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Hathian Police Department

Public Group  |  active 2 weeks ago ago

The Den’s Largest Gang. Upholding the law of Hathian with absolute corruption.

"To the Major"

This topic contains 14 replies, has 8 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Nadir Taov Nadir Taov 15 years, 6 months ago.

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Profile photo of Kyben Ferraris

kyben ferraris


To "The Major", Hathian Police Department

I have been advised to write to you because I am dissatisfied with the "CD Police Department" group.

I originally came to - and have for quite some time now - played in CD, and enjoyed my roleplay. Unfortunately, while I do enjoy my roleplay, having to continually answer to people about my scenes is becoming tiresome.

While I can respect rules, and see that they are in place for a reason being to prevent abuse and discontent of some people, I do believe they are taken too seriously and need to be relaxed. We are adults and this is a mature / adult roleplaying sim. That said, people should be expected to act as adults, but, we seem to be constantly treated as children and expected to answer for everything we do.

We are governed by people who may just be trying to do 'their job', but in doing that, it only ever seems to be in a negative light. Per the group charter and role definitions, Sergeants may promote officers, now I was unable to do this and sent Mmax Doesburg (Lieutenant) a notecard. After 14 days I had recieved no reply. The notecard I sent was simple and requested a box is unticked, and another box is ticked on the group charter.

However, within minutes of Mmax Doesburg logging in, I was asked by someone in the raid who I was talking to for the duration who authorised it and told that it was 'Mmax' asking. I must question why Mmax could not come direct to me and ask, and whether there had been a complaint, or what the actual story behind this all was. I didn't answer the question and instead, I told this person that Mmax should contact me direct rather than potentially losing information in Chinese whispers.

That said, not long after, while I was conducting the raid that had the explicit consent over 24 hours prior of all persons involved, including that of the homeowner, I was questioned on it in a very short, sharp manner. This is something I don't have a problem with had there been some sort of a complaint, however there hadn't been to my knowledge, and if there had, would it not be prudent that I was told so, then I could have altered the scene accordingly?

When I questioned Mmax on the fact that he was able to respond so promptly to my organised incident, and to my knowledge without a complaint, I was told that he recieves so many IM's a day that he can't deal with my request to promote someone, not can he reply, but when something major is happening such as a raid involving shotguns, it must be dealt with immediately. I was also told that he has the final say in promotions and similar.

Again, I can understand being busy, but if you are that busy that you can't coordinate the group, perhaps it's time to delegate? Or place faith in the Sergeants that are alledgedly there to provide a level of leadership. We are capable, and competent, and in a recent discussion with Nadir I was told that is why we're there, because we've proven ourselves as such.

Moving on, and perhaps this is less so an issue regarding the Police Department and moreso overall.

Today there was a scene involving a stolen vehicle. This scene was organised in character and wasn't just a case of the vehicle being stolen and driven around. To my knowledge, the owner had given consent and the roleplay had the intention for the 'offender' to be arrested was evident and expressed. The scene was done in a realistic fashion, however, towards the end when Ethaniel logged on, it was stated in the CD Police Department group chat that it was not allowed, that any stolen vehicle matters were to be dealt with in an out of character fashion by security and result in the banning or discipline of the 'offending party'. It was stated that persons without vehicle permits are not allowed to drive. I can respect this to some degree, but I would have to wonder if it would better if the case were that people without permits may not rez vehicles but may drive, however the vehicle owner would be held responsible for issues with the driving. Perhaps that's an issue for somewhere else though.

With these examples given, it is very disheartening that the Police Department needs to be questioned on every matter attended. There have been other instances, but these are the most prominent in my mind as they're the most recent.

I have other gripes, for example not being able to roleplay out the calls in CDRP chat; I can understand the lag and 'technology' issues it causes, but I also thing it restricts alot of potentially good roleplay and perhaps it should be something open for people to choose themselves?

I also have an issue with the way rules are enforced; in my eyes, there is a definition between in character, and out of character rules. For example, the Police Department dress standards should be an in character matter; piercings, 'hats' and such, they should be managed in character by Senior Officers and Sergeants, and I have done so, in character informing a rookie to get a hair cut, but when the issues are raised out of character then it restricts roleplay.

Yes, the Police Department in Hathian is a very restricted role, understandably so given they carry firearms and have the ability to detain people. I have no issues there, but when the leadership is clamping down and restricting things further, or (and I use the term lightly) 'harassing' members, including those that are alledgedly privvy to a position of power about their roleplay and whether things have been authorised, it does feel as though we aren't allowed to think for ourselves, and in most cases, it's innocent; we had consent, and obtained a warrant legitimately (I did have it authorised as well, despite my opinion the warrant is authorisation), so why do I need to be questioned on this?

In saying all of this, and I know it's long, I'm sorry, I really do appreciate what our Lieutenants do - Ethaniel in particular - The wiki, HPD guide, penal codes, everything is fantastic, I know it would've taken a huge amount of time, energy and patience to write and I think it's briliant, I appreciate it, even if it may not seem like I do, and I think people should take the time to look over what our leadership does do and appreicate that, but my point remains.

I'm not saying we should be able to run amock and do as we please, but we should be treated as adults. We should be allowed to think for ourselves, and not questioned, certainly not when we've been a part of the roleplay for so long, or when we've been given a position that holds power.

Unfortunately, I'm expecting responses to this saying 'If you don't like it, leave" or "These are the rules, grow up and follow them", admittedly yes, they should be followed but when they're negatively effecting someone's roleplay, perhaps it wouldn't be prudent to either take another look or review them? I love CD, and I don't want to leave, but I can see a way to improve things here, and to make alot of people happier.

And touching one last time on the fact that perhaps the Sergeants should be utilised in more fulfilling roles to take the burden off the Lieutenants if it is in fact the case that the Lieutenants are so busy they can't respond, or action a simple request.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and again, thank you to those that do make the HPD what it is; it is a well established organisation, but I think it could get better, and despite the overall negative tone of my post, that is because I'm unhappy with what's happened the last few days, and it's happened in the past, and the rules being what they are and enforced as they are do restrict things to varying degrees, as I've mentioned above.

For the last time, thank you, I know this is a long post and a senstive issue, but I really hope to see some positive replies.

Also, to anyone else posting, please can we keep this as civil and neutral as possible, and avoid any personal insults and uncalled for retorts.

Thanks 🙂

August 23, 2009 at 6:15 am
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August 23, 2009 at 6:49 am
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August 23, 2009 at 6:54 am
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August 23, 2009 at 7:03 am
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August 23, 2009 at 7:17 am
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August 23, 2009 at 1:59 pm
Profile photo of Nadir Taov

Nadir Taov


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August 23, 2009 at 5:58 pm
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