Bad Role Playing – What’s your take?

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This topic contains 12 replies, has 9 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of jasmine-slade-md jasmine-slade-md 13 years, 7 months ago.

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Profile photo of missudimo



Hey guys!

I literally just ran away from a scene because I got incredibly turned off it for a few reasons.
(I invite you to rip me to pieces if you feel the need to)

1 - The OOC talking in main chat.

I wont post the persons name in here because that would hardly be friendly.
Quite simply her character pulled out a whip and started attacking a fellow character with it.
My reply IC was.
[22:27] Amelia frowns and moves completly, wagging a finger at Kako "No, no you do not speak to people like that. It's not very polite at all you know." She gives one firm nod of finality before bringing a finger up to scratch at her right cheek, for the most part she was still anyway, besides the occasional rocking on her heels and scratching at am itch or rebutting against the Raven bird. Amelia raises a brow at the whip that was pulled out, of where she couldn't fathom and she takes a good step away from her giving her a weary look unsure whether to run away or squeel, or both ...

Then she replied

[22:28] :: Their Name OOC :: i was wearing it the entire time...

Then I replied. Pretty much in a nutshell that I was IC. And that she should be too.

[22:28] Amelia: ((IC))
Now I didn't overreact to it, and I'm not now (okay maybe a bit. but I'm in vent land right now.), just putting across my intense dislike of what happened.
To me, that one line was quite un-necessary, I hadn't IM'd her claiming that she couldn't possibly have had it on her, nor did I make any OOC comment in chat claiming not to have understood where it came from.

I took it to OOC chat to get peoples perspectives. And found many people mentioned they might correct themselves in OOC brackets, or make a comment regarding something funny, which is fair enough, I do the same every now and them. To me though that was very much a "Uhm, you're an idiot I had it the whole time, your character should have totally seen it even though not once did I mention it previously."

2 - Not actually reading what I wrote

I wont post this part here because it's long.
The jist of it was though...

Me: bla bla bla. My char smells like honey.
Her: Bla bla bla, the other char smells like an overwhelming basket of fruit.

Now this isn't the first time it's happened to me, unfortunately recently it's happened a few times and I don't really understand why. Honey does not smell like fruit no matter who you are. Not only that but I never said the smell was overwhelming. It just baffled the hell out of me.

And no, I didn't correct her because quite frankly I thought I had been clear enough. It's not my job to re-iterate my role play for lazy people. If she'd blatantly God Modded the hell out fo me then yes, I'd have IM'd her and been all "Yo, I didn't just blow up fifty balloons and hand them out with candy to old people." < -- Just an example. 3 - The unrealistic insanity

May I first state that I think everyone should have full control over their character and how they want to create said character.

BUT... There have been an overwhelming amount of insane people recently. And I don't mean one or two frustrated kids with undies for hats. I mean murderous "Vallains" from a Batman movie type of insane. Completly unrealisticly played.

It's getting to the point where those people are maiming my role play experience in CD. YES CD is an adult Role Play sim. NO it is not a latex fantasy sim where everyone is a dominatrix and just does shit for the hell of it.

That is what those people are, their characters don't seem to have any kind of usefulness to them, no real depth and all they do is stab people and lick blood off walls. In one week I have had four experiences like that. That's nearly every time I'm in CD.

I'm usually really open with my limits, I love a good surprise, but a good surprise is a thug mugging you on the roll home, maybe a person shop lifting in store. Being held up. Being raped in an alley way. When it gets to the point where EVERYONE is stabbing and or being stabbed it just gets boring, like so so boring.

I am at the point where if I even suspect someone is going to stab me or cut me or throw something at me again I am going to pull out a machete and ask politely if I could cut their stomach open every second day and see how they like it.

And if they ask where I got the machete from I'll say "I had it on me the whole time ..."


June 10, 2011 at 6:16 am
Profile photo of missudimo



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June 10, 2011 at 8:02 am
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June 10, 2011 at 9:52 am
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June 10, 2011 at 12:11 pm
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June 10, 2011 at 9:51 pm
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June 10, 2011 at 10:36 pm
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June 12, 2011 at 3:18 am
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