[BUSINESS] Bail Enforcement Agency of Hathian

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DATE: 03/14/12

PROPOSAL BY: Remy Follet

GROUP NAME: Bail Enforcement Agency Of Hathian

TYPE: Agency catering to Bail Enforcement Officers.

SLURL: Teleport

BACKSTORY: The BEAH is company that exists in support of the American judicial system. Our efforts are directed toward bringing fugitives to justice. All investigations and apprehensions we conduct are done in a tactful and professional manner. Working within Hathian Civil Services as a fully registered and licenced Bail Enforcement Agency. We serve as the sole contract provider for legally licensed Bail Enforcement Agents operating within the city of Hathian. We understand many Bail Enforcement Agents supplement their income with other freelance work too and we provide contracts for such work between the agency and private citizens. Our office provides agent contracts for the following. ~ Fugitive Recovery ~ Property seizure ~ Private Investigations ~ Personal Security REQUIREMENTS Louisiana state law makes it a criminal offense to bounty hunt with out a license. The Bail Enforcement Agency is a division of the Louisiana Department Of Insurance. In order to be licensed you need to be a registered member of the Bail Enforcement Agency. Over 18 years of age Not served a prison sentence. Not be a fugitive Be a citizen of the USA There is a 200 dollar registration fee. CONTRACTS The Agency provides several contract types FUGITIVE RECOVERY ONE : BAIL ENFORCEMENT: A bail bond contract is issued by a bail bondsman to recover fugitives who have skipped bail conditions. A bail bond contract is between the agency via the bail bonds agency in Hathian 24 hour pawn store. FUGITIVE RECOVERY TWO : CAPIAS A capias is a legal writ issued by a judge, authorizing law enforcement personnel to apprehend an individual and take that person into custody. A capias is an important legal and law enforcement tool. There are a number of different kinds of warrants available for use, and in addition to being executed by law enforcement, such writs can also be carried out by people like bounty hunters. any warrant which is over three days old is considered an open bounty. The contract exists between the agency and The City Of Hathian Judicial System. PROPERTY SEIZURE: A property seizure contract is a contract between the agency and private citizens who have legally obtained an order from the District Attorney to seize property from another citizen. An agent following this type of contract is known as a bailiff PRIVATE INVESTIGATION. A private investigation contract exists between the agency and a private citizen. Private investigations cover -simple- cases such as lost pets, or looking for missing persons, or finding cheating spouses. They do not investigate active criminal cases, though cases that have been declared -cold- may be investigated. Private investigators are often hired in such a capacity when friends or family feel justice has not been done. They do NOT make arrests, they just gather evidence and paper work to make a case. They can then turn over their investigative work to a prosecution agency for a -civil- hearing. PERSONAL SECURITY: A personal security contract exists between the agency and a private citizen. A personal security contract is a body guarding contract and only covers the person named in the contract. It does not cover premises or associates. It does not provide protection against police. EXTENT OF LEGAL POWERS: Active Agents may apprehend and detain fugitives who have been marked an open bounty by the agency.((such warrents are automatically generated by the HPD system, warrent must be 3 days old, fugative -must- be ooc consenting to it being actioned)) As a warrant has been issued, the agent is allowed to gain access to property owned by the fugitive. Local Police are to be -informed- if you are to enter a property, You do -not- require permission, of the police, permission has already been given by the courts. ((however the golden rule of consent is the one that must be followed, just because it is IC legal, does not mean it is OOC welcome, Negotiate the scenerio but do be sure to respect a -no- answer)) Agents who are acting in a private investigator, Personal security, Property Seizure mode are civilians and have no more legal powers than the rest of Hathian. In the case of Property Seizure they may call a police officer to assist them in executing their duty. UNIFORM Bail Enforcement Agents are not required to wear a uniform. However it is a legal requirement that they have a "Bail Enforcement Agent" badge and clearly labeled item of clothing. WEAPONS. All crack den gun rules apply. bail enforcement agents MAY open carry firearms in the same manner that the police and corrections officers do so long as they have qualified for crack den firearm use via the proper ooc channels. FUGITIVE RECOVERY PROCEDURES In order to protect yourself and the agency from litigation you must follow this simple chain in order to subdue a fugitive. Golden Rule. Consent must be gained oocly from the fugitive. Legal procedure. 1. You must be clearly identifiable as a Bail Enforcement Officer. This means marked clothing and a badge. You may not -cruise- in Bail Enforcement Gear. You may only wear it when you are making ready to apprehend a fugitive. This means you may only open carry and wear the gear when you are making ready to -apprehend- your bounty. 2. You will call the Hathian Police Department and make clear your intent to apprehend a fugative. You do not require permission from the police but to protect yourself and the agency You must notify the station directly, not 911 though. Seek out the Dispatch Position for the time being and notify them, they -will- inform other units so they do not arrest you. 3. Order of Force in apprehension. A. Verbal commands to the fugitive. B. Bare Hand. C. Non Lethal Weapons D. Firearm. Never move to step D if the subject is unarmed. Firearm use is strictly regulated. 4. After you have apprehended the fugitive you will notify the police immediately via contacting the police station dispatch position. If no officer is available you may detain the suspect at the current location, move them to the agency or escort them to the station. If the suspect requires urgent medial attention call 911. In a situation where there is no officer available, you should update the police every 2 hours. ((The two hours is IC time, If you want to mess around with your catch, the two hours expires when the scene does, We know that OOC and IC 2 hours are very different )) 5. At no stage are you to read Miranda rights or claim to be making an arrest. If you really need a script you can always say the following. "I am Bail Enforcement Agent ((Your characters surname )) Executing a warrant for ((Fugitives name)) on behalf of City Of Hathian Judicial System ((or 24 Hour Pawn Bail Bonds)) So long as you identify yourself as a Bail Enforcement Officer, and explain that you are executing a warrant for the named individual on behalf of the employer ((24 hour pawn bail bonds or the City Of Hathian Judicial System)) at no stage use the word "Arrest" 6. At no time may you -enlist- "help" from an unlicened party. The only people legally allowed to assist in apprehending a fugative are other licenced bounty hunters or the police. "Help" means -aid- in apprehending the fugative. An outsider -may- "Assist" in keeping others at bay, but the "Apprehension" is soley the duty of the Bail Enforcement Officer. OOC REMINDER: Agents are not the police in any capacity. Police investigate current cases. Police make incident reports. Police do stings and license checks. Police respond to crimes in progress and patrol. Agents have a lot less power than the police Agents are are just civilians with a license. Though they may defend themselves from civilian harm, they can not detain civilians, only fugitives that warrants exist for. If you want to do police work, join the HPD. DISCIPLINE. IC discipline is purely for IC purposes. 1st breach of rules = Verbal warning. 2nd breach of rules = License Suspension. 3rd breach of rules = License cancellation with no hope of recovery. No ARMY or Private Military Company types of avatars will be permitted. If it looks like a full uniform rather than an eclectic assembly you will find your license revoked. Try to keep with the theme of Bounty Hunters.

UNIQUE: The bussiness will provide the civilian with oppurtunities not currently available to them. Such as Private Investigations, Balifs, Body Guards. We will also be trying to get the bail bonds held by the pawn store more active and into greater play. Currently Bail Bonds are under utilized and not even understood to what a good and -cheaper- option they are. Bail Bonds -do- of course come with a down side, and that is bounty hunters. Which the agency provides. The agency of course also provides -work- for Agents of the Agency.. The type of person who identifies as the lone wolf type. The agency is not a gang of ranks nor a bussiness of ranks. There is of course a boss who can hire and fire, but the idea of chains of command and paper work and standing unified as a -gang- are not on the table. The Agency provides work for those with skills, who may otherwise be lacking in social skills and discipline. The agency is not a -family- a gang or a group, it is a bussiness which provides work for licenced freelancers. The licence for -bail enforcement, fugative recovery and balif- is only through the agency... however there may be competion for Private Investigations and Body Guarding through the private sector. The "group" roles are as follows SENIOR AGENT:The boss of the agency. Is responsible for issuing and revoking Agent licenses. He is also as the name implies an Agent too. AGENT LIAISON : Notifies Agents of Contract and Liaises with civil service departments and private citizens. This is not an Agent role, but merely a seceteral role. AGENT :Carries out contracts.

EXP:I was a sim admin on another successful sim as well as a builder. I had four years experience and actually started my avatar off in the crack den when it was a skybox run by lilbit and Paulo. I believe strongly in the idea of -fun- for all and negotiation. I have no problem in disciplining those in the group who fail to take others into account. I do realize that we will not be able to fufil all contracts as there are those who just want to NPC their existance. Through communication with the civil services, HPD and Pawn Store I believe this group can add an extra element to Crack Den Roleplay. Bounty Hunters are notorious for going in half cocked and roughing up catches, even making mistaken catches. We are prepared for lawsuits IC.

IDEAS:We would like to run bounty hunting seminars during the intial opening, though we realise we can only have 5 agents during trail...we can explain that ICLY though. We would also be open to -apprehend and lose- cases.. This means setting up a deal with criminals to -apprehend- a warrent, and "accidentelly" have them "Stolen" from our custody in an "ambush" by criminals.. Of course what that means is... now if you icly have a warrent out on you, it might not mean going to jail, it might mean you end up delivered into the clutches of another gang... We expect a -little- friendly rivallry with the HPD when it comes to apprehensions. Imagine a swat team arriving only to find the bounty hunter sipping a glass of bourbon, smoking a cigarette with their feet up on the couch and the fugative cuffed to the radiator. Of course the PD has a 3 day head start on any warrents,but this allows the PD to essentially -delegate- warrents. Instead of goose hunting.

OTHER:* OOCly and ICly collaborate with 24 hr pawn shop and the OOC leads of HPD so that the notion of bail bonds can be actually utilized. Bounty Hunters will have following limitations, during the trail phase which can be ICly be explained by financial setbacks or shipping issues of gear: * No body armor of any kind may be worn (once trial is passed, body armor will only be allowed when a physical apprehension is being made. the excuse of, "Well, I’m looking for them or on duty" will not be accepted - the reasoning behind this is simple. We don't need more people finding reasons to wear Kevlar all day long. * For trial period a limit of 5 Bounty Hunters in the group will be held. This will help in making sure Bounty Hunters are screened wisely and will help limit any OOC issues that come from kinks that may need to be worked out. Once trial is passed, the limit will be lifted, but we'd like the group to never exceed 12 (the current gang limit) so quality can be retained. As stated before, we are not looking for -army or private miltary companies- Bounty hunters are notirously -lone wolf- opperators.. they tend to only -group- when the -bounty- is particularlly -high- the logic is simple.. More bounty hunters on a particular target, the lesser the share in the bounty. Contracts for body guards is limited to one guard per contract.. in the balif capacity, more -muscule- may be hired.

March 15, 2012 at 3:12 am
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piper rewell


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March 16, 2012 at 12:55 am
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March 16, 2012 at 2:49 am
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March 16, 2012 at 3:43 am
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March 16, 2012 at 4:13 am
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March 18, 2012 at 6:05 am
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March 18, 2012 at 2:19 pm
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March 18, 2012 at 3:30 pm
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March 20, 2012 at 1:17 am
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