AaronPattenaude Resident
He’s been distilling and aging his bourbon on residential properties (first at the university and now the house directly next to Seaside school) for years. AKA I’ve been wasting prims on stacked barrels for years. 😉
He’s been distilling and aging his bourbon on residential properties (first at the university and now the house directly next to Seaside school) for years. AKA I’ve been wasting prims on stacked barrels for years. 😉
This is not a liquor store. This is a book rental store. That may or may not have booze. Aaron would have no desire to see his booze in any other commercial establishment… unless he could somehow get it into the CU Library.
I like araerris’s idea about using books to pass notes.
Aaron’s bourbon is a very high-end booze – a bourbon intended for sipping neat rather than mixing with things. He distills three different types of bourbon – an every day sipper, a bitter cherry bourbon intended for women to drink (which he also uses frequently as something to drop a…[Read more]
This sounds like a great idea and it gets my sign of approval.