active 1 month, 1 week ago
  • 1 month, 2 weeks ago

    Lindsey Fae

    This is such an awesome idea, especially with how much people use their phones and electronics. A place to come get repairs, fixes to viruses and upgrades would be awesome and a place that I would really love to work at — given my character’s techy nature.

    I really hope this proposal gets approved because I think it would offer some great RP and…[Read more]

  • 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Lindsey Fae

    This sounds like it would have a bunch of potential for interesting RP and some real fun along the way. I really like this! I want to see this happen. The idea is so cool and I love the whole thing with the bad bot reviews xD very well thought out and useful for sure.

    10/10 would get tricked into a surprise skydiving trip and kicked out of the plane!

  • 5 months ago

    Lindsey Fae

    Started the topic Hi, I'm Lindsey in the forum Introductions 5 months ago

    Hi, I’m Lindsey. I’m 21 from the East coast. I recently enrolled at Columtreal University, and I found a job as a server at Rock Hard Boba. In my spare time I like to stream cute games and romantic visual novels which has gotten me a modest amount of followers. I’m bubbly, loyal and kind though a little shy, but I’m happy to be here.