4 days, 7 hours ago
2 months ago
Eira MacKenna
3 months ago
Eira MacKenna
Syd is one of the best candidates for the club to me because it’s what she actually does. She’s a dj, she’s in clubs on SL all the time and knows how to turn what she’s seen there into something epic here for us. She’s got a huge support around her and has connections not just in BW but in CD as well. She’s fun, she’s welcoming and she is…[Read more]
3 months, 3 weeks ago
Eira MacKenna
5 months ago
Eira MacKenna
‘knows what she wants and goes after it’ man, now those are truer words never spoken about Ava XD but thats exactly the type of mindset you need for a business, especially when I know it won’t step in the way of empathy which I know Ava and her writer have. I’m very interested to see where you take it, I’m thrilled to see some exciting things…[Read more]
5 months ago
Eira MacKenna
I can not tell you how thrilled am I at the idea of V.V getting the attention and love it deserves. Especially the idea of it not being associated with anyone particular. V.V was my first real home here in Lavaue and it deserves to be a hub for everyone and to fill that role and need in all groups. It deserves to be filled with life and the type…[Read more]
5 months ago
Eira MacKenna
lol if there is anyone at all in BW that could rock that dispensary with the right type of vibe its Eugene. I think the only one that smells more of weed than Eira, is Eugene! XD only makes sense that he run the place! Plus the npc outside? I mean come on, the place just screams Eugene lol
5 months, 2 weeks ago
Eira MacKenna
5 months, 2 weeks ago
Eira MacKenna
5 months, 4 weeks ago
Eira MacKenna
I am indeed incredibly lucky to have such an amazing support group and I hope to only widen that circle as time goes on! Hell was an amazing teacher and I hope only to do her justice!
5 months, 4 weeks ago
Eira MacKenna
And the other of my friends that has helped me so much. Thank you for the support you have always shown and the kindness and patience you showed in being my first little assignment as manager of Barra’s XD valuable lesson number 1…don’t approach without ducks in a row lol
5 months, 4 weeks ago
Eira MacKenna
Too late, done seen it! XD But thank you, like Hell, I wouldn’t be anywhere in Lavaue without your support too! It means a lot to know your at my back
5 months, 4 weeks ago
Eira MacKenna
lol thank you Athena! It means the world to have your support and if I can get the guys…I can get you just have to find the right blackmail 😉
5 months, 4 weeks ago
Eira MacKenna
I will never be able to thank you enough Hell, for all your support and kindness and all that you’ve taught me over the nearly time I’ve been able to get to know you. It’s an honor that you would even think of me as someone to trust with something like this. I will strive my best to make you proud!
6 months ago
Eira MacKenna
7 months, 2 weeks ago
Eira MacKenna
I think Syd would be great as lead here. Not only is she dedicated but she’s also fun and would bring a certain flair to the place. I might even test the food that comes out of that van if I know she’s in charge…probably not but might!
1 year ago
Eira MacKenna
10 years, 8 months ago
Eira MacKenna
10 years, 8 months ago
Eira MacKenna
11 years, 8 months ago
Eira MacKenna
Oh I really hope this idea goes through! It will be so exciting! I could see a lot of people going there, one because it is new so that will draw for awhile, but also because theres so many things that a person would be able to roleplay, so many various storylines! As I said I really think this is a good idea and I hope it goes through ^.^ May the…[Read more]
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