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Hathian Police Department

Public Group  |  active 1 week, 5 days ago ago

The Den’s Largest Gang. Upholding the law of Hathian with absolute corruption.

Rookie Training / Training Officers – Discussion Thread

This topic contains 11 replies, has 11 voices, and was last updated by Profile photo of Alexander Brown vladislav ogrimund 11 years, 1 month ago.

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Profile photo of Jack Hartigan

Caleb Harcassle


We are seeing a lot of new faces around the department these days, which is always great news. Newcomers... or as they're soon to be called until they wanna poke their eardrums out, "Rookies," really in many cases make up the brunt out of police force. Everybody remembers their rookie days, when you didn't know a lick about being a cop in The Crack Den, and IC'ly you were so wet behind the ears it almost seemed like people didn't trust you to hold a pen correctly... but for the lifers in the department, they were the formative days that shaped you into the type of cop you play today.

The rookie period introduces you to the corruption of the HPD. It's that time when your character has to decide what path they will take - whether they will join the ranks of the "most powerful gang in Hathian," or whether they will take up the oath of the badge that so many have just dismissed. Sometimes it becomes difficult to figure out just how to develop into those roles and sometimes it's easy to fall to fast into one.

- How corrupt can my rookie be? Will they get in trouble?
- Who can my rookie trust if they're honest?
- What's this hat thingy on my HUD that I have no idea how to use?
- What to do with all this bail money?
- The station is comfy, I'll just stay here all day.

I say these in jest mostly, but they are legitimate questions our new brothers and sisters in arms have. So... enough Jack Hartigan ranting... the point

I'd like to start developing a more intensive Rookie Training program IC'ly. What does that mean? As new folks join the department, I'd like for us to be able to assign them a training officer. A simple task for our folks who wish to move up the ranks, Corporals and seasoned officers, who to be part of cultivating the new waves of HPD officers. What would it look like?

- A welcome message, IC, that's either held in person, via notecard (email), or im (phone call, memo, etc). Introducing yourself, letting them introduce themselves.
- 1 or 2 IC meetings throughout the rookies first 30 days to check their progress and report feedback that you have IC.
- An OOC sounding board for rookies, somebody they know. Keep in mind, I highly encourage all rookies to get to know all members of the HPD when they can from other Rookies, to Officers, to Corporals, Sergeants, and Lieutenant, but familiarity sometimes makes it easy to ask a question they may be iffy about.
- Pairing up people in similar time zones (broken into 8 hour blocks to increase the chance of bumping into each other). So it's possible some training officers would have more rookies than others, but it would be capped unless asked specifically not to.
- An IC meeting with a patrol Sergeant to discuss Rookies performance (who in turn will update the Lieutenant).

At this point I'm interested in your thoughts and feedback, whether you think this works or is overkill, or just another way for Jack to waste time looking all supafly in his house while being AFK. Look forward to responses.

December 20, 2013 at 9:58 am
Profile photo of Kyna MacMannus

Cookie Zero


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December 20, 2013 at 5:33 pm
Profile photo of Jack Hartigan

Caleb Harcassle


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December 20, 2013 at 6:33 pm
Profile photo of Cecilia Zamani

skye herriat


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December 21, 2013 at 2:59 pm
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