Calanthral Falodir
8 months ago
8 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
9 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
11 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
11 months, 3 weeks ago
Calanthral Falodir
I think I have addressed all concerns here, questions and criticisms thus far.
Using statements like “It just feels like you are being overly defenssive” is not making a respectful argument of any value in a discussion, but simply to throw mud, while making it look like you are the bigger person, and I personally find that pretty…[Read more]
11 months, 4 weeks ago
Calanthral Falodir
My role in this thread is a simple one. I have to answer to criticisms and questions that players wish for me to elaborate on. Beyond the proposal itself, I bring little new information, and remain reactive to the posts.
You chose to base your lines questions on a foundation of assumptions that led to a faulty context, and when we try and…[Read more]
11 months, 4 weeks ago
Calanthral Falodir
The you misunderstood what I wrote, or I didn’t make it clear enough.
My approach to running something, whther its the Harlots, The Wiener Wagon, the cake figure role as The Dean of CU, anything really is ultimately the same.
I focus solelely on creating an inviting roleplay atmoshpere that players will want to interact with eachother in. I…[Read more]
11 months, 4 weeks ago
Calanthral Falodir
I’d also like to point out that saying ooc’yly that the Harlots have tried to control businesses is untrue. That stems from an IC misudnerstanding made by a player unaffiliated with the Harlots. So to state that as an ooc absolute, is just wrong.
11 months, 4 weeks ago
Calanthral Falodir
You need to look at how you are writing things, as it comes off as OOC animosity, evne if tagged as IC, as it seems to be based on assumptions and heresay. We don’t recognize it as being negative or positive, it’s just a natural progression of roleplay. . If something is considered a lot, or negative, is in the eye of the beholder, and you don’t…[Read more]
12 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
I don’t see any challenges in people getting treated differently, no matter who they are what their character concept is. The Wiener Wagon is open to anyone as a workplace, but granted – they should be able to tolerate random nudity and the like.
To my knolwedge the Harlots haven’t attacked any bourbon street workers, nor is it really all…[Read more]
1 year, 2 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
1 year, 2 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
What is Crack Den without A crack whore on bourbon street, its a no brainer really, and should be the poster AI of the sim.
1 year, 3 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
1 year, 3 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
1 year, 3 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
Whether you figure stuff out before or after the proposal is approved matters little to me, just that you will. Still I get the feeling its little more than a social group. If you look at how BiX / Tri-Delta built up the introdiuctions notecards, I’d say at least match that in some way.
That’s just my 2 cents.
1 year, 3 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
Reading this, and while agreeing Campus needs a fraternity, it also seems at the same time the only thoguht that has been put into this is “lets have one so we can be social” and not much else.
What are the overall theme of this fraternity, traditions and so on?
1 year, 3 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
Reading this, and while agreeing Campis needs a fraternity, it also seems at the same time the only thoguht that has been put into this is “lets have one so we can be social” and not much else.
What are the overall theme of this fraternity, traditions and so on?
1 year, 3 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
What are the overall theme of this fraternity, traditions and so on?
1 year, 3 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
It can be solved with dice for simplicity.
1 year, 3 months ago
Calanthral Falodir
Hathian Boxing League – A CU/Private business proposal by Carly Cox
Background: I have been interested in how Fame works in the CD universe for a long time, and why Sports in the CD universe haven’t really taken a place in day-to-day roleplay scenes, despite there being several hardworking Sports Team at CU trying to achieve this. I have…[Read more]
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