kyouki luv

active 3 years, 11 months ago
  • 6 years, 6 months ago

    Kyouki Luv

    kyouki luv replied to the topic Kyouki's Diary in the forum City Life 6 years, 6 months ago

    So i think i finally decompressed enough to finally report on what the fuck happened at the BDSM Club.

    Hell of a way to start an entry.

    So i met a guy.  He was in teh middle of a conversation and I couldn’t help but interject myself when i realized they were talking about sex.  well, sex education topics?  The kid who works at the Grind is ki…[Read more]

  • 6 years, 6 months ago

    Kyouki Luv

    i’m all for this 😀  I’d like to see some later classes as well and maybe weekend seminars/Lectures for folks who can’t log in during the week?


    Saturday Seminar – Racism in History – A study of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn or Why Jim should’a dumped that white boy in the gotdam river.

    Saturday Lecture – The Video Cart – A nostalgic…[Read more]

  • 6 years, 7 months ago

    Kyouki Luv

    kyouki luv replied to the topic Kyouki's Diary in the forum City Life 6 years, 7 months ago

    ((slightly different format, trying it out))

    She locked the door behind her as she came back home.  She stepped out of her sneakers and into her fluffy house slipper as she moved into the middle of the studio space, looking around to make sure there wasn’t anyone hiding inside.  A mental tally… Nicky was at work, probably counting gauze pads o…[Read more]

  • 6 years, 7 months ago

    Kyouki Luv

    replied to the topic Kyouki's Diary in the forum City Life 6 years, 7 months ago

    Happy wednesday, my diary.

    I had a bit of a cold this week but it gave me an excuse to stay in and work on my course plan.  I contacted a school based in California that offers a doctorate of Clinical Sexology and they said they loved my plan and my gumption for wanting to get started asap in Hathian… but it would still take at least a m…[Read more]

  • 6 years, 7 months ago

    Kyouki Luv

    replied to the topic Kyouki's Diary in the forum City Life 6 years, 7 months ago

    Happy wednesday, my diary.

    I had a bit of a cold this week but it gave me an excuse to stay in and work on my course plan.  I contacted a school based in California that offers a doctorate of Clinical Sexology and they said they loved my plan and my gumption for wanting to get started asap in Hathian… but it would still take at least a m…[Read more]

  • 6 years, 7 months ago

    Kyouki Luv

    Before I start, I am not currently an employee of WKRK and I just woke up with this idea today, posted about it on Twitter and in the OOC chat and people seem to be responding to it, so I have an idea for expanding on it.

    I am not set up to actually DJ in the sense of taking over the stream on-sim and playing music.  I also rarely use the stream…[Read more]

  • 6 years, 7 months ago

    Kyouki Luv

    ((if you want to follow my daily adventures, follow me on twitter @Kyouki_CD))

    Fresh diary, new day!  This is to be a place where I catalog my interactions with others because my memory is pretty terrible.

    Yesterday I ran into Alexandria on the street and I apologized for my inappropriate behavior on twitter. I had a good chat with my brother a…[Read more]

  • 6 years, 7 months ago

    Kyouki Luv

    Hey Yall,

    I’ve finally retired Sarah Blaisdale and have made the switch to Kyouki <3

    Kyouki is… 18.  self-confident, well educated, but stuck in the mindset of a girl who wants to be famous, loved, acknowledged.  she seeks attention and people who will shower her with praise.  she is kinda of manipulative as well, in that she changes how sh…[Read more]