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Hathian Police Department

Public Group  |  active 2 months, 3 weeks ago ago

The Den’s Largest Gang. Upholding the law of Hathian with absolute corruption.

Serial Killings

This topic contains 29 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of jenny Anonymous 15 years, 8 months ago.

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Profile photo of ethaniel-morrisey



Nadir has asked me to find out and post this, in hope of trying to organise or encourage investigations into the serial killings lately.

We have a few questions to try and establish what has happened so far and what leads are available to follow up or that will assist the police in investigating. So what we would like to know is:

  1. What do you know IC about the muders?
  2. What do you know IC about the victims?
  3. What do you know IC about any other events related to the muders?

While this is what we understand to be the information available to the HPD regarding the victims and crime scenes:

  • Victim 1 - Audrey Noonan, not reported missing and no identification available IC'ly.
  • Victim 2 - Sian Ryan, not reported missing and discovery/identification possible.
  • Victim 3 - John Doe, not reported missing and no identification available IC'ly.
  • Victim 4 - Amber Luminos, not reported missing and no identification available IC'ly.
  • Victim 5a/Barrel 1 - John Doe ("one third of a liquefied human body: The feet, legs and genitals. Bone remains, broiled, but all fascia, connective tissue and fat have been boiled into a single stew of flesh"), not reported missing and no identification available IC'ly.
  • Victim 5b/Barrel 2- John Doe ("one third of a a liquefied human body: The arms, abdomen and thorax. Bone remains, broiled, but all fascia, organs, connective tissue and fat have been boiled into a single stew of flesh"), not reported missing and no identification available IC'ly.
  • Victim 5c/Barrel 3 - John Doe ("one third of a liquefied human body: chest, shoulders and head. Bone remains, broiled, but all fascia, organs, connective tissue and fat have been boiled into a single stew of flesh"), not reported missing and no identification available IC'ly.
  • Victim 6 - Franco Lombardi, the towel boy at CU, discovery/identification possible.

Murder 1 Evidence

Crime Scene:

  • Twenty Newport Light cigarettes, with saliva.
  • Death occurred on the roof of the hotel, and victim was carried to the location, suggesting a suspect with formidable physical strength.
  • Death occurred between the hours of 10pm and 3am.


  • Victim was 5'4", 110 lbs., 18 years of age, brunette, brown eyes.
  • Toxicology suggests injection of a tranquilizer about two hours prior to death.
  • Victim was burned by cigarettes about the face.
  • Victim was sexually assaulted, likely with a large object or hand.
  • Victim was eviscerated, leading to death.
  • Victim's breasts were removed and set on the Air Conditioner atop the hotel.
  • Victim was then thrown from the roof.

Murder 2 Evidence


  • The body shows ligature marks on the shoulders and thighs, suggesting a tourniquet. The tourniquet's impressions suggest it was rubber tubing. Pooling suggests the victim remained alive after the limbs were removed.
  • Cutting suggests the limbs were removed by several blows from a heavy, sharp object.
  • The feet of the body and the bottom of the torso have been cooked onto the grill.
  • Bites of a human and canine, with saliva, are present on the abdomen and breasts of the torso. Pooling suggests the victim was still alive at the time.
  • The thighs were re-attached to the shoulders of the torso by rusty trailer hitch spikes.
  • The body was partially disemboweled by a precise, very sharp blade. The intestines were then pulled out by hand. They were further pulled out and gnawed on by a medium-sized dog. Pieces were cut away by a blunt blade.
  • The head was partially hacked off by a heavy, sharp object to sever the spine, and then ripped off by hand.

Rubber Tubing:

  • This rubber tubing is covered in one type of blood.
  • The rubber tubing is the kind used in laboratories.

Wood Splinters:

  • This pile of wood splinters was wrenched from the doorframe of Gein Burger, indicating that the door was forced up by a pry bar- or crowbar-like object.


  • The cleaver had been dulled by repeated use.
  • It is covered with one type of blood.
  • There are no fingerprints on the weapon.

Murder 3 Evidence


  • The body appears male, and of medium age.
  • The body has been burned entirely through with lye.
  • The spinal cord of the victim is fractured just below the neck.

Murder 4 Evidence


  • The body is of a woman of 18-25 years of age.
  • The body has been impaled through the vagina, up through the abdominal cavity, through the diaphragm, through the chest cavity. The spike then pierced the esophagus, passed through the throat, shifted aside the tongue and exited from the mouth.
  • The victim died of suffocation from the spike filling the air passage, a process of some six minutes.
  • The victim has numerous brass office tacks pushed into her forehead and scalp in a circlet shape.
  • The victim has suffered multiple facial and chest contusions, from repeated strikes of a blunt object. Her face, neck and shoulders are nearly purple from bruising.
  • The victim had been shot up with a large dose of adrenaline, through the neck.
  • The victim has carved on her chest, with a narrow piece of hot wire:

    B00009P1MP 10

Crime Scene:

  • The spire is covered in blood from the victim.
  • The spire shows five deep puncture marks, half an inch in diameter. They resemble the size of pitons. There are three marks ascending the side of the steeple, and two at the spire. The punctures show stress, as if objects in them had been supporting a weight.
  • The spire pierced the body of the victim

Murder 5 Evidence

Drum 1:

  • This drum has been sealed by a metal clamp crushing the top of the drum onto the base.
  • The drum is slightly hot to the touch.
  • The drum contains one third of a liquefied human body: The feet, legs and genitals. Bone remains, broiled, but all fascia, connective tissue and fat have been boiled into a single stew of flesh.
  • The drum shows no burn marks on the outside.
  • The drum is connected to a filtered pipe, slowly draining its contents.

Bent Pipe 1:

  • This pipe is flowing from the drum into the building's water supply.
  • The pipe is filtered, straining out large chunks of matter and limiting the flow from the drum into the water supply.
  • The pipe is made of 60s-era building materials. The filter is modern, and not commonly used in household plumbing.
  • Accumulation suggests that the pipe has drained some 140 fluid ounces from the drum into the water supply.

Drum 2:

  • This drum has been sealed by a metal clamp crushing the top of the drum onto the base.
  • The drum is slightly hot to the touch.
  • The drum contains one third of a liquefied human body: The arms, abdomen and thorax. Bone remains, broiled, but all fascia, organs, connective tissue and fat have been boiled into a single stew of flesh.
  • The drum shows no burn marks on the outside.
  • The victim, judging by bone structure, appears to have been an adult male.
  • The drum is connected to a filtered pipe, slowly draining its contents.

Bent Pipe 2:

  • This pipe is flowing from the drum into the building's water supply.
  • The pipe is filtered, straining out large chunks of matter and limiting the flow from the drum into the water supply.
  • The pipe is made of 60s-era building materials. The filter is modern, and not commonly used in household plumbing.
  • Accumulation suggests that the pipe has drained some 120 fluid ounces from the drum into the water supply.

Drum 3:

  • This drum was once sealed to its lid by a clamp crimping down the edges of the lid to the drum, but steam has caused the lid to burst out..
  • The drum is hot to the touch.
  • Burns inside the drum suggest the victim was boiled inside this drum until liquefied. Scratches and suggest the victim was still alive during the initial rise of the temperature, trapped inside the sealed drum.
  • The drum contains one third of a liquefied human body: chest, shoulders and head. Bone remains, broiled, but all fascia, organs, connective tissue and fat have been boiled into a single stew of flesh.
  • The drum shows extensive burn marks on the outside, suggesting that the victim was boiled inside the drum over an open flame.
  • The victim, judging by bone structure, appears to have been an adult male.
  • The drum is connected to a filtered pipe, slowly draining its contents.

Bent Pipe 3:

  • This pipe is flowing from the drum into the building's water supply.
  • The pipe is filtered, straining out large chunks of matter and limiting the flow from the drum into the water supply.
  • The pipe is made of 60s-era building materials. The filter is modern, and not commonly used in household plumbing.
  • Accumulation suggests that the pipe has drained some 90 fluid ounces from the drum into the water supply.


  • This is a large spread of some 160 fluid ounces of melted human flesh, principally boiled fat and muscle.

Murder 6 Evidence


  • The body is of an 18-year old male. His identity is Franco Lombardi, towel boy for the CU Looters and a Philosophy major.
  • The body is bound by several towels from the CU Looters football team locker room.
  • Numerous contusions cover the body from the skull down to the gluteus. Lacerations are also present, including shallow puncture wounds. These appear to have been inflicted by small, narrow, regularly spaced metal objects, such as cleats.
  • Contusions and the complete fracture of the victim's skull, vertebral column and six ribs suggests tremendous force applied. This would suggest the victim was trampled to death.
  • Cause of death was organ damage due to blunt trauma to the head.


  • These are cleats from the CU Looters football team locker room.
  • The cleats are size 10-and-a-half.
  • The cleats are covered with drying blood, and many of the points are stuck with bits of flesh.
  • There is dried blood and drying blood inside the shoes.


  • These towels are from the CU Looters football team locker room.
  • These towels are the same as those found binding the body of the victim.
  • The towels have small flakes of dried blood in them.
April 3, 2009 at 1:28 pm
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April 3, 2009 at 1:47 pm
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April 3, 2009 at 1:59 pm
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April 3, 2009 at 2:19 pm
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April 3, 2009 at 2:55 pm
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April 3, 2009 at 3:02 pm
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April 3, 2009 at 3:37 pm
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Nadir Taov


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April 3, 2009 at 4:34 pm
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April 3, 2009 at 4:42 pm
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April 3, 2009 at 5:50 pm
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