Columtreal University

A college roleplay community in Second Life

From fraternities, sororities to faculty, create your own character and enjoy college roleplay this campus town. Columtreal is an extension of the Crack Den, a collection of regions dedicated to urban-noir roleplay and artisan living.

Glimpse of Campus Life on Flickr

FreeSpeechCD Cheer Squad April 2024
New Look!CD Cheer Squad April 2024
go lootersCD Cheer Squad April 2024

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Recently Active Members

Profile picture of Helen Rowley
Profile picture of XenaXerxes Resident
Profile picture of Cain
Profile picture of BryceCanden Resident
Profile picture of Paradoxical Harmony
Profile picture of Ashieusernameexists Resident
Profile picture of Propane Rage
Profile picture of Yummy Tamale
Profile picture of Shella Keen
Profile picture of Airika Bae
Profile picture of MissNoah Littlepaws
Profile picture of Jono Genesis
Profile picture of Jeffery Resident
Profile picture of Zofia Lewandowska
Profile picture of Fern Chesterwood