place but there's never a person to help with all of that... mess. My character doesn't want to choose a side, he just wants to play in the muck with the rest of the psychopaths while keeping to himself. Will work happen? Of course. Will people be suspicious of his dealings? I sure hope so. What I can promise is it will be entertaining for employees and citizens alike.

EXPERIENCE:I've roleplayed with a great many of the people of Hathian in the past several years. I hadn't been back since the rebuild and now that I have, I really want to dig in deep and bring a bit of the homespun crazy back where it began.

IDEAS:Just like you'd see in a gang, new employees are going to have to get their hands dirty and help with the mess. This isn't like stocking shelves, they're going to have to mop up animal blood and get really used to the smells and sights of carnage. What can they learn while being there? How to be a proper cook and prepare their choice cuts by the Master himself.

OTHER:We would put together a BBQ block party where people can come and enjoy the meats that my character would import in. Maybe there'd be a bit of ugly thrown into their pit sauce but, you know, what fun would it be if a few people didn't taste something a bit "gamey" in their BBQ?

August 11, 2014 at 6:16 pm
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August 11, 2014 at 9:34 pm
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Ninade Core


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August 12, 2014 at 9:59 am
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Voltiel Rassir


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August 12, 2014 at 10:21 am
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Voltiel Rassir


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August 12, 2014 at 4:41 pm
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August 12, 2014 at 11:46 pm
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