Charlie Bundy
Great idea, Kaidn will do well here!
Great idea, Kaidn will do well here!
Annika is great at generating rp I think she would be a good fit for the Bakery.
Do you like lazy jobs where nothing at all exciting happens? Well this is not the place. We are now hiring security guards and clerks who are interested in a sense of danger. It is never a dull moment at the clam!
Come in today and fill out an application!
Just ask for Charlie.
Do you like lazy jobs where nothing at all exciting happens? Well this is not the place. We are now hiring Security guards for people who like danger, and clerks who like a sense of danger. It is never a dull moment at the clam!
Come in today and fill out an application!
Jess is great, she’ll do well in this role.
Buffy is great, I am sure she will do well with this idea!
Thank you everyone for the kind words, it’s greatly appreciated. Thanks for the support!
Sounds like a great idea, Good luck!
I am no longer a member of the vipers, I am a free agent. 🙂 @Atsuko this will be my own thing.
Rosie is a great rper she will be a good fit for the slab, she already has butcher experience! XD
Sounds like a great idea, good luck!
I like the idea, Wilbur is a great rper and could do some amazing and funny things with this group!
Sounds like a great idea!
Great idea.
Love this idea!
Great group of people, very friendly OOC and great RPers.